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* Copyright (C) 2006-2016 Jacek Sieka, arnetheduck on gmail point com
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* @page PluginAPI Plugin API Information
* @section General General
* ADCH++ contains a rather powerful plugin API that can be used to create advanced
* plugins that change or add to ADCH++'s behaviour. Most plugins will need
* PluginManager.h, ClientManager.h and Client.h included to work, even though the
* other header files are available as well (they're more likely to change in future
* versions though). You can use any method that is declared as DLL or is inline, the
* others are meant to be internal to ADCH++, very likely to change/disappear and will
* generate link errors (when compiling under windows anyway). When starting a plugin
* project I strongly recommend that you take one of the existing plugins and modify
* it to your needs (to get all compiler settings and base code right).
* @section Versions Versions
* Due to C++ name mangling, plugins are generally valid only for a certain version
* of the ADCH++ plugin API. This version usually follows the main ADCH++ version,
* unless a small update is made that I judge shouldn't affect plugins in any way.
* Most of the time, recompiling the plugin should be enough, unless any major changes
* have been made, and your plugin doesn't rely on the nasty internals.
* @section Threads Threads
* ADCH++ has two main threads running when operating. One handles all network
* communication while the other does all other work (handle protocol data and
* so on). All plugins are run in the worker thread, which is the only thread
* visible to the API. You are only allowed to interact with ADCH++ from this
* thread, as none of the API is thread safe, unless otherwise noted. This has a
* few important consequences. First off, you can assume that your plugin will
* only be called by this thread, which means that you don't have to worry about
* multithreading issues unless you start threads by yourself. Second, any work you
* do in a plugin halts <b>all</b> of ADCH++'s processing (apart from receiving/sending
* buffered data), in other words, don't do any lengthy processing in the on methods,
* as the whole of ADCH++ will suffer. Third, if you indeed start another thread, make
* sure you don't use any API functions from it apart from those explicitly marked
* as thread safe. To indicate from a plugin that you have work to do in the main
* worker thread, call PluginManager::attention().
#include "version.h"
#include "Signal.h"
#include "ClientManager.h"
#include "Plugin.h"
namespace adchpp {
class SimpleXML;
#ifdef _WIN32
#define PLUGIN_API
#define PLUGIN_API __declspec(dllexport)
typedef HMODULE plugin_t;
#else // WIN32
#define PLUGIN_API
#define PLUGIN_API __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
typedef void* plugin_t;
#endif // WIN32
* PLUGIN_API double pluginGetVersion()
* This function should just return the constant PLUGINVERSIONFLOAT
* so that the pluginmanager can determine if this plugin should
* be loaded or not
typedef int (*PLUGIN_GET_VERSION)();
* PLUGIN_API void pluginLoad()
* This function is called when the hub is starting up and loading the plugin.
* Here you should load any data your plugin might need and connect to any
* Managers you might be interested in. Note; you also have to connect to
* PluginManager itself to receive its events.
* @return 0 if the plugin was loaded ok, != 0 otherwise (the number will be logged,
* use as error code). Plugin dll will get unloaded without calling pluginUnload if the return
* value is not 0 here.
* @see pluginUnload
typedef int (*PLUGIN_LOAD)(PluginManager *);
* PLUGIN_API void pluginUnload()
* Called when the hub is shutting down
* @see pluginLoad
typedef void (*PLUGIN_UNLOAD)();
class PluginManager
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, shared_ptr<Plugin>> Registry;
* This is a thread-safe method to call when you need to perform some work
* in the main ADCH++ worker thread. Your job will be executed once, when
* time permits.
ADCHPP_DLL void attention(const std::function<void()>& f);
* Get a list of currently loaded plugins
const StringList& getPluginList() const {
return plugins;
void setPluginList(const StringList& pluginList) { plugins = pluginList; }
* Get the plugin path as set in adchpp.xml
const std::string& getPluginPath() const {
return pluginPath;
void setPluginPath(const std::string& path) { pluginPath = path; }
* Register a plugin data type to be used with Client::setPSD and friends.
* When data is removed, the deleter function will automatically be called
* with the data as parameter, allowing automatic life cycle managment for
* plugin-specific data.
PluginDataHandle registerPluginData(const PluginDataDeleter& deleter_) { return PluginDataHandle(new PluginData(deleter_)); }
* Register a plugin interface under a name.
* @return false if name was already registered and call fails
bool registerPlugin(const std::string& name, shared_ptr<Plugin> ptr) {
return registry.insert(std::make_pair(name, ptr)).second;
/** @return True if the plugin existed and was thus unregistered */
bool unregisterPlugin(const std::string& name) {
return registry.erase(name) > 0;
* @return Plugin interface, or an empty pointer if not found
shared_ptr<Plugin> getPlugin(const std::string& name) {
auto i = registry.find(name);
return i == registry.end() ? shared_ptr<Plugin>() : i->second;
* The full map of registered plugins.
const Registry& getPlugins() const {
return registry;
typedef SignalTraits<void (Entity&, const StringList&, bool&)>::Signal CommandSignal;
typedef CommandSignal::Slot CommandSlot;
* Utility function to handle +-commands from clients
* The parameters are the same as ClientManager::signalReceive, only that the parameters will
* have been parsed already, and the function will only be called if the command name matches
ADCHPP_DLL ClientManager::SignalReceive::Connection onCommand(const std::string& commandName, const CommandSlot& f);
/// Handle +-commands set by another script, and possibly prevent them from being dispatched
ADCHPP_DLL CommandSignal& getCommandSignal(const std::string& commandName);
/** @internal */
void load();
/** @internal */
void shutdown();
ADCHPP_DLL Core &getCore();
friend class Core;
PluginManager(Core &core) throw();
class PluginInfo {
handle(h), pluginGetVersion(v), pluginLoad(l), pluginUnload(u) { }
plugin_t handle;
PLUGIN_GET_VERSION pluginGetVersion;
PLUGIN_LOAD pluginLoad;
PLUGIN_UNLOAD pluginUnload;
struct CommandDispatch {
CommandDispatch(PluginManager &pm, const std::string& name_, const PluginManager::CommandSlot& f_);
void operator()(Entity& e, AdcCommand& cmd, bool& ok);
std::string name;
PluginManager::CommandSlot f;
PluginManager *pm;
friend struct CommandDispatch;
typedef std::vector<PluginInfo> PluginList;
typedef PluginList::iterator PluginIter;
PluginList active;
Registry registry;
StringList plugins;
std::string pluginPath;
Core &core;
static const std::string className;
bool loadPlugin(const std::string& file);
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, CommandSignal> CommandHandlers;
CommandHandlers commandHandlers;
bool handleCommand(Entity& e, const StringList& l);