We were using duplicity 0.8.21-ppa202111091602~ubuntu1 from the duplicity PPA probably until June 5, which is when my box automatically updated to 0.8.23-ppa202205151528~ubuntu18.04.1. Starting with that version, two changes broke backups:
* The default s3 backend was changed to boto3. But boto3 depends on the AWS SDK which does not support Ubuntu 18.04, so we can't install it. Instead, we map s3: backup target URLs to the boto+s3 scheme which tells duplicity to use legacy boto. This should be reverted when we can switch to boto3.
* Contrary to the documentation, the s3 target no longer accepts a S3 hostname in the URL. It now reads the bucket from the hostname part of the URL. So we now drop the hostname from our target URL before passing it to duplicity and we pass the endpoint URL in a separate command-line argument. (The boto backend was dropped from duplicity's "uses_netloc" in 74d4cf44b1 (f5a07610d36bd242c3e5b98f8348879a468b866a_37_34), but other changes may be related.)
The change of target URL (due to both changes) seems to also cause duplicity to store cached data in a different directory within $STORAGE_ROOT/backup/cache, so on the next backup it will re-download cached manifest/signature files. Since the cache directory will still hold the prior data which is no longer needed, it might be a good idea to clear out the cache directory to save space. A system status checks message is added about that.
Update jails.conf to include IPV6 localhost and external ip to ignoreip line. Update system.sh to include IPV6 address in replacement. See mail-in-a-box#2066 for details.
See [mailinabox issue #2088](https://github.com/mail-in-a-box/mailinabox/issues/2088). This also updates the commit hashes to for anyone updating from NextCloud version 17 (as shown in the related issue) since a different hash is used for tags vs releases.
This was tested and verified to work on a setup previously running v0.44 and then updating to the latest version (v56).
When building the part of the report about the current DS records founded, they are added in the same order as they were received when calling query_dns(), which can differ from run to run. This was making the difflib.SequenceMatcher() method to find the same line removed and added one line later, and sending an Status Checks Change Notice email with the same line added and removed when there was actually no real changes.