latest, still broken

This commit is contained in:
Jeffrey Paul 2018-11-01 00:14:13 -07:00
parent 33b759d15f
commit 32874cca63
Signed by: sneak
GPG Key ID: 052443F4DF2A55C2
4 changed files with 202 additions and 57 deletions

View File

@ -1,19 +1,14 @@
package main
type FetchedBlock struct {
blockNumber BlockNumber
data []byte
import "sync"
import log ""
import "encoding/json"
type App struct {
datastore SteemDataStorer
api *SteemAPI
currentNetworkBlockHeight BlockNumber
currentLocalBlockHeight BlockNumber
desiredFetcherThreads uint
wantBlocks []BlockNumber
fetchingBlocks []BlockNumber
fetchedBlocks *[]FetchedBlock
lock *sync.Mutex
@ -33,7 +28,6 @@ func (self *App) init(config *appconfig) {
self.api = NewSteemAPI(config.apiUrl)
self.datastore = NewSteemDataStore(config.redisUrl)
self.desiredFetcherThreads = config.fetcherThreads
self.lock = &sync.Mutex{}
@ -49,9 +43,10 @@ func (self *App) updateCurrentBlockHeight() {
func (self *App) main() {
log.Infof("steem block data fetcher starting up...")
func (self *App) numFetchers() uint {
defer self.lock.Unlock()
@ -141,20 +136,3 @@ func (self *App) fetchCurrentBlockHeight() BlockNumber {
return r.LastIrreversibleBlockNum
func (self *App) fetchBlockOps(blockNum BlockNumber) *[]byte {
r, err := self.api.GetOpsInBlock(blockNum)
if err != nil {
// just retry on error
// sloppy, but works
return self.fetchBlockOps(blockNum)
bytes, err := json.Marshal(r)
if err != nil {
count := len(*r)
log.Infof("got %d operations for block %d", count, blockNum)
return &bytes
//self.datastore.writeBlockOps(blockNum, bytes)

blockfetcher.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
package main
import "sync"
import log ""
type FetchedBlock struct {
blockNumber BlockNumber
error *error
blockData *[]byte
type BlockFetcher struct {
api *SteemAPI
desiredFetcherThreads uint
wantBlocks map[BlockNumber]bool
fetchingBlocks map[BlockNumber]bool
fetchedBlocks *[]FetchedBlock
lock *sync.Mutex
workChannel chan BlockNumber
resultsChannel chan *FetchedBlock
type BlockFetcherConfig struct {
api *SteemAPI
desiredFetcherThreads uint
startBlock BlockNumber
endBlock BlockNumber
func NewBlockFetcher(config *BlockFetcherConfig) *BlockFetcher {
self := new(BlockFetcher)
return self
func (self *BlockFetcher) Done() bool {
defer self.lock.Unlock()
return len(self.wantBlocks) == 0
func (self *BlockFetcher) init(config *BlockFetcherConfig) {
self.lock = &sync.Mutex{}
self.api = config.api
self.desiredFetcherThreads = config.desiredFetcherThreads
self.workChannel = make(chan BlockNumber)
self.resultsChannel = make(chan *FetchedBlock)
diff := int(uint(config.endBlock) - uint(config.startBlock))
log.Debugf("diff is %d", diff)
for i := 0; i <= diff; i++ {
self.wantBlocks[BlockNumber(uint(config.startBlock)+uint(i))] = true
log.Debugf("wantblocks[] is now %v", self.wantBlocks)
func (self *BlockFetcher) removeWantBlock(blockNum BlockNumber) {
if self.wantBlocks[blockNum] == false {
log.Panicf("shouldn't happen")
defer self.lock.Unlock()
delete(self.wantBlocks, blockNum)
func (self *BlockFetcher) removeFetchingBlock(blockNum BlockNumber) {
if self.fetchingBlocks[blockNum] == false {
log.Panicf("shouldn't happen")
defer self.lock.Unlock()
delete(self.fetchingBlocks, blockNum)
func (self *BlockFetcher) addFetchingBlock(blockNum BlockNumber) {
if self.fetchingBlocks[blockNum] == true {
log.Panicf("shouldn't happen")
defer self.lock.Unlock()
if self.fetchingBlocks[blockNum] == false {
self.fetchingBlocks[blockNum] = true
func (self *BlockFetcher) fetcher(index int) {
log.Debugf("fetcher thread %d starting", index)
for blockNum := range self.workChannel {
log.Debugf("fetcher %d beginning fetch for block %d", index, blockNum)
tries := 3
for i := 0; i < tries; i++ {
r := self.fetchBlockOpsFromNetwork(blockNum)
if r.error == nil {
// it worked, return result
self.resultsChannel <- r
continue WorkLoop
} else {
// wait a sec and try again
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
log.Debugf("fetcher thread %d ending", index)
func (self *BlockFetcher) fetch() *[]FetchedBlock {
for i := 1; i < self.desiredFetcherThreads+1; i++ {
go self.fetcher(i)
for blockNum, _ := range self.wantBlocks {
// yay cheap goroutines, let them block on the unbuffered channel
go func() {
log.Debugf("waiting to send blockNum %d into the work channel", blockNum)
self.workChannel <- blockNum
log.Debugf("sent blockNum %d into the work channel", blockNum)
// now we have to start reading from the unbuffered resultsChannel
// otherwise the workers will block when returning results
select {
case result := <-self.resultsChannel:
if self.Done() == true {
// if we get here, it's because workList is now empty and there
// are no more results in the results channel.
close(self.workChannel) // shut down the workers
result := self.fetchedBlocks
self = nil //this BlockFetcher is now finished.
return result
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
//FIXME(sneak) we maybe need to handle a case here where wantBlocks never
//empties but workers need to be re-dispatched..
func (self *BlockFetcher) receiveResult(r *FetchedBlock) {
log.Debugf("got result for blocknum %d", r.blockNumber)
self.fetchedBlocks = append(self.fetchedBlocks, r)
func (self *BlockFetcher) fetchBlockOpsFromNetwork(blockNum BlockNumber) *FetchedBlock {
result := &FetchedBlock{
blockNumber: blockNum,
error: nil,
blockData: nil,
r, err := self.api.GetOpsInBlock(blockNum)
if err != nil {
result.error = err
return result
bytes, err := json.Marshal(r)
if err != nil {
result.error = err
return result
count := len(*r)
log.Infof("got %d operations for block %d", count, blockNum)
result.blockData = &bytes
result.error = nil // make sure this is nil if it worked
return result

View File

@ -2,10 +2,6 @@ package main
//import ""
//import "encoding/json"
//import "fmt"
import "sync"
import "time"
import "encoding/json"
import log ""
const steemAPIURL = ""
@ -15,6 +11,19 @@ const redisUrl = "localhost:6379"
//const steemAPIURL = "http://las2.local:8090"
func main() {
var x *BlockFetcher
x = NewBlockFetcher(&BlockFetcherConfig{
api: nil,
desiredFetcherThreads: 40,
startBlock: 10000,
endBlock: 10005,
_ = x
func mainx() {
app := NewApp(&appconfig{
logLevel: log.DebugLevel,
apiUrl: steemAPIURL,
@ -23,3 +32,5 @@ func main() {

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
package main
import "encoding/json"
import log ""
//import log ""
type SteemAPI struct {
url string
@ -27,46 +28,29 @@ func NewSteemAPI(url string, options ...func(s *SteemAPI)) *SteemAPI {
func (self *SteemAPI) GetDynamicGlobalProperties() (GetDynamicGlobalPropertiesResponse, error) {
var resp DynamicGlobalProperties
raw, err := self.rpc.Call("get_dynamic_global_properties", EmptyParamsRaw)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
json.Unmarshal(raw, &resp)
return &resp, nil
func (self *SteemAPI) GetOpsInBlock(blockNum BlockNumber) (GetOpsInBlockResponse, error) {
// first fetch virtual ops
vOpsParams := &GetOpsInBlockRequestParams{BlockNum: blockNum, VirtualOps: true}
vop, err := vOpsParams.MarshalJSON()
vOpsResponse, err := self.rpc.Call("condenser_api.get_ops_in_block", vop)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var result []OperationObject
err = json.Unmarshal(vOpsResponse, &result)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// result is now populated with vops, now get real ops
// i was mistaken, i thought the second param == true meant only
// virtualops, and == false meant only non-virtualops. turns out the
// arg should be named "excludenonvirtualops", as setting it to false
// returns both real ops *and* virtual ops in a single call. not sure if
// this was always the case, but it is as of 20181101 against
realOpsParams := &GetOpsInBlockRequestParams{BlockNum: blockNum, VirtualOps: false}
rop, err := realOpsParams.MarshalJSON()
realOpsResponse, err := self.rpc.Call("condenser_api.get_ops_in_block", rop)
var secondResult []OperationObject
err = json.Unmarshal(realOpsResponse, &secondResult)
var result []OperationObject
err = json.Unmarshal(realOpsResponse, &result)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result = append(result, secondResult...)
return &result, nil