mirror of
synced 2024-12-23 07:27:05 +00:00
122 lines
4.7 KiB
Executable File
122 lines
4.7 KiB
Executable File
import re, os.path
import dateutil.parser
import mailconfig
import utils
def scan_mail_log(logger, env):
collector = {
"other-services": set(),
"imap-logins": { },
"postgrey": { },
"rejected-mail": { },
collector["real_mail_addresses"] = set(mailconfig.get_mail_users(env)) | set(alias[0] for alias in mailconfig.get_mail_aliases(env))
for fn in ('/var/log/mail.log.1', '/var/log/mail.log'):
if not os.path.exists(fn): continue
with open(fn, 'rb') as log:
for line in log:
line = line.decode("utf8", errors='replace')
scan_mail_log_line(line.strip(), collector)
if collector["imap-logins"]:
logger.add_heading("Recent IMAP Logins")
logger.print_block("The most recent login from each remote IP adddress is show.")
for k in utils.sort_email_addresses(collector["imap-logins"], env):
for ip, date in sorted(collector["imap-logins"][k].items(), key = lambda kv : kv[1]):
logger.print_line(k + "\t" + str(date) + "\t" + ip)
if collector["postgrey"]:
logger.add_heading("Greylisted Mail")
logger.print_block("The following mail was greylisted, meaning the emails were temporarily rejected. Legitimate senders will try again within ten minutes.")
logger.print_line("recipient" + "\t" + "received" + "\t" + "sender" + "\t" + "delivered")
for recipient in utils.sort_email_addresses(collector["postgrey"], env):
for (client_address, sender), (first_date, delivered_date) in sorted(collector["postgrey"][recipient].items(), key = lambda kv : kv[1][0]):
logger.print_line(recipient + "\t" + str(first_date) + "\t" + sender + "\t" + (("delivered " + str(delivered_date)) if delivered_date else "no retry yet"))
if collector["rejected-mail"]:
logger.add_heading("Rejected Mail")
logger.print_block("The following incoming mail was rejected.")
for k in utils.sort_email_addresses(collector["rejected-mail"], env):
for date, sender, message in collector["rejected-mail"][k]:
logger.print_line(k + "\t" + str(date) + "\t" + sender + "\t" + message)
if len(collector["other-services"]) > 0:
logger.print_block("Unrecognized services in the log: " + ", ".join(collector["other-services"]))
def scan_mail_log_line(line, collector):
m = re.match(r"(\S+ \d+ \d+:\d+:\d+) (\S+) (\S+?)(\[\d+\])?: (.*)", line)
if not m: return
date, system, service, pid, log = m.groups()
date = dateutil.parser.parse(date)
if service == "dovecot":
scan_dovecot_line(date, log, collector)
elif service == "postgrey":
scan_postgrey_line(date, log, collector)
elif service == "postfix/smtpd":
scan_postfix_smtpd_line(date, log, collector)
elif service in ("postfix/qmgr", "postfix/pickup", "postfix/cleanup",
"postfix/scache", "spampd", "postfix/anvil", "postfix/master",
"opendkim", "postfix/lmtp", "postfix/tlsmgr"):
# nothing to look at
def scan_dovecot_line(date, log, collector):
m = re.match("imap-login: Login: user=<(.*?)>, method=PLAIN, rip=(.*?),", log)
if m:
login, ip = m.group(1), m.group(2)
if ip != "": # local login from webmail/zpush
collector["imap-logins"].setdefault(login, {})[ip] = date
def scan_postgrey_line(date, log, collector):
m = re.match("action=(greylist|pass), reason=(.*?), (?:delay=\d+, )?client_name=(.*), client_address=(.*), sender=(.*), recipient=(.*)", log)
if m:
action, reason, client_name, client_address, sender, recipient = m.groups()
key = (client_address, sender)
if action == "greylist" and reason == "new":
collector["postgrey"].setdefault(recipient, {})[key] = (date, None)
elif action == "pass" and reason == "triplet found" and key in collector["postgrey"].get(recipient, {}):
collector["postgrey"][recipient][key] = (collector["postgrey"][recipient][key][0], date)
def scan_postfix_smtpd_line(date, log, collector):
m = re.match("NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from .*?: (.*?); from=<(.*?)> to=<(.*?)>", log)
if m:
message, sender, recipient = m.groups()
if recipient in collector["real_mail_addresses"]:
# only log mail to real recipients
# skip this, is reported in the greylisting report
if "Recipient address rejected: Greylisted" in message:
# simplify this one
m = re.search(r"Client host \[(.*?)\] blocked using zen.spamhaus.org; (.*)", message)
if m:
message = "ip blocked: " + m.group(2)
# simplify this one too
m = re.search(r"Sender address \[.*@(.*)\] blocked using dbl.spamhaus.org; (.*)", message)
if m:
message = "domain blocked: " + m.group(2)
collector["rejected-mail"].setdefault(recipient, []).append( (date, sender, message) )
if __name__ == "__main__":
from status_checks import ConsoleOutput
env = utils.load_environment()
scan_mail_log(ConsoleOutput(), env)