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Deploying to EC2
Amazon's EC2 isn't a great place to host a mail server. For one, you don't know if you'll get an IP address with a bad reputation from its previous owner. Also, setting reverse DNS requires a special request. But EC2 makes deployment easy, so it may at least be useful for testing.
Sign up for Amazon Web Services.
Create an Access Key at Download the key and save the information somewhere secure.
Set up your environment and paste in the two parts of your access key that you just downloaded:
sudo apt-get install ec2-api-tools
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY=your_access_key_id
export AWS_SECRET_KEY=your_secret_key
export AWS_AZ=us-east-1a
Here we're using the Ubuntu 13.04 amd64 instance-store-backed AMI in the us-east region. You can select another at
Generate a new "keypair" (if you don't have one) that will let you SSH into your machine after you start it:
ec2addkey mykey > mykey.pem
chmod go-rw mykey.pem
Then launch a new instance. We're creating a m1.small instance --- it's the smallest instance that can use an instance-store-backed AMI. So charges will start to apply.
source ec2/
It will wait until the instance is available.
You'll probably want to associate it with an Elastic IP. If you do, you'll need to update the INSTANCE_IP variable.
Log into the server:
ssh -i mykey.pem ubuntu@$INSTANCE_IP
Then follow the instructions in the main README.
If you were just testing and are ready to destroy your instance (and all data), run:
ec2-terminate-instances $INSTANCE