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package color
import (
from wikipedia, 256 color:
ESC[ … 38;5;<n> … m选择前景色
ESC[ … 48;5;<n> … m选择背景色
0- 7标准颜色同 ESC[3037m
8- 15高强度颜色同 ESC[9097m
16-2316 × 6 × 6 立方216色: 16 + 36 × r + 6 × g + b (0 ≤ r, g, b ≤ 5)
// tpl for 8 bit 256 color(`2^8`)
// format:
// ESC[ … 38;5;<n> … m // 选择前景色
// ESC[ … 48;5;<n> … m // 选择背景色
// example:
// fg "\x1b[38;5;242m"
// bg "\x1b[48;5;208m"
// both "\x1b[38;5;242;48;5;208m"
// links:
const (
TplFg256 = "38;5;%d"
TplBg256 = "48;5;%d"
Fg256Pfx = "38;5;"
Bg256Pfx = "48;5;"
* 8bit(256) Color: Bit8Color Color256
// Color256 256 color (8 bit), uint8 range at 0 - 255
// 颜色值使用10进制和16进制都可 0x98 = 152
// The color consists of two uint8:
// 0: color value
// 1: color type; Fg=0, Bg=1, >1: unset value
// example:
// fg color: [152, 0]
// bg color: [152, 1]
// NOTICE: now support 256 color on windows CMD, PowerShell
// lint warn - Name starts with package name
type Color256 [2]uint8
type Bit8Color = Color256 // alias
var emptyC256 = Color256{1: 99}
// Bit8 create a color256
func Bit8(val uint8, isBg ...bool) Color256 {
return C256(val, isBg...)
// C256 create a color256
func C256(val uint8, isBg ...bool) Color256 {
bc := Color256{val}
// mark is bg color
if len(isBg) > 0 && isBg[0] {
bc[1] = AsBg
return bc
// Set terminal by 256 color code
func (c Color256) Set() error {
return SetTerminal(c.String())
// Reset terminal. alias of the ResetTerminal()
func (c Color256) Reset() error {
return ResetTerminal()
// Print print message
func (c Color256) Print(a ...interface{}) {
doPrintV2(c.String(), fmt.Sprint(a...))
// Printf format and print message
func (c Color256) Printf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
doPrintV2(c.String(), fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
// Println print message with newline
func (c Color256) Println(a ...interface{}) {
doPrintlnV2(c.String(), a)
// Sprint returns rendered message
func (c Color256) Sprint(a ...interface{}) string {
return RenderCode(c.String(), a...)
// Sprintf returns format and rendered message
func (c Color256) Sprintf(format string, a ...interface{}) string {
return RenderString(c.String(), fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
// C16 convert color-256 to 16 color.
func (c Color256) C16() Color {
return c.Basic()
// Basic convert color-256 to basic 16 color.
func (c Color256) Basic() Color {
return Color(c[0]) // TODO
// RGB convert color-256 to RGB color.
func (c Color256) RGB() RGBColor {
return RGBFromSlice(C256ToRgb(c[0]), c[1] == AsBg)
// RGBColor convert color-256 to RGB color.
func (c Color256) RGBColor() RGBColor {
return c.RGB()
// Value return color value
func (c Color256) Value() uint8 {
return c[0]
// Code convert to color code string. eg: "12"
func (c Color256) Code() string {
return strconv.Itoa(int(c[0]))
// FullCode convert to color code string with prefix. eg: "38;5;12"
func (c Color256) FullCode() string {
return c.String()
// String convert to color code string with prefix. eg: "38;5;12"
func (c Color256) String() string {
if c[1] == AsFg { // 0 is Fg
// return fmt.Sprintf(TplFg256, c[0])
return Fg256Pfx + strconv.Itoa(int(c[0]))
if c[1] == AsBg { // 1 is Bg
// return fmt.Sprintf(TplBg256, c[0])
return Bg256Pfx + strconv.Itoa(int(c[0]))
return "" // empty
// IsFg color
func (c Color256) IsFg() bool {
return c[1] == AsFg
// ToFg 256 color
func (c Color256) ToFg() Color256 {
c[1] = AsFg
return c
// IsBg color
func (c Color256) IsBg() bool {
return c[1] == AsBg
// ToBg 256 color
func (c Color256) ToBg() Color256 {
c[1] = AsBg
return c
// IsEmpty value
func (c Color256) IsEmpty() bool {
return c[1] > 1
* 8bit(256) Style
// Style256 definition
// 前/背景色
// 都是由两位uint8组成, 第一位是色彩值;
// 第二位与 Bit8Color 不一样的是,在这里表示是否设置了值 0 未设置 !=0 已设置
type Style256 struct {
// p Printer
// Name of the style
Name string
// color options of the style
opts Opts
// fg and bg color
fg, bg Color256
// S256 create a color256 style
// Usage:
// s := color.S256()
// s := color.S256(132) // fg
// s := color.S256(132, 203) // fg and bg
func S256(fgAndBg ...uint8) *Style256 {
s := &Style256{}
vl := len(fgAndBg)
if vl > 0 { // with fg
s.fg = Color256{fgAndBg[0], 1}
if vl > 1 { // and with bg = Color256{fgAndBg[1], 1}
return s
// Set fg and bg color value, can also with color options
func (s *Style256) Set(fgVal, bgVal uint8, opts ...Color) *Style256 {
s.fg = Color256{fgVal, 1} = Color256{bgVal, 1}
return s
// SetBg set bg color value
func (s *Style256) SetBg(bgVal uint8) *Style256 { = Color256{bgVal, 1}
return s
// SetFg set fg color value
func (s *Style256) SetFg(fgVal uint8) *Style256 {
s.fg = Color256{fgVal, 1}
return s
// SetOpts set options
func (s *Style256) SetOpts(opts Opts) *Style256 {
s.opts = opts
return s
// AddOpts add options
func (s *Style256) AddOpts(opts ...Color) *Style256 {
return s
// Print message
func (s *Style256) Print(a ...interface{}) {
doPrintV2(s.String(), fmt.Sprint(a...))
// Printf format and print message
func (s *Style256) Printf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
doPrintV2(s.String(), fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
// Println print message with newline
func (s *Style256) Println(a ...interface{}) {
doPrintlnV2(s.String(), a)
// Sprint returns rendered message
func (s *Style256) Sprint(a ...interface{}) string {
return RenderCode(s.Code(), a...)
// Sprintf returns format and rendered message
func (s *Style256) Sprintf(format string, a ...interface{}) string {
return RenderString(s.Code(), fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
// Code convert to color code string
func (s *Style256) Code() string {
return s.String()
// String convert to color code string
func (s *Style256) String() string {
var ss []string
if s.fg[1] > 0 {
ss = append(ss, fmt.Sprintf(TplFg256, s.fg[0]))
if[1] > 0 {
ss = append(ss, fmt.Sprintf(TplBg256,[0]))
if s.opts.IsValid() {
ss = append(ss, s.opts.String())
return strings.Join(ss, ";")