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2022-02-02 05:36:27 +00:00
package pterm
import (
// ActiveProgressBarPrinters contains all running ProgressbarPrinters.
// Generally, there should only be one active ProgressbarPrinter at a time.
var ActiveProgressBarPrinters []*ProgressbarPrinter
var (
// DefaultProgressbar is the default ProgressbarPrinter.
DefaultProgressbar = ProgressbarPrinter{
Total: 100,
BarCharacter: "█",
LastCharacter: "█",
ElapsedTimeRoundingFactor: time.Second,
BarStyle: &ThemeDefault.ProgressbarBarStyle,
TitleStyle: &ThemeDefault.ProgressbarTitleStyle,
ShowTitle: true,
ShowCount: true,
ShowPercentage: true,
ShowElapsedTime: true,
BarFiller: " ",
// ProgressbarPrinter shows a progress animation in the terminal.
type ProgressbarPrinter struct {
Title string
Total int
Current int
BarCharacter string
LastCharacter string
ElapsedTimeRoundingFactor time.Duration
BarFiller string
ShowElapsedTime bool
ShowCount bool
ShowTitle bool
ShowPercentage bool
RemoveWhenDone bool
TitleStyle *Style
BarStyle *Style
IsActive bool
startedAt time.Time
// WithTitle sets the name of the ProgressbarPrinter.
func (p ProgressbarPrinter) WithTitle(name string) *ProgressbarPrinter {
p.Title = name
return &p
// WithTotal sets the total value of the ProgressbarPrinter.
func (p ProgressbarPrinter) WithTotal(total int) *ProgressbarPrinter {
p.Total = total
return &p
// WithCurrent sets the current value of the ProgressbarPrinter.
func (p ProgressbarPrinter) WithCurrent(current int) *ProgressbarPrinter {
p.Current = current
return &p
// WithBarCharacter sets the bar character of the ProgressbarPrinter.
func (p ProgressbarPrinter) WithBarCharacter(char string) *ProgressbarPrinter {
p.BarCharacter = char
return &p
// WithLastCharacter sets the last character of the ProgressbarPrinter.
func (p ProgressbarPrinter) WithLastCharacter(char string) *ProgressbarPrinter {
p.LastCharacter = char
return &p
// WithElapsedTimeRoundingFactor sets the rounding factor of the elapsed time.
func (p ProgressbarPrinter) WithElapsedTimeRoundingFactor(duration time.Duration) *ProgressbarPrinter {
p.ElapsedTimeRoundingFactor = duration
return &p
// WithShowElapsedTime sets if the elapsed time should be displayed in the ProgressbarPrinter.
func (p ProgressbarPrinter) WithShowElapsedTime(b ...bool) *ProgressbarPrinter {
p.ShowElapsedTime = internal.WithBoolean(b)
return &p
// WithShowCount sets if the total and current count should be displayed in the ProgressbarPrinter.
func (p ProgressbarPrinter) WithShowCount(b ...bool) *ProgressbarPrinter {
p.ShowCount = internal.WithBoolean(b)
return &p
// WithShowTitle sets if the title should be displayed in the ProgressbarPrinter.
func (p ProgressbarPrinter) WithShowTitle(b ...bool) *ProgressbarPrinter {
p.ShowTitle = internal.WithBoolean(b)
return &p
// WithShowPercentage sets if the completed percentage should be displayed in the ProgressbarPrinter.
func (p ProgressbarPrinter) WithShowPercentage(b ...bool) *ProgressbarPrinter {
p.ShowPercentage = internal.WithBoolean(b)
return &p
// WithTitleStyle sets the style of the title.
func (p ProgressbarPrinter) WithTitleStyle(style *Style) *ProgressbarPrinter {
p.TitleStyle = style
return &p
// WithBarStyle sets the style of the bar.
func (p ProgressbarPrinter) WithBarStyle(style *Style) *ProgressbarPrinter {
p.BarStyle = style
return &p
// WithRemoveWhenDone sets if the ProgressbarPrinter should be removed when it is done.
func (p ProgressbarPrinter) WithRemoveWhenDone(b ...bool) *ProgressbarPrinter {
p.RemoveWhenDone = internal.WithBoolean(b)
return &p
// Increment current value by one.
func (p *ProgressbarPrinter) Increment() *ProgressbarPrinter {
return p
// This method changed the title and re-renders the progressbar
func (p *ProgressbarPrinter) UpdateTitle(title string) *ProgressbarPrinter {
p.Title = title
return p
// This is the update logic, renders the progressbar
func (p *ProgressbarPrinter) updateProgress() *ProgressbarPrinter {
if p.TitleStyle == nil {
p.TitleStyle = NewStyle()
if p.BarStyle == nil {
p.BarStyle = NewStyle()
if p.Total == 0 {
return nil
var before string
var after string
width := GetTerminalWidth()
currentPercentage := int(internal.PercentageRound(float64(int64(p.Total)), float64(int64(p.Current))))
decoratorCount := Gray("[") + LightWhite(p.Current) + Gray("/") + LightWhite(p.Total) + Gray("]")
decoratorCurrentPercentage := color.RGB(NewRGB(255, 0, 0).Fade(0, float32(p.Total), float32(p.Current), NewRGB(0, 255, 0)).GetValues()).
Sprint(strconv.Itoa(currentPercentage) + "%")
decoratorTitle := p.TitleStyle.Sprint(p.Title)
if p.ShowTitle {
before += decoratorTitle + " "
if p.ShowCount {
before += decoratorCount + " "
after += " "
if p.ShowPercentage {
after += decoratorCurrentPercentage + " "
if p.ShowElapsedTime {
after += "| " + p.parseElapsedTime()
barMaxLength := width - len(RemoveColorFromString(before)) - len(RemoveColorFromString(after)) - 1
barCurrentLength := (p.Current * barMaxLength) / p.Total
barFiller := strings.Repeat(p.BarFiller, barMaxLength-barCurrentLength)
bar := p.BarStyle.Sprint(strings.Repeat(p.BarCharacter, barCurrentLength)+p.LastCharacter) + barFiller
if !RawOutput {
Printo(before + bar + after)
return p
// Add to current value.
func (p *ProgressbarPrinter) Add(count int) *ProgressbarPrinter {
if p.Total == 0 {
return nil
p.Current += count
if p.Current == p.Total {
return p
// Start the ProgressbarPrinter.
func (p ProgressbarPrinter) Start() (*ProgressbarPrinter, error) {
if RawOutput && p.ShowTitle {
p.IsActive = true
ActiveProgressBarPrinters = append(ActiveProgressBarPrinters, &p)
p.startedAt = time.Now()
return &p, nil
// Stop the ProgressbarPrinter.
func (p *ProgressbarPrinter) Stop() (*ProgressbarPrinter, error) {
if !p.IsActive {
return p, nil
p.IsActive = false
if p.RemoveWhenDone {
} else {
return p, nil
// GenericStart runs Start, but returns a LivePrinter.
// This is used for the interface LivePrinter.
// You most likely want to use Start instead of this in your program.
func (p ProgressbarPrinter) GenericStart() (*LivePrinter, error) {
p2, _ := p.Start()
lp := LivePrinter(p2)
return &lp, nil
// GenericStop runs Stop, but returns a LivePrinter.
// This is used for the interface LivePrinter.
// You most likely want to use Stop instead of this in your program.
func (p ProgressbarPrinter) GenericStop() (*LivePrinter, error) {
p2, _ := p.Stop()
lp := LivePrinter(p2)
return &lp, nil
// GetElapsedTime returns the elapsed time, since the ProgressbarPrinter was started.
func (p *ProgressbarPrinter) GetElapsedTime() time.Duration {
return time.Since(p.startedAt)
func (p *ProgressbarPrinter) parseElapsedTime() string {
s := p.GetElapsedTime().Round(p.ElapsedTimeRoundingFactor).String()
return s