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synced 2025-03-10 20:17:05 +00:00
407 lines
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Executable File
407 lines
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Executable File
import os, os.path, re, json
from functools import wraps
from flask import Flask, request, render_template, abort, Response
import auth, utils
from mailconfig import get_mail_users, get_mail_users_ex, get_admins, add_mail_user, set_mail_password, remove_mail_user
from mailconfig import get_mail_user_privileges, add_remove_mail_user_privilege
from mailconfig import get_mail_aliases, get_mail_aliases_ex, get_mail_domains, add_mail_alias, remove_mail_alias
# Create a worker pool for the status checks. The pool should
# live across http requests so we don't baloon the system with
# processes.
import multiprocessing.pool
pool = multiprocessing.pool.Pool(processes=10)
env = utils.load_environment()
auth_service = auth.KeyAuthService()
# We may deploy via a symbolic link, which confuses flask's template finding.
me = __file__
me = os.readlink(__file__)
except OSError:
app = Flask(__name__, template_folder=os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(me), "templates")))
# Decorator to protect views that require a user with 'admin' privileges.
def authorized_personnel_only(viewfunc):
def newview(*args, **kwargs):
# Authenticate the passed credentials, which is either the API key or a username:password pair.
error = None
email, privs = auth_service.authenticate(request, env)
except ValueError as e:
# Authentication failed.
privs = []
error = str(e)
# Authorized to access an API view?
if "admin" in privs:
# Call view func.
return viewfunc(*args, **kwargs)
elif not error:
error = "You are not an administrator."
# Not authorized. Return a 401 (send auth) and a prompt to authorize by default.
status = 401
headers = {
'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="{0}"'.format(auth_service.auth_realm),
'X-Reason': error,
if request.headers.get('X-Requested-With') == 'XMLHttpRequest':
# Don't issue a 401 to an AJAX request because the user will
# be prompted for credentials, which is not helpful.
status = 403
headers = None
if request.headers.get('Accept') in (None, "", "*/*"):
# Return plain text output.
return Response(error+"\n", status=status, mimetype='text/plain', headers=headers)
# Return JSON output.
return Response(json.dumps({
"status": "error",
"reason": error,
})+"\n", status=status, mimetype='application/json', headers=headers)
return newview
def unauthorized(error):
return auth_service.make_unauthorized_response()
def json_response(data):
return Response(json.dumps(data, indent=2, sort_keys=True)+'\n', status=200, mimetype='application/json')
# Control Panel (unauthenticated views)
def index():
# Render the control panel. This route does not require user authentication
# so it must be safe!
no_users_exist = (len(get_mail_users(env)) == 0)
no_admins_exist = (len(get_admins(env)) == 0)
return render_template('index.html',
def me():
# Is the caller authorized?
email, privs = auth_service.authenticate(request, env)
except ValueError as e:
return json_response({
"status": "invalid",
"reason": str(e),
resp = {
"status": "ok",
"email": email,
"privileges": privs,
# Is authorized as admin? Return an API key for future use.
if "admin" in privs:
resp["api_key"] = auth_service.create_user_key(email)
# Return.
return json_response(resp)
def mail_users():
if request.args.get("format", "") == "json":
return json_response(get_mail_users_ex(env, with_archived=True, with_slow_info=True))
return "".join(x+"\n" for x in get_mail_users(env))
@app.route('/mail/users/add', methods=['POST'])
def mail_users_add():
return add_mail_user(request.form.get('email', ''), request.form.get('password', ''), request.form.get('privileges', ''), env)
except ValueError as e:
return (str(e), 400)
@app.route('/mail/users/password', methods=['POST'])
def mail_users_password():
return set_mail_password(request.form.get('email', ''), request.form.get('password', ''), env)
except ValueError as e:
return (str(e), 400)
@app.route('/mail/users/remove', methods=['POST'])
def mail_users_remove():
return remove_mail_user(request.form.get('email', ''), env)
def mail_user_privs():
privs = get_mail_user_privileges(request.args.get('email', ''), env)
if isinstance(privs, tuple): return privs # error
return "\n".join(privs)
@app.route('/mail/users/privileges/add', methods=['POST'])
def mail_user_privs_add():
return add_remove_mail_user_privilege(request.form.get('email', ''), request.form.get('privilege', ''), "add", env)
@app.route('/mail/users/privileges/remove', methods=['POST'])
def mail_user_privs_remove():
return add_remove_mail_user_privilege(request.form.get('email', ''), request.form.get('privilege', ''), "remove", env)
def mail_aliases():
if request.args.get("format", "") == "json":
return json_response(get_mail_aliases_ex(env))
return "".join(x+"\t"+y+"\n" for x, y in get_mail_aliases(env))
@app.route('/mail/aliases/add', methods=['POST'])
def mail_aliases_add():
return add_mail_alias(
request.form.get('source', ''),
request.form.get('destination', ''),
update_if_exists=(request.form.get('update_if_exists', '') == '1')
@app.route('/mail/aliases/remove', methods=['POST'])
def mail_aliases_remove():
return remove_mail_alias(request.form.get('source', ''), env)
def mail_domains():
return "".join(x+"\n" for x in get_mail_domains(env))
def dns_zones():
from dns_update import get_dns_zones
return json_response([z[0] for z in get_dns_zones(env)])
@app.route('/dns/update', methods=['POST'])
def dns_update():
from dns_update import do_dns_update
return do_dns_update(env, force=request.form.get('force', '') == '1')
except Exception as e:
return (str(e), 500)
def dns_get_secondary_nameserver():
from dns_update import get_custom_dns_config, get_secondary_dns
return json_response({ "hostname": get_secondary_dns(get_custom_dns_config(env)) })
@app.route('/dns/secondary-nameserver', methods=['POST'])
def dns_set_secondary_nameserver():
from dns_update import set_secondary_dns
return set_secondary_dns(request.form.get('hostname'), env)
except ValueError as e:
return (str(e), 400)
def dns_get_records(qname=None, rtype=None):
from dns_update import get_custom_dns_config
return json_response([
"qname": r[0],
"rtype": r[1],
"value": r[2],
for r in get_custom_dns_config(env)
if r[0] != "_secondary_nameserver"
and (not qname or r[0] == qname)
and (not rtype or r[1] == rtype) ])
@app.route('/dns/custom/<qname>', methods=['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'])
@app.route('/dns/custom/<qname>/<rtype>', methods=['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'])
def dns_set_record(qname, rtype="A"):
from dns_update import do_dns_update, set_custom_dns_record
# Normalize.
rtype = rtype.upper()
# Read the record value from the request BODY, which must be
# ASCII-only. Not used with GET.
value = request.stream.read().decode("ascii", "ignore").strip()
if request.method == "GET":
# Get the existing records matching the qname and rtype.
return dns_get_records(qname, rtype)
elif request.method in ("POST", "PUT"):
# There is a default value for A/AAAA records.
if rtype in ("A", "AAAA") and value == "":
value = request.environ.get("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR") # normally REMOTE_ADDR but we're behind nginx as a reverse proxy
# Cannot add empty records.
if value == '':
return ("No value for the record provided.", 400)
if request.method == "POST":
# Add a new record (in addition to any existing records
# for this qname-rtype pair).
action = "add"
elif request.method == "PUT":
# In REST, PUT is supposed to be idempotent, so we'll
# make this action set (replace all records for this
# qname-rtype pair) rather than add (add a new record).
action = "set"
elif request.method == "DELETE":
if value == '':
# Delete all records for this qname-type pair.
value = None
# Delete just the qname-rtype-value record exactly.
action = "remove"
if set_custom_dns_record(qname, rtype, value, action, env):
return do_dns_update(env) or "Something isn't right."
return "OK"
except ValueError as e:
return (str(e), 400)
def dns_get_dump():
from dns_update import build_recommended_dns
return json_response(build_recommended_dns(env))
@app.route('/ssl/csr/<domain>', methods=['POST'])
def ssl_get_csr(domain):
from web_update import get_domain_ssl_files, create_csr
ssl_key, ssl_certificate, ssl_via = get_domain_ssl_files(domain, env)
return create_csr(domain, ssl_key, env)
@app.route('/ssl/install', methods=['POST'])
def ssl_install_cert():
from web_update import install_cert
domain = request.form.get('domain')
ssl_cert = request.form.get('cert')
ssl_chain = request.form.get('chain')
return install_cert(domain, ssl_cert, ssl_chain, env)
def web_get_domains():
from web_update import get_web_domains_info
return json_response(get_web_domains_info(env))
@app.route('/web/update', methods=['POST'])
def web_update():
from web_update import do_web_update
return do_web_update(env)
# System
@app.route('/system/status', methods=["POST"])
def system_status():
from status_checks import run_checks
class WebOutput:
def __init__(self):
self.items = []
def add_heading(self, heading):
self.items.append({ "type": "heading", "text": heading, "extra": [] })
def print_ok(self, message):
self.items.append({ "type": "ok", "text": message, "extra": [] })
def print_error(self, message):
self.items.append({ "type": "error", "text": message, "extra": [] })
def print_warning(self, message):
self.items.append({ "type": "warning", "text": message, "extra": [] })
def print_line(self, message, monospace=False):
self.items[-1]["extra"].append({ "text": message, "monospace": monospace })
output = WebOutput()
run_checks(False, env, output, pool)
return json_response(output.items)
def show_updates():
from status_checks import list_apt_updates
return "".join(
"%s (%s)\n"
% (p["package"], p["version"])
for p in list_apt_updates())
@app.route('/system/update-packages', methods=["POST"])
def do_updates():
utils.shell("check_call", ["/usr/bin/apt-get", "-qq", "update"])
return utils.shell("check_output", ["/usr/bin/apt-get", "-y", "upgrade"], env={
"DEBIAN_FRONTEND": "noninteractive"
def backup_status():
from backup import backup_status
return json_response(backup_status(env))
if __name__ == '__main__':
if "DEBUG" in os.environ: app.debug = True
if "APIKEY" in os.environ: auth_service.key = os.environ["APIKEY"]
if not app.debug:
# For testing on the command line, you can use `curl` like so:
# curl --user $(</var/lib/mailinabox/api.key): http://localhost:10222/mail/users
# For testing in the browser, you can copy the API key that's output to the
# debug console and enter that as the username
app.logger.info('API key: ' + auth_service.key)
# Start the application server. Listens on (IPv4 only).