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Setting up Third Party Apps FAQ


Tower provides instructions.

GitHub Desktop

Should just work, no configuration needed


Add this to your ~/.ssh/config (the path should match the socket path from the setup flow).

Host *
	IdentityAgent /Users/$YOUR_USERNAME/Library/Containers/com.maxgoedjen.Secretive.SecretAgent/Data/socket.ssh

VS Code

Add this to your ~/.ssh/config (the path should match the socket path from the setup flow).

Host *
	IdentityAgent /Users/$YOUR_USERNAME/Library/Containers/com.maxgoedjen.Secretive.SecretAgent/Data/socket.ssh

The app I use isn't listed here!

If you know how to get it set up, please open a PR for this page and add it! Contributions are very welcome. If you're not able to get it working, please file a GitHub issue for it. No guarantees we'll be able to get it working, but chances are someone else in the community might be able to.