316 lines
12 KiB
316 lines
12 KiB
from btree import AttributesTree, CatalogTree, ExtentsOverflowTree
from structs import *
from util import write_file
from util.bdev import FileBlockDevice
import datetime
import hashlib
import os
import struct
import sys
import zlib
def hfs_date(t):
return datetime.datetime(1904,1,1) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=t)
class HFSFile(object):
def __init__(self, volume, hfsplusfork, fileID, deleted=False):
self.volume = volume
self.blockSize = volume.blockSize
self.fileID = fileID
self.totalBlocks = hfsplusfork.totalBlocks
self.logicalSize = hfsplusfork.logicalSize
self.extents = volume.getAllExtents(hfsplusfork, fileID)
self.deleted = deleted
def readAll(self, outputfile, truncate=True):
f = open(outputfile, "wb")
for i in xrange(self.totalBlocks):
if truncate:
def readAllBuffer(self, truncate=True):
r = ""
for i in xrange(self.totalBlocks):
r += self.readBlock(i)
if truncate:
r = r[:self.logicalSize]
return r
def processBlock(self, block, lba):
return block
def readBlock(self, n):
bs = self.volume.blockSize
if n*bs > self.logicalSize:
return "BLOCK OUT OF BOUNDS" + "\xFF" * (bs - len("BLOCK OUT OF BOUNDS"))
bc = 0
for extent in self.extents:
bc += extent.blockCount
if n < bc:
lba = extent.startBlock+(n-(bc-extent.blockCount))
if not self.deleted and self.fileID != kHFSAllocationFileID and not self.volume.isBlockInUse(lba):
print "FAIL, block %x not marked as used" % n
return self.processBlock(self.volume.readBlock(lba), lba)
return ""
def getLBAforBlock(self, n):
bc = 0
for extent in self.extents:
bc += extent.blockCount
if n < bc:
return extent.startBlock+(n-(bc-extent.blockCount))
def writeBlock(self, n, data):
bs = self.volume.blockSize
if n*bs > self.logicalSize:
raise Exception("writeBlock, out of bounds %d" % n)
bc = 0
for extent in self.extents:
bc += extent.blockCount
if n < bc:
lba = extent.startBlock+(n-(bc-extent.blockCount))
self.volume.writeBlock(lba, data)
class HFSCompressedResourceFork(HFSFile):
def __init__(self, volume, hfsplusfork, fileID):
super(HFSCompressedResourceFork,self).__init__(volume, hfsplusfork, fileID)
block0 = self.readBlock(0)
self.header = HFSPlusCmpfRsrcHead.parse(block0)
print self.header
self.blocks = HFSPlusCmpfRsrcBlockHead.parse(block0[self.header.headerSize:])
print "HFSCompressedResourceFork numBlocks:", self.blocks.numBlocks
#HAX, readblock not implemented
def readAllBuffer(self):
buff = super(HFSCompressedResourceFork, self).readAllBuffer()
r = ""
base = self.header.headerSize + 4
for b in self.blocks.HFSPlusCmpfRsrcBlock:
r += zlib.decompress(buff[base+b.offset:base+b.offset+b.size])
return r
class HFSVolume(object):
def __init__(self, bdev):
self.bdev = bdev
data = self.bdev.readBlock(0)
self.header = HFSPlusVolumeHeader.parse(data[0x400:0x800])
assert self.header.signature == 0x4858 or self.header.signature == 0x482B
#raise Exception("Not an HFS+ image")
self.blockSize = self.header.blockSize
#if os.path.getsize(filename) < self.header.totalBlocks * self.blockSize:
# print "WARNING: HFS image appears to be truncated"
self.allocationFile = HFSFile(self, self.header.allocationFile, kHFSAllocationFileID)
self.allocationBitmap = self.allocationFile.readAllBuffer()
self.extentsFile = HFSFile(self, self.header.extentsFile, kHFSExtentsFileID)
self.extentsTree = ExtentsOverflowTree(self.extentsFile)
self.catalogFile = HFSFile(self, self.header.catalogFile, kHFSCatalogFileID)
self.xattrFile = HFSFile(self, self.header.attributesFile, kHFSAttributesFileID)
self.catalogTree = CatalogTree(self.catalogFile, self)
self.xattrTree = AttributesTree(self.xattrFile)
self.hasJournal = self.header.attributes & (1 << kHFSVolumeJournaledBit)
def readBlock(self, b):
return self.bdev.readBlock(b)
def writeBlock(self, lba, data):
return self.bdev.writeBlock(lba, data)
def volumeID(self):
return struct.pack(">LL", self.header.finderInfo[6], self.header.finderInfo[7])
def isBlockInUse(self, block):
thisByte = ord(self.allocationBitmap[block / 8])
return (thisByte & (1 << (7 - (block % 8)))) != 0
def unallocatedBlocks(self):
for i in xrange(self.header.totalBlocks):
if not self.isBlockInUse(i):
yield i, self.read(i*self.blockSize, self.blockSize)
def getExtentsOverflowForFile(self, fileID, startBlock, forkType=kForkTypeData):
return self.extentsTree.searchExtents(fileID, forkType, startBlock)
def getXattr(self, fileID, name):
return self.xattrTree.searchXattr(fileID, name)
def getFileByPath(self, path):
return self.catalogTree.getRecordFromPath(path)
def getFileIDByPath(self, path):
key, record = self.catalogTree.getRecordFromPath(path)
if not record:
if record.recordType == kHFSPlusFolderRecord:
return record.data.folderID
return record.data.fileID
def listFolderContents(self, path):
k,v = self.catalogTree.getRecordFromPath(path)
if not k or v.recordType != kHFSPlusFolderRecord:
for k,v in self.catalogTree.getFolderContents(v.data.folderID):
if v.recordType == kHFSPlusFolderRecord:
#.HFS+ Private Directory Data\r
print v.data.folderID, getString(k).replace("\r","") + "/"
elif v.recordType == kHFSPlusFileRecord:
print v.data.fileID, getString(k)
def ls(self, path):
k,v = self.catalogTree.getRecordFromPath(path)
return self._ls(k, v)
def _ls(self, k, v):
res = {}
if not k or v.recordType != kHFSPlusFolderRecord:
return None
for k,v in self.catalogTree.getFolderContents(v.data.folderID):
if v.recordType == kHFSPlusFolderRecord:
#.HFS+ Private Directory Data\r
res[getString(k).replace("\r","") + "/"] = v.data
elif v.recordType == kHFSPlusFileRecord:
res[getString(k)] = v.data
return res
def listXattrs(self, path):
k,v = self.catalogTree.getRecordFromPath(path)
if k and v.recordType == kHFSPlusFileRecord:
return self.xattrTree.getAllXattrs(v.data.fileID)
elif k and v.recordType == kHFSPlusFolderThreadRecord:
return self.xattrTree.getAllXattrs(v.data.folderID)
def readFileByRecord(self, record):
assert record.recordType == kHFSPlusFileRecord
xattr = self.getXattr(record.data.fileID, "com.apple.decmpfs")
data = None
if xattr:
decmpfs = HFSPlusDecmpfs.parse(xattr)
if decmpfs.compression_type == 1:
return xattr[16:]
elif decmpfs.compression_type == 3:
if decmpfs.uncompressed_size == len(xattr) - 16:
return xattr[16:]
return zlib.decompress(xattr[16:])
elif decmpfs.compression_type == 4:
f = HFSCompressedResourceFork(self, record.data.resourceFork, record.data.fileID)
data = f.readAllBuffer()
return data
f = HFSFile(self, record.data.dataFork, record.data.fileID)
return f.readAllBuffer()
#TODO: returnString compress
def readFile(self, path, outFolder="./", returnString=False):
k,v = self.catalogTree.getRecordFromPath(path)
if not v:
print "File %s not found" % path
assert v.recordType == kHFSPlusFileRecord
xattr = self.getXattr(v.data.fileID, "com.apple.decmpfs")
if xattr:
decmpfs = HFSPlusDecmpfs.parse(xattr)
if decmpfs.compression_type == 1:
return xattr[16:]
elif decmpfs.compression_type == 3:
if decmpfs.uncompressed_size == len(xattr) - 16:
z = xattr[16:]
z = zlib.decompress(xattr[16:])
open(outFolder + os.path.basename(path), "wb").write(z)
elif decmpfs.compression_type == 4:
f = HFSCompressedResourceFork(self, v.data.resourceFork, v.data.fileID)
z = f.readAllBuffer()
open(outFolder + os.path.basename(path), "wb").write(z)
return z
f = HFSFile(self, v.data.dataFork, v.data.fileID)
if returnString:
return f.readAllBuffer()
f.readAll(outFolder + os.path.basename(path))
def readJournal(self):
#jb = self.read(self.header.journalInfoBlock * self.blockSize, self.blockSize)
#jib = JournalInfoBlock.parse(jb)
#return self.read(jib.offset,jib.size)
return self.readFile("/.journal", returnString=True)
def listAllFileIds(self):
return self.fileids
def grabFileId(self, k,v):
if v.recordType == kHFSPlusFileRecord:
self.fileids[v.data.fileID] = True
def getFileRecordForFileID(self, fileID):
k,v = self.catalogTree.searchByCNID(fileID)
return v
def getFullPath(self, fileID):
k,v = self.catalogTree.search((fileID, ""))
if not k:
print "File ID %d not found" % fileID
return ""
p = getString(v.data)
while k:
k,v = self.catalogTree.search((v.data.parentID, ""))
if k.parentID == kHFSRootFolderID:
p = getString(v.data) + "/" + p
return "/" + p
def getFileRecordForPath(self, path):
k,v = self.catalogTree.getRecordFromPath(path)
if not k:
return v.data
def getAllExtents(self, hfsplusfork, fileID):
b = 0
extents = []
for extent in hfsplusfork.HFSPlusExtentDescriptor:
b += extent.blockCount
while b != hfsplusfork.totalBlocks:
k,v = self.getExtentsOverflowForFile(fileID, b)
if not v:
print "extents overflow missing, startblock=%d" % b
for extent in v:
b += extent.blockCount
return extents
def dohashFiles(self, k,v):
if v.recordType == kHFSPlusFileRecord:
filename = getString(k)
f = HFSFile(self, v.data.dataFork, v.data.fileID)
print filename, hashlib.sha1(f.readAllBuffer()).hexdigest()
def hashFiles(self):
if __name__ == "__main__":
v = HFSVolume("myramdisk.dmg",offset=0x40)
print v.readFile("/usr/local/share/restore/imeisv_svn.plist")
print v.listXattrs("/usr/local/share/restore/imeisv_svn.plist")