mirror of https://github.com/mail-in-a-box/mailinabox.git synced 2024-12-25 07:47:05 +00:00
Sumit d67e09f334
Allowing adding nginx aliases in www/custom.yaml (#1742)
with this nginx will keep on proxying requests and serve static content
instead of passing this responsibility to proxied server

Without this the one needs to run an additional server to server static
content on the proxied url
2020-04-11 14:17:46 -04:00

237 lines
9.7 KiB

# Creates an nginx configuration file so we serve HTTP/HTTPS on all
# domains for which a mail account has been set up.
import os.path, re, rtyaml
from mailconfig import get_mail_domains
from dns_update import get_custom_dns_config, get_dns_zones
from ssl_certificates import get_ssl_certificates, get_domain_ssl_files, check_certificate
from utils import shell, safe_domain_name, sort_domains
def get_web_domains(env, include_www_redirects=True, exclude_dns_elsewhere=True):
# What domains should we serve HTTP(S) for?
domains = set()
# Serve web for all mail domains so that we might at least
# provide auto-discover of email settings, and also a static website
# if the user wants to make one.
domains |= get_mail_domains(env)
if include_www_redirects:
# Add 'www.' subdomains that we want to provide default redirects
# to the main domain for. We'll add 'www.' to any DNS zones, i.e.
# the topmost of each domain we serve.
domains |= set('www.' + zone for zone, zonefile in get_dns_zones(env))
# Add Autoconfiguration domains, allowing us to serve correct SSL certs.
# 'autoconfig.' for Mozilla Thunderbird auto setup.
# 'autodiscover.' for Activesync autodiscovery.
domains |= set('autoconfig.' + maildomain for maildomain in get_mail_domains(env))
domains |= set('autodiscover.' + maildomain for maildomain in get_mail_domains(env))
if exclude_dns_elsewhere:
# ...Unless the domain has an A/AAAA record that maps it to a different
# IP address than this box. Remove those domains from our list.
domains -= get_domains_with_a_records(env)
# Ensure the PRIMARY_HOSTNAME is in the list so we can serve webmail
# as well as Z-Push for Exchange ActiveSync. This can't be removed
# by a custom A/AAAA record and is never a 'www.' redirect.
# Sort the list so the nginx conf gets written in a stable order.
domains = sort_domains(domains, env)
return domains
def get_domains_with_a_records(env):
domains = set()
dns = get_custom_dns_config(env)
for domain, rtype, value in dns:
if rtype == "CNAME" or (rtype in ("A", "AAAA") and value not in ("local", env['PUBLIC_IP'])):
return domains
def get_web_domains_with_root_overrides(env):
# Load custom settings so we can tell what domains have a redirect or proxy set up on '/',
# which means static hosting is not happening.
root_overrides = { }
nginx_conf_custom_fn = os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], "www/custom.yaml")
if os.path.exists(nginx_conf_custom_fn):
custom_settings = rtyaml.load(open(nginx_conf_custom_fn))
for domain, settings in custom_settings.items():
for type, value in [('redirect', settings.get('redirects', {}).get('/')),
('proxy', settings.get('proxies', {}).get('/'))]:
if value:
root_overrides[domain] = (type, value)
return root_overrides
def do_web_update(env):
# Pre-load what SSL certificates we will use for each domain.
ssl_certificates = get_ssl_certificates(env)
# Build an nginx configuration file.
nginx_conf = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../conf/nginx-top.conf")).read()
# Load the templates.
template0 = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../conf/nginx.conf")).read()
template1 = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../conf/nginx-alldomains.conf")).read()
template2 = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../conf/nginx-primaryonly.conf")).read()
template3 = "\trewrite ^(.*) https://$REDIRECT_DOMAIN$1 permanent;\n"
# Add the PRIMARY_HOST configuration first so it becomes nginx's default server.
nginx_conf += make_domain_config(env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'], [template0, template1, template2], ssl_certificates, env)
# Add configuration all other web domains.
has_root_proxy_or_redirect = get_web_domains_with_root_overrides(env)
web_domains_not_redirect = get_web_domains(env, include_www_redirects=False)
for domain in get_web_domains(env):
if domain == env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME']:
# PRIMARY_HOSTNAME is handled above.
if domain in web_domains_not_redirect:
# This is a regular domain.
if domain not in has_root_proxy_or_redirect:
nginx_conf += make_domain_config(domain, [template0, template1], ssl_certificates, env)
nginx_conf += make_domain_config(domain, [template0], ssl_certificates, env)
# Add default 'www.' redirect.
nginx_conf += make_domain_config(domain, [template0, template3], ssl_certificates, env)
# Did the file change? If not, don't bother writing & restarting nginx.
nginx_conf_fn = "/etc/nginx/conf.d/local.conf"
if os.path.exists(nginx_conf_fn):
with open(nginx_conf_fn) as f:
if f.read() == nginx_conf:
return ""
# Save the file.
with open(nginx_conf_fn, "w") as f:
# Kick nginx. Since this might be called from the web admin
# don't do a 'restart'. That would kill the connection before
# the API returns its response. A 'reload' should be good
# enough and doesn't break any open connections.
shell('check_call', ["/usr/sbin/service", "nginx", "reload"])
return "web updated\n"
def make_domain_config(domain, templates, ssl_certificates, env):
# Where will its root directory be for static files?
root = get_web_root(domain, env)
# What private key and SSL certificate will we use for this domain?
tls_cert = get_domain_ssl_files(domain, ssl_certificates, env)
nginx_conf_extra = ""
# Because the certificate may change, we should recognize this so we
# can trigger an nginx update.
def hashfile(filepath):
import hashlib
sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
f = open(filepath, 'rb')
return sha1.hexdigest()
nginx_conf_extra += "# ssl files sha1: %s / %s\n" % (hashfile(tls_cert["private-key"]), hashfile(tls_cert["certificate"]))
# Add in any user customizations in YAML format.
hsts = "yes"
nginx_conf_custom_fn = os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], "www/custom.yaml")
if os.path.exists(nginx_conf_custom_fn):
yaml = rtyaml.load(open(nginx_conf_custom_fn))
if domain in yaml:
yaml = yaml[domain]
# any proxy or redirect here?
for path, url in yaml.get("proxies", {}).items():
nginx_conf_extra += "\tlocation %s {" % path
nginx_conf_extra += "\n\t\tproxy_pass %s;" % url
nginx_conf_extra += "\n\t\tproxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;"
nginx_conf_extra += "\n\t}\n"
for path, alias in yaml.get("aliases", {}).items():
nginx_conf_extra += "\tlocation %s {" % path
nginx_conf_extra += "\n\t\talias %s;" % alias
nginx_conf_extra += "\n\t}\n"
for path, url in yaml.get("redirects", {}).items():
nginx_conf_extra += "\trewrite %s %s permanent;\n" % (path, url)
# override the HSTS directive type
hsts = yaml.get("hsts", hsts)
# Add the HSTS header.
if hsts == "yes":
nginx_conf_extra += "add_header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000;\n"
elif hsts == "preload":
nginx_conf_extra += "add_header Strict-Transport-Security \"max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload\";\n"
# Add in any user customizations in the includes/ folder.
nginx_conf_custom_include = os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], "www", safe_domain_name(domain) + ".conf")
if os.path.exists(nginx_conf_custom_include):
nginx_conf_extra += "\tinclude %s;\n" % (nginx_conf_custom_include)
# Combine the pieces. Iteratively place each template into the "# ADDITIONAL DIRECTIVES HERE" placeholder
# of the previous template.
for t in templates + [nginx_conf_extra]:
nginx_conf = re.sub("[ \t]*# ADDITIONAL DIRECTIVES HERE *\n", t, nginx_conf)
# Replace substitution strings in the template & return.
nginx_conf = nginx_conf.replace("$STORAGE_ROOT", env['STORAGE_ROOT'])
nginx_conf = nginx_conf.replace("$HOSTNAME", domain)
nginx_conf = nginx_conf.replace("$ROOT", root)
nginx_conf = nginx_conf.replace("$SSL_KEY", tls_cert["private-key"])
nginx_conf = nginx_conf.replace("$SSL_CERTIFICATE", tls_cert["certificate"])
nginx_conf = nginx_conf.replace("$REDIRECT_DOMAIN", re.sub(r"^www\.", "", domain)) # for default www redirects to parent domain
return nginx_conf
def get_web_root(domain, env, test_exists=True):
# Try STORAGE_ROOT/web/domain_name if it exists, but fall back to STORAGE_ROOT/web/default.
for test_domain in (domain, 'default'):
root = os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], "www", safe_domain_name(test_domain))
if os.path.exists(root) or not test_exists: break
return root
def get_web_domains_info(env):
www_redirects = set(get_web_domains(env)) - set(get_web_domains(env, include_www_redirects=False))
has_root_proxy_or_redirect = set(get_web_domains_with_root_overrides(env))
ssl_certificates = get_ssl_certificates(env)
# for the SSL config panel, get cert status
def check_cert(domain):
tls_cert = get_domain_ssl_files(domain, ssl_certificates, env, allow_missing_cert=True)
except OSError: # PRIMARY_HOSTNAME cert is missing
tls_cert = None
if tls_cert is None: return ("danger", "No certificate installed.")
cert_status, cert_status_details = check_certificate(domain, tls_cert["certificate"], tls_cert["private-key"])
if cert_status == "OK":
return ("success", "Signed & valid. " + cert_status_details)
elif cert_status == "SELF-SIGNED":
return ("warning", "Self-signed. Get a signed certificate to stop warnings.")
return ("danger", "Certificate has a problem: " + cert_status)
return [
"domain": domain,
"root": get_web_root(domain, env),
"custom_root": get_web_root(domain, env, test_exists=False),
"ssl_certificate": check_cert(domain),
"static_enabled": domain not in (www_redirects | has_root_proxy_or_redirect),
for domain in get_web_domains(env)