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synced 2025-03-12 20:37:05 +00:00
For HTTPS for the non-primary domains, instead of selecting an SSL certificate by expecting it to be in a directory named after the domain name (with special-case lookups for www domains, and reusing the server certificate where possible), now scan all of the certificates that have been installed and just pick the best to use for each domain. If no certificate is available, don't create a self-signed certificate anymore. This wasn't ever really necessary. Instead just use the server certificate.
473 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
473 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
import os, os.path, re, json
from functools import wraps
from flask import Flask, request, render_template, abort, Response, send_from_directory
import auth, utils
from mailconfig import get_mail_users, get_mail_users_ex, get_admins, add_mail_user, set_mail_password, remove_mail_user
from mailconfig import get_mail_user_privileges, add_remove_mail_user_privilege
from mailconfig import get_mail_aliases, get_mail_aliases_ex, get_mail_domains, add_mail_alias, remove_mail_alias
# Create a worker pool for the status checks. The pool should
# live across http requests so we don't baloon the system with
# processes.
import multiprocessing.pool
pool = multiprocessing.pool.Pool(processes=10)
env = utils.load_environment()
auth_service = auth.KeyAuthService()
# We may deploy via a symbolic link, which confuses flask's template finding.
me = __file__
me = os.readlink(__file__)
except OSError:
app = Flask(__name__, template_folder=os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(me), "templates")))
# Decorator to protect views that require a user with 'admin' privileges.
def authorized_personnel_only(viewfunc):
def newview(*args, **kwargs):
# Authenticate the passed credentials, which is either the API key or a username:password pair.
error = None
email, privs = auth_service.authenticate(request, env)
except ValueError as e:
# Authentication failed.
privs = []
error = str(e)
# Authorized to access an API view?
if "admin" in privs:
# Call view func.
return viewfunc(*args, **kwargs)
elif not error:
error = "You are not an administrator."
# Not authorized. Return a 401 (send auth) and a prompt to authorize by default.
status = 401
headers = {
'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="{0}"'.format(auth_service.auth_realm),
'X-Reason': error,
if request.headers.get('X-Requested-With') == 'XMLHttpRequest':
# Don't issue a 401 to an AJAX request because the user will
# be prompted for credentials, which is not helpful.
status = 403
headers = None
if request.headers.get('Accept') in (None, "", "*/*"):
# Return plain text output.
return Response(error+"\n", status=status, mimetype='text/plain', headers=headers)
# Return JSON output.
return Response(json.dumps({
"status": "error",
"reason": error,
})+"\n", status=status, mimetype='application/json', headers=headers)
return newview
def unauthorized(error):
return auth_service.make_unauthorized_response()
def json_response(data):
return Response(json.dumps(data, indent=2, sort_keys=True)+'\n', status=200, mimetype='application/json')
# Control Panel (unauthenticated views)
def index():
# Render the control panel. This route does not require user authentication
# so it must be safe!
no_users_exist = (len(get_mail_users(env)) == 0)
no_admins_exist = (len(get_admins(env)) == 0)
import boto.s3
backup_s3_hosts = [(r.name, r.endpoint) for r in boto.s3.regions()]
return render_template('index.html',
def me():
# Is the caller authorized?
email, privs = auth_service.authenticate(request, env)
except ValueError as e:
return json_response({
"status": "invalid",
"reason": str(e),
resp = {
"status": "ok",
"email": email,
"privileges": privs,
# Is authorized as admin? Return an API key for future use.
if "admin" in privs:
resp["api_key"] = auth_service.create_user_key(email, env)
# Return.
return json_response(resp)
def mail_users():
if request.args.get("format", "") == "json":
return json_response(get_mail_users_ex(env, with_archived=True, with_slow_info=True))
return "".join(x+"\n" for x in get_mail_users(env))
@app.route('/mail/users/add', methods=['POST'])
def mail_users_add():
return add_mail_user(request.form.get('email', ''), request.form.get('password', ''), request.form.get('privileges', ''), env)
except ValueError as e:
return (str(e), 400)
@app.route('/mail/users/password', methods=['POST'])
def mail_users_password():
return set_mail_password(request.form.get('email', ''), request.form.get('password', ''), env)
except ValueError as e:
return (str(e), 400)
@app.route('/mail/users/remove', methods=['POST'])
def mail_users_remove():
return remove_mail_user(request.form.get('email', ''), env)
def mail_user_privs():
privs = get_mail_user_privileges(request.args.get('email', ''), env)
if isinstance(privs, tuple): return privs # error
return "\n".join(privs)
@app.route('/mail/users/privileges/add', methods=['POST'])
def mail_user_privs_add():
return add_remove_mail_user_privilege(request.form.get('email', ''), request.form.get('privilege', ''), "add", env)
@app.route('/mail/users/privileges/remove', methods=['POST'])
def mail_user_privs_remove():
return add_remove_mail_user_privilege(request.form.get('email', ''), request.form.get('privilege', ''), "remove", env)
def mail_aliases():
if request.args.get("format", "") == "json":
return json_response(get_mail_aliases_ex(env))
return "".join(address+"\t"+receivers+"\t"+(senders or "")+"\n" for address, receivers, senders in get_mail_aliases(env))
@app.route('/mail/aliases/add', methods=['POST'])
def mail_aliases_add():
return add_mail_alias(
request.form.get('address', ''),
request.form.get('forwards_to', ''),
request.form.get('permitted_senders', ''),
update_if_exists=(request.form.get('update_if_exists', '') == '1')
@app.route('/mail/aliases/remove', methods=['POST'])
def mail_aliases_remove():
return remove_mail_alias(request.form.get('address', ''), env)
def mail_domains():
return "".join(x+"\n" for x in get_mail_domains(env))
def dns_zones():
from dns_update import get_dns_zones
return json_response([z[0] for z in get_dns_zones(env)])
@app.route('/dns/update', methods=['POST'])
def dns_update():
from dns_update import do_dns_update
return do_dns_update(env, force=request.form.get('force', '') == '1')
except Exception as e:
return (str(e), 500)
def dns_get_secondary_nameserver():
from dns_update import get_custom_dns_config, get_secondary_dns
return json_response({ "hostnames": get_secondary_dns(get_custom_dns_config(env), mode=None) })
@app.route('/dns/secondary-nameserver', methods=['POST'])
def dns_set_secondary_nameserver():
from dns_update import set_secondary_dns
return set_secondary_dns([ns.strip() for ns in re.split(r"[, ]+", request.form.get('hostnames') or "") if ns.strip() != ""], env)
except ValueError as e:
return (str(e), 400)
def dns_get_records(qname=None, rtype=None):
from dns_update import get_custom_dns_config
return json_response([
"qname": r[0],
"rtype": r[1],
"value": r[2],
for r in get_custom_dns_config(env)
if r[0] != "_secondary_nameserver"
and (not qname or r[0] == qname)
and (not rtype or r[1] == rtype) ])
@app.route('/dns/custom/<qname>', methods=['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'])
@app.route('/dns/custom/<qname>/<rtype>', methods=['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'])
def dns_set_record(qname, rtype="A"):
from dns_update import do_dns_update, set_custom_dns_record
# Normalize.
rtype = rtype.upper()
# Read the record value from the request BODY, which must be
# ASCII-only. Not used with GET.
value = request.stream.read().decode("ascii", "ignore").strip()
if request.method == "GET":
# Get the existing records matching the qname and rtype.
return dns_get_records(qname, rtype)
elif request.method in ("POST", "PUT"):
# There is a default value for A/AAAA records.
if rtype in ("A", "AAAA") and value == "":
value = request.environ.get("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR") # normally REMOTE_ADDR but we're behind nginx as a reverse proxy
# Cannot add empty records.
if value == '':
return ("No value for the record provided.", 400)
if request.method == "POST":
# Add a new record (in addition to any existing records
# for this qname-rtype pair).
action = "add"
elif request.method == "PUT":
# In REST, PUT is supposed to be idempotent, so we'll
# make this action set (replace all records for this
# qname-rtype pair) rather than add (add a new record).
action = "set"
elif request.method == "DELETE":
if value == '':
# Delete all records for this qname-type pair.
value = None
# Delete just the qname-rtype-value record exactly.
action = "remove"
if set_custom_dns_record(qname, rtype, value, action, env):
return do_dns_update(env) or "Something isn't right."
return "OK"
except ValueError as e:
return (str(e), 400)
def dns_get_dump():
from dns_update import build_recommended_dns
return json_response(build_recommended_dns(env))
@app.route('/ssl/csr/<domain>', methods=['POST'])
def ssl_get_csr(domain):
from web_update import create_csr
ssl_private_key = os.path.join(os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], 'ssl', 'ssl_private_key.pem'))
return create_csr(domain, ssl_private_key, env)
@app.route('/ssl/install', methods=['POST'])
def ssl_install_cert():
from web_update import install_cert
domain = request.form.get('domain')
ssl_cert = request.form.get('cert')
ssl_chain = request.form.get('chain')
return install_cert(domain, ssl_cert, ssl_chain, env)
def web_get_domains():
from web_update import get_web_domains_info
return json_response(get_web_domains_info(env))
@app.route('/web/update', methods=['POST'])
def web_update():
from web_update import do_web_update
return do_web_update(env)
# System
@app.route('/system/version', methods=["GET"])
def system_version():
from status_checks import what_version_is_this
return what_version_is_this(env)
except Exception as e:
return (str(e), 500)
@app.route('/system/latest-upstream-version', methods=["POST"])
def system_latest_upstream_version():
from status_checks import get_latest_miab_version
return get_latest_miab_version()
except Exception as e:
return (str(e), 500)
@app.route('/system/status', methods=["POST"])
def system_status():
from status_checks import run_checks
class WebOutput:
def __init__(self):
self.items = []
def add_heading(self, heading):
self.items.append({ "type": "heading", "text": heading, "extra": [] })
def print_ok(self, message):
self.items.append({ "type": "ok", "text": message, "extra": [] })
def print_error(self, message):
self.items.append({ "type": "error", "text": message, "extra": [] })
def print_warning(self, message):
self.items.append({ "type": "warning", "text": message, "extra": [] })
def print_line(self, message, monospace=False):
self.items[-1]["extra"].append({ "text": message, "monospace": monospace })
output = WebOutput()
run_checks(False, env, output, pool)
return json_response(output.items)
def show_updates():
from status_checks import list_apt_updates
return "".join(
"%s (%s)\n"
% (p["package"], p["version"])
for p in list_apt_updates())
@app.route('/system/update-packages', methods=["POST"])
def do_updates():
utils.shell("check_call", ["/usr/bin/apt-get", "-qq", "update"])
return utils.shell("check_output", ["/usr/bin/apt-get", "-y", "upgrade"], env={
"DEBIAN_FRONTEND": "noninteractive"
def backup_status():
from backup import backup_status
return json_response(backup_status(env))
@app.route('/system/backup/config', methods=["GET"])
def backup_get_custom():
from backup import get_backup_config
return json_response(get_backup_config(env, for_ui=True))
@app.route('/system/backup/config', methods=["POST"])
def backup_set_custom():
from backup import backup_set_custom
return json_response(backup_set_custom(env,
request.form.get('target', ''),
request.form.get('target_user', ''),
request.form.get('target_pass', ''),
request.form.get('min_age', '')
@app.route('/system/privacy', methods=["GET"])
def privacy_status_get():
config = utils.load_settings(env)
return json_response(config.get("privacy", True))
@app.route('/system/privacy', methods=["POST"])
def privacy_status_set():
config = utils.load_settings(env)
config["privacy"] = (request.form.get('value') == "private")
utils.write_settings(config, env)
return "OK"
def munin(filename=""):
# Checks administrative access (@authorized_personnel_only) and then just proxies
# the request to static files.
if filename == "": filename = "index.html"
return send_from_directory("/var/cache/munin/www", filename)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if "DEBUG" in os.environ: app.debug = True
if "APIKEY" in os.environ: auth_service.key = os.environ["APIKEY"]
if not app.debug:
# For testing on the command line, you can use `curl` like so:
# curl --user $(</var/lib/mailinabox/api.key): http://localhost:10222/mail/users
# For testing in the browser, you can copy the API key that's output to the
# debug console and enter that as the username
app.logger.info('API key: ' + auth_service.key)
# Start the application server. Listens on (IPv4 only).