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2019-08-21 06:15:12 +00:00
package sircd
2019-08-21 08:15:45 +00:00
func (s *ircd) processIRCMessage(m *ircMessage) {
// FIXME put all of these in a map of string->function
// and dispatch them that way instead
2019-08-21 06:15:12 +00:00
switch m.command {
case "CAP":
case "NICK":
case "USER":
2019-08-21 08:15:45 +00:00
s.log.Infof("client<%s> sent %+v", m.from.Id, m)
2019-08-21 06:15:12 +00:00
2019-08-21 08:15:45 +00:00
func (s *ircd) sayHello(c *ircClient) {
//001 welcome
//002 host/version decl
//003, 004, 005, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 266
//375 (begin motd)
//372 motd (repeating)
//376 end motd
// change user mode (from server) :sneak!sneak@butt9q8.a.b.IP MODE sneak :+x
/* 001 sneak :Welcome to the Buttes IRC Network sneak!sneak@ 002 sneak :Your host is, running version InspIRCd-3 003 sneak :This server was created 09:33:24 Aug 05 2019 004 sneak InspIRCd-3 BHIRSWcghiorswxz ACFHIMNOPQRSTXYZbcefijklmnoprstvwz :FHIXYZbefjklovw 005 sneak ACCEPT=30 AWAYLEN=200 CALLERID=g CASEMAPPING=ascii CHANLIMIT=#:20 CHANMODES=IXYZbew,k,FHfjl,ACMNOPQRSTcimnprstz CHANNELLEN=64 CHANTYPES=# ELIST=CMNTU ESILENCE=CcdiNnPpTtx EXCEPTS=e EXTBAN=,ACGNOQRSTUacjmprz :are supported by this server 005 sneak HOSTLEN=64 INVEX=I KEYLEN=32 KICKLEN=255 LINELEN=512 MAXLIST=IXbew:512 MAXTARGETS=20 MODES=20 NAMESX NETWORK=Buttes NICKLEN=32 OPERLOG OVERRIDE :are supported by this server 005 sneak PREFIX=(ov)@+ REMOVE SAFELIST SECURELIST SILENCE=32 STATUSMSG=@+ TOPICLEN=500 USERIP USERLEN=11 VBANLIST WHOX :are supported by this server 251 sneak :There are 34 users and 33 invisible on 2 servers 252 sneak 2 :operator(s) online 253 sneak 1 :unknown connections 254 sneak 33 :channels formed 255 sneak :I have 60 clients and 1 servers 265 sneak :Current local users: 60 Max: 65 266 sneak :Current global users: 67 Max: 72 375 sneak message of the day 372 sneak :- ____ _ _ _____ _____ _____ ____ 372 sneak :- | __ )| | | |_ _|_ _| ____/ ___| 372 sneak :- | _ \| | | | | | | | | _| \___ \ 376 sneak :End of message of the day. 396 sneak butt9q8.a.b.IP :is now your displayed host
:sneak!sneak@butt9q8.a.b.IP MODE sneak :+x
func (s *ircd) processUnknownCommand(m *ircMessage) {
2019-08-21 06:15:12 +00:00
2019-08-21 08:15:45 +00:00
if m.from.session.CheckState("init") {
// if they are sending weird commands before NICK/USER, just drop
// them
// FIXME send an error
2019-08-21 06:15:12 +00:00
2019-08-21 08:15:45 +00:00
func (s *ircd) processNICKCommand(m *ircMessage) {
2019-08-21 06:15:12 +00:00
//FIXME check if nick is in use
//FIXME check if nick is valid
2019-08-21 08:15:45 +00:00
s.log.Infof("%+v", m)
s.log.Infof("%+v", m.params)
s.log.Infof("%+v", m.from)
s.log.Infof("%+v", m.from.session)
if len(m.params) == 1 {
s.log.Infof("conn<%s> NICK %s", m.from.Id, m.params[0])
2019-08-21 06:15:12 +00:00
2019-08-21 08:15:45 +00:00
func (s *ircd) processUSERCommand(m *ircMessage) {
// FIXME fail/disconnect if nick not yet set
// FIXME fail if run a second time
// FIXME tbh the client connection should be an FSM that limits usage of
// certain valid commands per-state
//params: <username> <hostname> <servername> <realname>
if !m.from.session.CheckState("init") {
// can only do this when going init->normal
// FIXME send an error
if m.from.session.SetUserInfo(m.params) { //this changes the session state
s.log.Infof("%+v", m.from.session)
} else {
// FIXME send an error
m.from.Kill() // bye felicia
2019-08-21 06:15:12 +00:00
2019-08-21 08:15:45 +00:00
func (s *ircd) processCAPCommand(m *ircMessage) {
2019-08-21 06:15:12 +00:00
s.log.Debugln("ignoring CAP command, unsupported")
// pass