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2022-02-02 05:36:27 +00:00
package pterm
import (
var activeSpinnerPrinters []*SpinnerPrinter
// DefaultSpinner is the default SpinnerPrinter.
var DefaultSpinner = SpinnerPrinter{
Sequence: []string{"▀ ", " ▀", " ▄", "▄ "},
Style: &ThemeDefault.SpinnerStyle,
Delay: time.Millisecond * 200,
ShowTimer: true,
TimerRoundingFactor: time.Second,
TimerStyle: &ThemeDefault.TimerStyle,
MessageStyle: &ThemeDefault.SpinnerTextStyle,
SuccessPrinter: &Success,
FailPrinter: &Error,
WarningPrinter: &Warning,
// SpinnerPrinter is a loading animation, which can be used if the progress is unknown.
// It's an animation loop, which can have a text and supports throwing errors or warnings.
// A TextPrinter is used to display all outputs, after the SpinnerPrinter is done.
type SpinnerPrinter struct {
Text string
Sequence []string
Style *Style
Delay time.Duration
MessageStyle *Style
SuccessPrinter TextPrinter
FailPrinter TextPrinter
WarningPrinter TextPrinter
RemoveWhenDone bool
ShowTimer bool
TimerRoundingFactor time.Duration
TimerStyle *Style
IsActive bool
startedAt time.Time
currentSequence string
// WithText adds a text to the SpinnerPrinter.
func (s SpinnerPrinter) WithText(text string) *SpinnerPrinter {
s.Text = text
return &s
// WithSequence adds a sequence to the SpinnerPrinter.
func (s SpinnerPrinter) WithSequence(sequence ...string) *SpinnerPrinter {
s.Sequence = sequence
return &s
// WithStyle adds a style to the SpinnerPrinter.
func (s SpinnerPrinter) WithStyle(style *Style) *SpinnerPrinter {
s.Style = style
return &s
// WithDelay adds a delay to the SpinnerPrinter.
func (s SpinnerPrinter) WithDelay(delay time.Duration) *SpinnerPrinter {
s.Delay = delay
return &s
// WithMessageStyle adds a style to the SpinnerPrinter message.
func (s SpinnerPrinter) WithMessageStyle(style *Style) *SpinnerPrinter {
s.MessageStyle = style
return &s
// WithRemoveWhenDone removes the SpinnerPrinter after it is done.
func (s SpinnerPrinter) WithRemoveWhenDone(b ...bool) *SpinnerPrinter {
s.RemoveWhenDone = internal.WithBoolean(b)
return &s
// WithShowTimer shows how long the spinner is running.
func (s SpinnerPrinter) WithShowTimer(b ...bool) *SpinnerPrinter {
s.ShowTimer = internal.WithBoolean(b)
return &s
// WithTimerRoundingFactor sets the rounding factor for the timer.
func (s SpinnerPrinter) WithTimerRoundingFactor(factor time.Duration) *SpinnerPrinter {
s.TimerRoundingFactor = factor
return &s
// WithTimerStyle adds a style to the SpinnerPrinter timer.
func (s SpinnerPrinter) WithTimerStyle(style *Style) *SpinnerPrinter {
s.TimerStyle = style
return &s
// UpdateText updates the message of the active SpinnerPrinter.
// Can be used live.
func (s *SpinnerPrinter) UpdateText(text string) {
s.Text = text
if !RawOutput {
Printo(s.Style.Sprint(s.currentSequence) + " " + s.MessageStyle.Sprint(s.Text))
if RawOutput {
// Start the SpinnerPrinter.
func (s SpinnerPrinter) Start(text ...interface{}) (*SpinnerPrinter, error) {
s.IsActive = true
s.startedAt = time.Now()
activeSpinnerPrinters = append(activeSpinnerPrinters, &s)
if len(text) != 0 {
s.Text = Sprint(text...)
if RawOutput {
go func() {
for s.IsActive {
for _, seq := range s.Sequence {
if !s.IsActive || RawOutput {
var timer string
if s.ShowTimer {
timer = " (" + time.Since(s.startedAt).Round(s.TimerRoundingFactor).String() + ")"
Printo(s.Style.Sprint(seq) + " " + s.MessageStyle.Sprint(s.Text) + s.TimerStyle.Sprint(timer))
s.currentSequence = seq
return &s, nil
// Stop terminates the SpinnerPrinter immediately.
// The SpinnerPrinter will not resolve into anything.
func (s *SpinnerPrinter) Stop() error {
s.IsActive = false
if s.RemoveWhenDone {
} else {
return nil
// GenericStart runs Start, but returns a LivePrinter.
// This is used for the interface LivePrinter.
// You most likely want to use Start instead of this in your program.
func (s *SpinnerPrinter) GenericStart() (*LivePrinter, error) {
_, _ = s.Start()
lp := LivePrinter(s)
return &lp, nil
// GenericStop runs Stop, but returns a LivePrinter.
// This is used for the interface LivePrinter.
// You most likely want to use Stop instead of this in your program.
func (s *SpinnerPrinter) GenericStop() (*LivePrinter, error) {
_ = s.Stop()
lp := LivePrinter(s)
return &lp, nil
// Success displays the success printer.
// If no message is given, the text of the SpinnerPrinter will be reused as the default message.
func (s *SpinnerPrinter) Success(message ...interface{}) {
if s.SuccessPrinter == nil {
s.SuccessPrinter = &Success
if len(message) == 0 {
message = []interface{}{s.Text}
_ = s.Stop()
// Fail displays the fail printer.
// If no message is given, the text of the SpinnerPrinter will be reused as the default message.
func (s *SpinnerPrinter) Fail(message ...interface{}) {
if s.FailPrinter == nil {
s.FailPrinter = &Error
if len(message) == 0 {
message = []interface{}{s.Text}
_ = s.Stop()
// Warning displays the warning printer.
// If no message is given, the text of the SpinnerPrinter will be reused as the default message.
func (s *SpinnerPrinter) Warning(message ...interface{}) {
if s.WarningPrinter == nil {
s.WarningPrinter = &Warning
if len(message) == 0 {
message = []interface{}{s.Text}
_ = s.Stop()