
139 lines
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2011-07-05 21:29:44 +00:00
use strict;
use warnings qw( all );
use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
use Irssi;
$VERSION = '20070322';
%IRSSI = (
authors => 'sneak for #bantown',
contact => 'sneak@datavibe.net',
name => 'bizzybotte',
description => 'this script makes you sound like bizzy.',
license => 'Public Domain',
sub send_text {
#"send text", char *line, SERVER_REC, WI_ITEM_REC
my ( $data, $server, $witem ) = @_;
if ( $witem
&& ( $witem->{type} eq "CHANNEL" )
&& $data
$witem->command("msg $witem->{name} " . fuckestring($data));
sub fuckestring ($) {
my $string;
if(@_) {
$string = shift;
} else {
$string = $_;
return '' unless $string;
my @things = parseline($string);
my $out;
foreach my $thing (@things) {
if($thing->{'type'} eq 'word') {
my $word = suffixword($thing->{'content'});
$word = uc($word)
uc($thing->{'content'}) eq $thing->{'content'};
$out .= $word;
} else {
$out .= $thing->{'content'};
return $out;
sub parseline {
local $_ = shift;
return unless $_;
my @sentence;
until (/\G$/gc) { # until pos at end of string
if (/\G([A-Za-z']+)/gc) {
push @sentence, { type => 'word', 'content' => $1 };
} elsif (/\G([^A-Za-z']+)/gc) {
push @sentence, { type => 'other', 'content' => $1} ;
return @sentence;
sub suffixword {
local $_ = shift;
return unless $_;
return('lolle') if lc($_) eq 'lol';
return('butte') if lc($_) eq 'but';
# some simple skips:
my $tmp = lc($_);
$tmp =~ s/[^a-z]//g;
return $_ if length($tmp) < 4;
#foreach my $skip (qw(
# bad heh ooh
#)) {
# return $_ if $tmp eq $skip;
# skip rules:
foreach my $suf (qw( e ng ing ed es ah l er )) {
if(/$suf[sS]*$/i) {
return $_;
my $out = $_;
# special cases where a consonant gets doubled
return('whatte') if ($tmp eq 'what');
# letters that end words that get doubled
# i.e. l as in 'lol'->'lolle'
foreach my $suf (qw( l g m n et p r )) {
if(/${suf}[sS]*$/i) {
return double_laste($_);
} else {
return $out;
# letters that end words that just get 'e'
# i.e. k as in 'fuck'->'fucke'
foreach my $suf (qw( d k h t )) {
if(/$suf[sS]*$/i) {
return single_laste($_);
} else {
# if we got this far, just return the original word unmodified
return $_;
sub single_laste {
local $_ = shift;
my $s = '';
if(/s$/i) { $s = 's'; s/s$//; }
return($_ . 'e' .$s);
sub double_laste {
local $_ = shift;
my $s = '';
if(/s$/i) { $s = 's'; s/s$//; }
my $last = $1;
$last = '' if /${last}${last}$/;
return($_ . $last . 'e' . $s);
Irssi::signal_add('send text' => 'send_text');