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-- 2.12.1 2016-03-08 --
* Move the MOTD example Lua script to a more general script that supports
multiple texts
-- 2.12.0 2015-04-06 --
* [L#907372] Fix wrong log file placement
* [L#1440795] Show hub address in the user registration confirmation message (if available) (emtee)
* Apply hub address format for pingers changes mandated by ADC-EXT 1.0.9. (emtee)
* Improve UTF-8 RFC-3629 compliance (cologic)
* [L#1317710] Support TLS versions 1.1, 1.2, and newer (cologic)
-- 2.11.2 2014-04-14 --
* [L#1206293] Fix crashes after calling +reload
* [L#1206293] Fix commands that output entity info
-- 2.11.1 2014-04-10 --
* Improve Lua scripts
-- 2.11.0 2013-07-19 --
* Reinstate the DisconnectTimeout setting, increase its default from 5 to 10 ms
-- 2.10.1 2013-07-17 --
* Improve nick validation (speak up if you think it's not optimal)
-- 2.10.0 2013-07-13 --
* Make -Wl,--no-undefined conditional as required by the Bloom plugin API
* Add an API to the bloom manager for notifying when the filters get updated
* Add an API to the bloom manager allowing to make requests to the user's filter
* Add an API to the bloom manager allowing to export the filter stats
* Allow usage of the system's Boost Libraries
* Allow usage of the system's Lua Libraries
* Allow specifying the path to the system lua binary
* Improve Lua scripts
* [L#1118699] Normalize per-entity data storage from Lua
* Update Boost to version 1.53
* Stricter nick validation
-- 2.9.0 2012-10-23 --
* Add Lua FileSystem
* Add Lua Socket
* Separate user level detection for limit and flood protection
* Add NI, DE, CID and user command validation to comply with the protocol
* [L#920788] Fix signalSend in lua (thanks Andy Chmilenko)
* [L#920791] Expose a few different functions to scripts (thanks Andy Chmilenko)
* Restrict +listreg and +regnick to operators
* Update Boost to version 1.51
* Stabilize the shutdown process
-- 2.8.1 2012-05-30 --
* [L#830841] Python plugin api signal fix (thanks Andy Chmilenko)
* [L#881790] Make python callback callable (thanks Andy Chmilenko)
* [L#940745] Improve build option granularity (thanks klondike)
* [L#940756] Improve Ruby detection (thanks klondike)
* Update Boost to version 1.49
* [L#880488] Update the temporary workaround for the dchublist pinger
-- 2.8.0 2011-12-11 --
* Send a QUI with TL-1 during fatal STA disconnects
* Process most settings again
* [L#717858] Fix disconnection of users taking too long to log in
* [L#717858] Consider users as connected before they start the TLS handshake
* Add access.guard.lua a floodprotection and removing duplicated functions
* Extend basic rules and added spamming protection to it
* Add entity logging functions with history on changes
* Add FO extension to hub INF
* Add hasParam to lua API
* [L#873985] Fix duplicated entries in regtables
* [L#831522] Add partial matching for params of the +help command
* [L#813760] Extended bansre with search and action selection
* [L#864642] Delayed sending hub's INF to end of the VERIFY or IDENTIFY state
* Remove the license page from the installer
* Fix mixup between the & the actual bot
* Add to ClientManager signalReady Entity is ready for read / write
* [L#804024] Separate application and version in INF
* [L#888280] Fixed guide regarding reg exp in bans lua
* Added aio.lua load/save settings and users.txt with backup
* Listen on all available sockets
* Improve Lua scripts, extra info in regged users table, history since last logon, etc
* Update user guide
* Update Boost to 1.48
* Add a sendRaw method for scripts
* [L#309402] Rudimentary IPv6 support
* [L#829179] Expose SimpleXML::getChildName to scripts
-- 2.7.0 2011-02-23 --
* Export PluginManager::attention to scripts
* Update Boost to version 1.45
* [L#537905] Add redhat init scripts (thanks E_zombie)
* [L#609436] Fix SCons warnings
* Save some memory by not pre-allocating read buffer
* [L#650587] Add NAT & RNT to the known commands
* [L#654218] Fix timer issues
* Propagate error codes
* Count write timeouts
* Start PHP and Ruby bindings
* [L#610321] Fix some warnings
* Fix an uninitialized member issue resulting in random behaviour
* [L#508641] Make bot disconnect asynchronous
* Re-add missing bloom stats
* [L#609435] Fix bloom race condition
* Add basic rules (sharesize, slots, etc...)
* Update user guide
* [L#521681] Pass reason in disconnect signal
* [L#491951] Fix messages not being sent
-- 2.5.2 2010-07-23 --
* Compiled with C++0x support
* Update Boost to version 1.43
* Improve Lua scripts
* More performant and less crash-prone timers
-- 2.5.1 2010-06-20 --
* [L#591701] Fix compiling out of the bzr repo
* Fix the "unloading" event which was never being called
* Unload scripts in the reverse order of addition
* Improve Lua scripts
* [L#596669] Disconnect ghosts
-- 2.5.0 2010-05-03 --
* Improve Lua scripts: various bug fixes, support PING
* Clients are disconnected with the DI flag of QUI
* Update to Lua 5.1.4
* Update to boost 1.42
* Better support of Python extensions
* Add an icon and version info to the Windows daemon
* Allow local IPs
* Bloom plugin: filter more TTH searches
* [L#427706] Fix some crashes
* Hub will automatically reject new users if its having bandwidth problems
* [L#502280] Fix Windows service
* Accept relative paths in config files
* [L#518972] Fix python memory leak
* Plugins can use timers (see SocketManager::addJob)
* [L#491951] Give unsent messages 10 seconds before disconnecting
* Send IPs of passive users
-- 2.4 2008-10-02 --
* Improve Lua scripts
-- 2.3 2008-09-29 --
* Fix service install on Windows
* Fix plugins not being unloaded correctly
* Use boost asio for sockets instead of home brew
* TLS support
* Fix a few crashes here and there
* Improve Lua scripts
-- 2.2 2008-02-12 --
* access.lua: fixed message type for MSG
* Some minor socket fixes
* Initial Bloom filter implementation
* Fixed 100% cpu / infinite resend bug
-- 2.1 2008-01-06 --
* Initial ADC 1.0 release