
174 lines
3.4 KiB

package mfer
import (
type manifestFile struct {
path string
info fs.FileInfo
func (m *manifestFile) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("<File \"%s\">", m.path)
type manifest struct {
sourceFS []afero.Fs
files []*manifestFile
scanOptions *ManifestScanOptions
totalFileSize int64
pbInner *MFFile
pbOuter *MFFileOuter
output *bytes.Buffer
ctx context.Context
errors []*error
func (m *manifest) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("<Manifest count=%d totalSize=%d>", len(m.files), m.totalFileSize)
type ManifestScanOptions struct {
IgnoreDotfiles bool
FollowSymLinks bool
func (m *manifest) HasError() bool {
return len(m.errors) > 0
func (m *manifest) AddError(e error) *manifest {
m.errors = append(m.errors, &e)
return m
func (m *manifest) WithContext(c context.Context) *manifest {
m.ctx = c
return m
func (m *manifest) addInputPath(inputPath string) error {
abs, err := filepath.Abs(inputPath)
if err != nil {
return err
// FIXME check to make sure inputPath/abs exists maybe
afs := afero.NewReadOnlyFs(afero.NewBasePathFs(afero.NewOsFs(), abs))
return m.addInputFS(afs)
func (m *manifest) addInputFS(f afero.Fs) error {
if m.sourceFS == nil {
m.sourceFS = make([]afero.Fs, 0)
m.sourceFS = append(m.sourceFS, f)
// FIXME do some sort of check on f here?
return nil
func New() *manifest {
m := &manifest{}
return m
func NewFromPaths(options *ManifestScanOptions, inputPaths ...string) (*manifest, error) {
m := New()
m.scanOptions = options
for _, p := range inputPaths {
err := m.addInputPath(p)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return m, nil
func NewFromFS(options *ManifestScanOptions, fs afero.Fs) (*manifest, error) {
m := New()
m.scanOptions = options
err := m.addInputFS(fs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return m, nil
func (m *manifest) GetFileCount() int64 {
return int64(len(m.files))
func (m *manifest) GetTotalFileSize() int64 {
return m.totalFileSize
func pathIsHidden(p string) bool {
tp := path.Clean(p)
if strings.HasPrefix(tp, ".") {
return true
for {
d, f := path.Split(tp)
if strings.HasPrefix(f, ".") {
return true
if d == "" {
return false
tp = d[0 : len(d)-1] // trim trailing slash from dir
func (m *manifest) addFile(p string, fi fs.FileInfo, sfsIndex int) error {
if m.scanOptions.IgnoreDotfiles && pathIsHidden(p) {
return nil
if fi != nil && fi.IsDir() {
// manifests contain only files, directories are implied.
return nil
// FIXME test if 'fi' is already result of stat
fileinfo, staterr := m.sourceFS[sfsIndex].Stat(p)
if staterr != nil {
return staterr
cleanPath := p
if cleanPath[0:1] == "/" {
cleanPath = cleanPath[1:]
nf := &manifestFile{
path: cleanPath,
info: fileinfo,
m.files = append(m.files, nf)
m.totalFileSize = m.totalFileSize + fi.Size()
return nil
func (m *manifest) Scan() error {
// FIXME scan and whatever function does the hashing should take ctx
for idx, sfs := range m.sourceFS {
if sfs == nil {
return errors.New("invalid source fs")
e := afero.Walk(sfs, "/", func(p string, info fs.FileInfo, err error) error {
return m.addFile(p, info, idx)
if e != nil {
return e
return nil