added pgoatp to misc dir, vimrc and backup tweaks
This commit is contained in:
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ MINRE=""
MINRE+=" --exclude=/.fseventsd/"
MINRE+=" --exclude=/.Spotlight-V100/"
MINRE+=" --exclude=/.Trashes/"
MINRE+=" --exclude=/tmp/"
# before anything else, backup gpg keys if any:
if [ -d ${HOME}/.gnupg ]; then
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
# This is PGoatP, for goatseing pgp keys
# 2011
# sorry to everyone forever for pissing in the collective pool
# apologies to dfw for the name
# and thanks to MIT for using monospaced fonts on the web
use strict;
use warnings qw( all );
our $keyserver = '';
our $tmpdir = '/tmp/pgoat.' . $$; # run only in single user mode, dumbass.
our $gpg_opts = qq{--batch --homedir '$tmpdir'};
sub main {
if (@ARGV < 1) {
die "usage: $0 <target keyid> [ascii file]\n";
keyserver => $keyserver,
target => $ARGV[0],
ascii => [ split(/\n/,(@ARGV == 1) ? goatse() : readfile($ARGV[1])) ],
sub pgoatp {
my $opts = shift;
unlink($tmpdir); # woo temp file race
mkdir($tmpdir) unless -d $tmpdir;
chmod 0700, $tmpdir;
my $target = $opts->{'target'};
print "fetching target key...\n";
`gpg $gpg_opts -q --keyserver $keyserver --recv-key $target`;
my $x = 0;
my @trollkeys;
foreach my $line (@{$opts->{'ascii'}}) {
next if $line =~ /^\s*$/;
"%i%% done generating keys\n",
my $keyid = gen_key({
name => $line
`gpg -q $gpg_opts --yes --default-key $keyid --sign-key $target 2>&1`;
print "preview:\n";
print `gpg $gpg_opts --list-sigs $target`;
print "\n\n*** you have ten seconds to control-c to cancel! *** \n\n";
sleep 10;
print `gpg $gpg_opts --keyserver $keyserver --send-key $target`;
foreach my $keyid (@trollkeys) {
print `gpg $gpg_opts --keyserver $keyserver --send-key $keyid`;
sub gen_key {
my $opts = shift;
open(FH,'>' . $tmpdir . '/input') or die;
my $format =
q{Key-Type: DSA
Key-Length: 1024
Subkey-Type: ELG-E
Subkey-Length: 1024
Name-Real: %s
Expire-Date: 0
%%pubring %s/pub
%%secring %s/sec
printf FH $format,$opts->{'name'},$tmpdir,$tmpdir;
`gpg $gpg_opts --gen-key $tmpdir/input 2>&1 `;
my $out = `gpg $gpg_opts --import $tmpdir/sec $tmpdir/pub 2>&1 `;
unlink($tmpdir . '/sec');
unlink($tmpdir . '/pub');
#print $out; die;
die unless $out =~ /key (\S+?)\:/m;
return $1;
sub readfile {
my $fn = shift;
open(FH,$fn) or die "can't open file $fn for reading: $!\n";
my $data;
read(FH,$data,1024*5); # 5kb ought to be enough for anyone
return $data;
sub goatse { q{
* g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x *
g g
o / \ \ / \ o
a| | \ | | a
t| `. | | : t
s` | | \| | s
e \ | / / \\\\\ --__ \\\\ : e
x \ \/ _--~~ ~--__| \ | x
* \ \_-~ ~-_\ | *
g \_ \ _.--------.______\| | g
o \ \______// _ ___ _ (_(__> \ | o
a \ . C ___) ______ (_(____> | / a
t /\ | C ____)/ \ (_____> |_/ t
s / /\| C_____) | (___> / \ s
e | ( _C_____)\______/ // _/ / \ e
x | \ |__ \\\\_________// (__/ | x
* | \ \____) `---- --' | *
g | \_ ___\ /_ _/ | g
o | / | | \ | o
a | | / \ \ | a
t | / / | | \ |t
s | / / \__/\___/ | |s
e | / | | | |e
x | | | | | |x
* g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x *
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ noremap! <Right> <Esc>
au InsertEnter * hi StatusLine term=reverse guibg=#005000
au InsertLeave * hi StatusLine term=reverse guibg=#444444
set number
set tw=75
set tw=79
set encoding=utf-8
setglobal fileencoding=utf-8
set nobomb
Reference in New Issue
Block a user