add mattermost caprover one-click-apps file

This commit is contained in:
Jeffrey Paul 2020-03-17 03:59:54 -07:00
parent d6a2a1e6fd
commit 93fb9ae68b
1 changed files with 74 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
"captainVersion": "2",
"documentation": "",
"displayName": "Mattermost",
"description": "Mattermost Team Edition open source collaboration/chat software",
"dockerCompose": {
"version": "3.3",
"services": {
"$$cap_appname-postgres": {
"image": "postgres@$$cap_postgres_version",
"notExposeAsWebApp": "true",
"volumes": [
"restart": "always",
"environment": {
"POSTGRES_USER": "mattermost",
"POSTGRES_PASSWORD": "$$cap_pg_pass",
"POSTGRES_DB": "mattermost"
"$$cap_appname": {
"dockerfileLines": [
"FROM mattermost/mattermost-team-edition@$$cap_mattermost_version",
"RUN sed -i '' /mattermost/bin/mattermost",
"RUN sed -i '' /mattermost/bin/mattermost"
"containerHttpPort": "8065",
"depends_on": [
"volumes": [
"restart": "always",
"environment": {
"MM_SQLSETTINGS_DATASOURCE": "postgres://mattermost:$$cap_pg_pass@srv-captain--$$cap_appname-postgres:5432/mattermost?sslmode=disable&connect_timeout=10",
"MM_SERVICESETTINGS_SITEURL": "https://$$cap_appname.$$cap_root_domain",
"instructions": {
"start": "Open-source collaboration/chat server Mattermost Team Edition.",
"end": "Mattermost is deployed and available as srv-captain--$$cap_appname:80. Note that the application may take a few minutes to become available. Following deployment you must verify MM_SERVICESETTINGS_SITEURL in the application's environment refers to your app's official public URL."
"variables": [
"id": "$$cap_postgres_version",
"label": "Postgres Docker Image SHA Hash",
"defaultValue": "sha256:110d3325db02daa6e1541fdd37725fcbecb7d51411229d922562f208c51d35cc",
"description": "Check out their Docker page for the valid tags - default is 12.2 as of 2020-03-16"
"id": "$$cap_mattermost_version",
"label": "Mattermost Docker Image SHA Hash",
"defaultValue": "sha256:f8a4416d0a50a03ebacdbcd44790d5996230da3f48dbefd02307e4fd713567aa",
"description": "Check out their Docker page for the valid tags - default is current as of 2020-03-16"
"id": "$$cap_pg_pass",
"label": "Postgres Password",
"description": "Password must be at least 30 characters. Please use a random string.",
"validRegex": "/^[^\\@]{30,}$/"