
392 lines
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package color
import (
// 24 bit RGB color
// RGB:
// R 0-255 G 0-255 B 0-255
// R 00-FF G 00-FF B 00-FF (16进制)
// Format:
// ESC[ … 38;2;<r>;<g>;<b> … m // Select RGB foreground color
// ESC[ … 48;2;<r>;<g>;<b> … m // Choose RGB background color
// links:
// example:
// fg: \x1b[38;2;30;144;255mMESSAGE\x1b[0m
// bg: \x1b[48;2;30;144;255mMESSAGE\x1b[0m
// both: \x1b[38;2;233;90;203;48;2;30;144;255mMESSAGE\x1b[0m
const (
TplFgRGB = "38;2;%d;%d;%d"
TplBgRGB = "48;2;%d;%d;%d"
FgRGBPfx = "38;2;"
BgRGBPfx = "48;2;"
// mark color is fg or bg.
const (
AsFg uint8 = iota
// values from
// var (
// RgbaBlack = image_color.RGBA{0, 0, 0, 255}
// Red = color.RGBA{205, 0, 0, 255}
// Green = color.RGBA{0, 205, 0, 255}
// Orange = color.RGBA{205, 205, 0, 255}
// Blue = color.RGBA{0, 0, 238, 255}
// Magenta = color.RGBA{205, 0, 205, 255}
// Cyan = color.RGBA{0, 205, 205, 255}
// LightGrey = color.RGBA{229, 229, 229, 255}
// DarkGrey = color.RGBA{127, 127, 127, 255}
// LightRed = color.RGBA{255, 0, 0, 255}
// LightGreen = color.RGBA{0, 255, 0, 255}
// Yellow = color.RGBA{255, 255, 0, 255}
// LightBlue = color.RGBA{92, 92, 255, 255}
// LightMagenta = color.RGBA{255, 0, 255, 255}
// LightCyan = color.RGBA{0, 255, 255, 255}
// White = color.RGBA{255, 255, 255, 255}
// )
* RGB Color(Bit24Color, TrueColor)
// RGBColor definition.
// The first to third digits represent the color value.
// The last digit represents the foreground(0), background(1), >1 is unset value
// Usage:
// // 0, 1, 2 is R,G,B.
// // 3rd: Fg=0, Bg=1, >1: unset value
// RGBColor{30,144,255, 0}
// RGBColor{30,144,255, 1}
// NOTICE: now support RGB color on windows CMD, PowerShell
type RGBColor [4]uint8
// create a empty RGBColor
var emptyRGBColor = RGBColor{3: 99}
// RGB color create.
// Usage:
// c := RGB(30,144,255)
// c := RGB(30,144,255, true)
// c.Print("message")
func RGB(r, g, b uint8, isBg ...bool) RGBColor {
rgb := RGBColor{r, g, b}
if len(isBg) > 0 && isBg[0] {
rgb[3] = AsBg
return rgb
// Rgb alias of the RGB()
func Rgb(r, g, b uint8, isBg ...bool) RGBColor { return RGB(r, g, b, isBg...) }
// Bit24 alias of the RGB()
func Bit24(r, g, b uint8, isBg ...bool) RGBColor { return RGB(r, g, b, isBg...) }
// RGBFromSlice quick RGBColor from slice
func RGBFromSlice(rgb []uint8, isBg ...bool) RGBColor {
return RGB(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], isBg...)
// HEX create RGB color from a HEX color string.
// Usage:
// c := HEX("ccc") // rgb: [204 204 204]
// c := HEX("aabbcc") // rgb: [170 187 204]
// c := HEX("#aabbcc")
// c := HEX("0xaabbcc")
// c.Print("message")
func HEX(hex string, isBg ...bool) RGBColor {
if rgb := HexToRgb(hex); len(rgb) > 0 {
return RGB(uint8(rgb[0]), uint8(rgb[1]), uint8(rgb[2]), isBg...)
// mark is empty
return emptyRGBColor
// Hex alias of the HEX()
func Hex(hex string, isBg ...bool) RGBColor { return HEX(hex, isBg...) }
// RGBFromString create RGB color from a string.
// Usage:
// c := RGBFromString("170,187,204")
// c.Print("message")
func RGBFromString(rgb string, isBg ...bool) RGBColor {
ss := stringToArr(rgb, ",")
if len(ss) != 3 {
return emptyRGBColor
var ar [3]int
for i, val := range ss {
iv, err := strconv.Atoi(val)
if err != nil {
return emptyRGBColor
ar[i] = iv
return RGB(uint8(ar[0]), uint8(ar[1]), uint8(ar[2]), isBg...)
// Set terminal by rgb/true color code
func (c RGBColor) Set() error {
return SetTerminal(c.String())
// Reset terminal. alias of the ResetTerminal()
func (c RGBColor) Reset() error {
return ResetTerminal()
// Print print message
func (c RGBColor) Print(a ...interface{}) {
doPrintV2(c.String(), fmt.Sprint(a...))
// Printf format and print message
func (c RGBColor) Printf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
doPrintV2(c.String(), fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
// Println print message with newline
func (c RGBColor) Println(a ...interface{}) {
doPrintlnV2(c.String(), a)
// Sprint returns rendered message
func (c RGBColor) Sprint(a ...interface{}) string {
return RenderCode(c.String(), a...)
// Sprintf returns format and rendered message
func (c RGBColor) Sprintf(format string, a ...interface{}) string {
return RenderString(c.String(), fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
// Values to RGB values
func (c RGBColor) Values() []int {
return []int{int(c[0]), int(c[1]), int(c[2])}
// Code to color code string without prefix. eg: "204;123;56"
func (c RGBColor) Code() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d;%d;%d", c[0], c[1], c[2])
// Hex color rgb to hex string. as in "ff0080".
func (c RGBColor) Hex() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%02x%02x%02x", c[0], c[1], c[2])
// FullCode to color code string with prefix
func (c RGBColor) FullCode() string {
return c.String()
// String to color code string with prefix. eg: "38;2;204;123;56"
func (c RGBColor) String() string {
if c[3] == AsFg {
return fmt.Sprintf(TplFgRGB, c[0], c[1], c[2])
if c[3] == AsBg {
return fmt.Sprintf(TplBgRGB, c[0], c[1], c[2])
// c[3] > 1 is empty
return ""
// IsEmpty value
func (c RGBColor) IsEmpty() bool {
return c[3] > AsBg
// IsValid value
// func (c RGBColor) IsValid() bool {
// return c[3] <= AsBg
// }
// C256 returns the closest approximate 256 (8 bit) color
func (c RGBColor) C256() Color256 {
return C256(RgbTo256(c[0], c[1], c[2]), c[3] == AsBg)
// Basic returns the closest approximate 16 (4 bit) color
func (c RGBColor) Basic() Color {
// return Color(RgbToAnsi(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3] == AsBg))
return Color(Rgb2basic(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3] == AsBg))
// Color returns the closest approximate 16 (4 bit) color
func (c RGBColor) Color() Color { return c.Basic() }
// C16 returns the closest approximate 16 (4 bit) color
func (c RGBColor) C16() Color { return c.Basic() }
* RGB Style
// RGBStyle definition.
// Foreground/Background color
// All are composed of 4 digits uint8, the first three digits are the color value;
// The last bit is different from RGBColor, here it indicates whether the value is set.
// - 1 Has been set
// - ^1 Not set
type RGBStyle struct {
// Name of the style
Name string
// color options of the style
opts Opts
// fg and bg color
fg, bg RGBColor
// NewRGBStyle create a RGBStyle.
func NewRGBStyle(fg RGBColor, bg ...RGBColor) *RGBStyle {
s := &RGBStyle{}
if len(bg) > 0 {
return s.SetFg(fg)
// HEXStyle create a RGBStyle from HEX color string.
// Usage:
// s := HEXStyle("aabbcc", "eee")
// s.Print("message")
func HEXStyle(fg string, bg ...string) *RGBStyle {
s := &RGBStyle{}
if len(bg) > 0 {
if len(fg) > 0 {
return s
// RGBStyleFromString create a RGBStyle from color value string.
// Usage:
// s := RGBStyleFromString("170,187,204", "70,87,4")
// s.Print("message")
func RGBStyleFromString(fg string, bg ...string) *RGBStyle {
s := &RGBStyle{}
if len(bg) > 0 {
return s.SetFg(RGBFromString(fg))
// Set fg and bg color, can also with color options
func (s *RGBStyle) Set(fg, bg RGBColor, opts ...Color) *RGBStyle {
return s.SetFg(fg).SetBg(bg).SetOpts(opts)
// SetFg set fg color
func (s *RGBStyle) SetFg(fg RGBColor) *RGBStyle {
fg[3] = 1 // add fixed value, mark is valid
s.fg = fg
return s
// SetBg set bg color
func (s *RGBStyle) SetBg(bg RGBColor) *RGBStyle {
bg[3] = 1 // add fixed value, mark is valid = bg
return s
// SetOpts set color options
func (s *RGBStyle) SetOpts(opts Opts) *RGBStyle {
s.opts = opts
return s
// AddOpts add options
func (s *RGBStyle) AddOpts(opts ...Color) *RGBStyle {
return s
// Print print message
func (s *RGBStyle) Print(a ...interface{}) {
doPrintV2(s.String(), fmt.Sprint(a...))
// Printf format and print message
func (s *RGBStyle) Printf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
doPrintV2(s.String(), fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
// Println print message with newline
func (s *RGBStyle) Println(a ...interface{}) {
doPrintlnV2(s.String(), a)
// Sprint returns rendered message
func (s *RGBStyle) Sprint(a ...interface{}) string {
return RenderCode(s.String(), a...)
// Sprintf returns format and rendered message
func (s *RGBStyle) Sprintf(format string, a ...interface{}) string {
return RenderString(s.String(), fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
// Code convert to color code string
func (s *RGBStyle) Code() string {
return s.String()
// FullCode convert to color code string
func (s *RGBStyle) FullCode() string {
return s.String()
// String convert to color code string
func (s *RGBStyle) String() string {
var ss []string
// last value ensure is enable.
if s.fg[3] == 1 {
ss = append(ss, fmt.Sprintf(TplFgRGB, s.fg[0], s.fg[1], s.fg[2]))
if[3] == 1 {
ss = append(ss, fmt.Sprintf(TplBgRGB,[0],[1],[2]))
if s.opts.IsValid() {
ss = append(ss, s.opts.String())
return strings.Join(ss, ";")
// IsEmpty style
func (s *RGBStyle) IsEmpty() bool {
return s.fg[3] != 1 &&[3] != 1