add some stuff

This commit is contained in:
Jeffrey Paul 2024-06-10 04:21:32 -07:00
parent d11270ff9d
commit e7548045be
1 changed files with 149 additions and 95 deletions

View File

@ -227,7 +227,8 @@
- `fmt.Stringer` is an interface for types that can convert
themselves to a string. Any type that implements the `String()
string` method satisfies this interface.
string` method satisfies this interface.
9. **`error`** instead of custom error types:
@ -305,19 +306,72 @@ string` method satisfies this interface.
42. Use `iota` to define enumerations in a type-safe way. This ensures that
the constants are properly grouped and reduces the risk of errors.
43. Don't hardcode big lists in your code. Either isolate lists in their own
module/package, or use a third party library. For example, if you need a
list of country codes, you can use
type HandScore int
const (
ScoreHighCard = HandScore(iota * 100_000_000_000)
Example 2:
type ByteSize float64
const (
_ = iota // ignore first value by assigning to blank identifier
KB ByteSize = 1 << (10 * iota)
43. Don't hardcode big lists of things in your normal code. Either isolate
lists in their own module/package and write some getters, or use a third
party library. For example, if you need a list of country codes, you can
It's okay to embed a data file (use `go embed`) in your binary if you
need to, but make sure you parse it once as a singleton and don't read
it from disk every time you need it. Don't use too much memory for
this, embedding anything more than perhaps 25MiB (uncompressed) is
probably too much. Compress the file before embedding and uncompress
during the reading/parsing step for efficiency.
44. When storing numeric values that represent a number of units, either
include the unit in the name, or use a type alias, or use a 3p library
such as
include the unit in the variable name (e.g. `uptimeSeconds`,
`delayMsec`, `coreTemperatureCelsius`), or use a type alias (that
includes the unit name), or use a 3p library such as
[]( for
SI/IEC byte units, or
[]( for
temperatures (and others). The type system is your friend, use it.
45. Once you have a working program, run `go mod tidy` to clean up your
`go.mod` and `go.sum` files. Tag a v0.0.1 or v1.0.0. Push your `main`
branch and tag(s). Subsequent work should happen on branches so that
`main` is "always releasable". "Releasable" in this context means that
it builds and functions as expected, and that all tests and linting
## Other Golang Tips and Best Practices (Optional)
1. When passing channels to goroutines, use read-only (`<-chan`) or