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synced 2025-02-26 18:17:09 +00:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/main' into upgradephp81
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,42 @@
Version 71 (January 4, 2025)
(Version 71a was posted on January 6, 2025 and fixes a setup regression.)
* Roundcube upgraded to version 1.6.9.
* Z-Push upgraded to version 2.7.5.
Automated Maintenance
* Daily automated tasks are now run at 1am in the box's timezone and full backups are now restricted to running only on Saturdays and Sundays at that time.
* Backups now exclude the owncloud-backup folder so that we're not backing up backups.
* Old TLS certificates are now automatically deleted to improve control panel performance.
* Fixed broken setup if SSH was configured to listen on multiple ports.
* Ubuntu MOTD advertisements are now disabled.
* Fixed missing Roundcube dependency package if NextCloud isn't installed.
Control Panel
* Improved status checks for secondary nameservers.
* Spamhaus is now queried for the box's IPv6 address also.
* DSA and EC private keys are now accepted for TLS certificates.
* Timeouts for loading slow control panel pages are reduced.
And other minor fixes.
Version 70 (August 15, 2024)
* Roundcube is updated to version 1.6.8 fixing security vulnerabilities.
Version 69 (July 20, 2024)
@ -68,7 +104,7 @@ Version 64 (September 2, 2023)
* Fixed backups to work with the latest duplicity package which was not backwards compatible.
* Fixed setting B2 as a backup target with a slash in the application key.
* Turned off OpenDMARC diagnostic reports sent in response to incoming mail.
* Fixed some crashes when using an unrelased version of Mail-in-a-Box.
* Fixed some crashes when using an unreleased version of Mail-in-a-Box.
* Added z-push administration scripts.
Version 63 (July 27, 2023)
@ -1124,7 +1160,7 @@ Control panel:
* The munin system monitoring tool is now installed and accessible at /admin/munin.
* ownCloud updated to version 8.0.4. The ownCloud installation step now is reslient to download problems. The ownCloud configuration file is now stored in STORAGE_ROOT to fix loss of data when moving STORAGE_ROOT to a new machine.
* ownCloud updated to version 8.0.4. The ownCloud installation step now is resilient to download problems. The ownCloud configuration file is now stored in STORAGE_ROOT to fix loss of data when moving STORAGE_ROOT to a new machine.
* The setup scripts now run `apt-get update` prior to installing anything to ensure the apt database is in sync with the packages actually available.
@ -1162,7 +1198,7 @@ DNS:
* Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) should now work in email. If you had custom DNS or custom web settings for internationalized domains, check that they are still working.
* It is now possible to set multiple TXT and other types of records on the same domain in the control panel.
* The custom DNS API was completely rewritten to support setting multiple records of the same type on a domain. Any existing client code using the DNS API will have to be rewritten. (Existing code will just get 404s back.)
* On some systems the `nsd` service failed to start if network inferfaces were not ready.
* On some systems the `nsd` service failed to start if network interfaces were not ready.
System / Control Panel:
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
rewrite ^/admin/munin$ /admin/munin/ redirect;
location /admin/ {
proxy_read_timeout 600s;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
add_header X-Frame-Options "DENY";
add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff;
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
import os, os.path, re, datetime, sys
import dateutil.parser, dateutil.relativedelta, dateutil.tz
from datetime import date
import rtyaml
from exclusiveprocess import Lock
@ -157,6 +158,8 @@ def should_force_full(config, env):
# since the last full backup is greater than half the size
# of that full backup.
inc_size = 0
# Check if day of week is a weekend day
weekend = date.today().weekday()>=5
for bak in backup_status(env)["backups"]:
if not bak["full"]:
# Scan through the incremental backups cumulating
@ -165,12 +168,14 @@ def should_force_full(config, env):
# ...until we reach the most recent full backup.
# Return if we should to a full backup, which is based
# on the size of the increments relative to the full
# backup, as well as the age of the full backup.
if inc_size > .5*bak["size"]:
return True
if dateutil.parser.parse(bak["date"]) + datetime.timedelta(days=config["min_age_in_days"]*10+1) < datetime.datetime.now(dateutil.tz.tzlocal()):
return True
# on whether it is a weekend day, the size of the
# increments relative to the full backup, as well as
# the age of the full backup.
if weekend:
if inc_size > .5*bak["size"]:
return True
if dateutil.parser.parse(bak["date"]) + datetime.timedelta(days=config["min_age_in_days"]*10+1) < datetime.datetime.now(dateutil.tz.tzlocal()):
return True
return False
# If we got here there are no (full) backups, so make one.
@ -321,6 +326,7 @@ def perform_backup(full_backup):
"--verbosity", "warning", "--no-print-statistics",
"--archive-dir", backup_cache_dir,
"--exclude", backup_root,
"--exclude", os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], "owncloud-backup"),
"--volsize", "250",
"--gpg-options", "'--cipher-algo=AES256'",
@ -400,6 +406,7 @@ def run_duplicity_verification():
"--archive-dir", backup_cache_dir,
"--exclude", backup_root,
"--exclude", os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], "owncloud-backup"),
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ def get_ssl_certificates(env):
# that the certificates are good for to the best certificate for
# the domain.
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa import RSAPrivateKey
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import dsa, rsa, ec
from cryptography.x509 import Certificate
# The certificates are all stored here:
@ -59,13 +59,15 @@ def get_ssl_certificates(env):
# Not a valid PEM format for a PEM type we care about.
# Is it a private key?
if isinstance(pem, RSAPrivateKey):
private_keys[pem.public_key().public_numbers()] = { "filename": fn, "key": pem }
# Is it a certificate?
if isinstance(pem, Certificate):
certificates.append({ "filename": fn, "cert": pem })
# It is a private key
elif (isinstance(pem, rsa.RSAPrivateKey)
or isinstance(pem, dsa.DSAPrivateKey)
or isinstance(pem, ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey)):
private_keys[pem.public_key().public_numbers()] = { "filename": fn, "key": pem }
# Process the certificates.
domains = { }
@ -505,7 +507,7 @@ def check_certificate(domain, ssl_certificate, ssl_private_key, warn_if_expiring
# Check that the ssl_certificate & ssl_private_key files are good
# for the provided domain.
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa import RSAPrivateKey
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa, dsa, ec
from cryptography.x509 import Certificate
# The ssl_certificate file may contain a chain of certificates. We'll
@ -539,7 +541,9 @@ def check_certificate(domain, ssl_certificate, ssl_private_key, warn_if_expiring
except ValueError as e:
return (f"The private key file {ssl_private_key} is not a private key file: {e!s}", None)
if not isinstance(priv_key, RSAPrivateKey):
if (not isinstance(priv_key, rsa.RSAPrivateKey)
and not isinstance(priv_key, dsa.DSAPrivateKey)
and not isinstance(priv_key, ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey)):
return ("The private key file %s is not a private key file." % ssl_private_key, None)
if priv_key.public_key().public_numbers() != cert.public_key().public_numbers():
@ -639,7 +643,7 @@ def load_pem(pem):
msg = "File is not a valid PEM-formatted file."
raise ValueError(msg)
pem_type = pem_type.group(1)
if pem_type in {b"RSA PRIVATE KEY", b"PRIVATE KEY"}:
if pem_type.endswith(b"PRIVATE KEY"):
return serialization.load_pem_private_key(pem, password=None, backend=default_backend())
if pem_type == b"CERTIFICATE":
return load_pem_x509_certificate(pem, default_backend())
@ -282,26 +282,45 @@ def run_network_checks(env, output):
# The user might have ended up on an IP address that was previously in use
# by a spammer, or the user may be deploying on a residential network. We
# will not be able to reliably send mail in these cases.
# See https://www.spamhaus.org/news/article/807/using-our-public-mirrors-check-your-return-codes-now. for
# information on spamhaus return codes
rev_ip4 = ".".join(reversed(env['PUBLIC_IP'].split('.')))
zen = query_dns(rev_ip4+'.zen.spamhaus.org', 'A', nxdomain=None)
evaluate_spamhaus_lookup(env['PUBLIC_IP'], 'IPv4', rev_ip4, output, zen)
if not env['PUBLIC_IPV6']:
from ipaddress import IPv6Address
rev_ip6 = ".".join(reversed(IPv6Address(env['PUBLIC_IPV6']).exploded.split(':')))
zen = query_dns(rev_ip6+'.zen.spamhaus.org', 'A', nxdomain=None)
evaluate_spamhaus_lookup(env['PUBLIC_IPV6'], 'IPv6', rev_ip6, output, zen)
def evaluate_spamhaus_lookup(lookupaddress, lookuptype, lookupdomain, output, zen):
# See https://www.spamhaus.org/news/article/807/using-our-public-mirrors-check-your-return-codes-now. for
# information on spamhaus return codes
if zen is None:
output.print_ok("IP address is not blacklisted by zen.spamhaus.org.")
output.print_ok(f"{lookuptype} address is not blacklisted by zen.spamhaus.org.")
elif zen == "[timeout]":
output.print_warning("Connection to zen.spamhaus.org timed out. Could not determine whether this box's IP address is blacklisted. Please try again later.")
output.print_warning(f"""Connection to zen.spamhaus.org timed out. Could not determine whether this box's
{lookuptype} address is blacklisted. Please try again later.""")
elif zen == "[Not Set]":
output.print_warning("Could not connect to zen.spamhaus.org. Could not determine whether this box's IP address is blacklisted. Please try again later.")
output.print_warning(f"""Could not connect to zen.spamhaus.org. Could not determine whether this box's
{lookuptype} address is blacklisted. Please try again later.""")
elif zen == "":
output.print_warning("Incorrect spamhaus query: %s. Could not determine whether this box's IP address is blacklisted." % (rev_ip4+'.zen.spamhaus.org'))
output.print_warning(f"""Incorrect spamhaus query: {lookupdomain + '.zen.spamhaus.org'}. Could not determine whether
this box's {lookuptype} address is blacklisted.""")
elif zen == "":
output.print_warning("Mail-in-a-Box is configured to use a public DNS server. This is not supported by spamhaus. Could not determine whether this box's IP address is blacklisted.")
output.print_warning(f"""Mail-in-a-Box is configured to use a public DNS server. This is not supported by
spamhaus. Could not determine whether this box's {lookuptype} address is blacklisted.""")
elif zen == "":
output.print_warning("Too many queries have been performed on the spamhaus server. Could not determine whether this box's IP address is blacklisted.")
output.print_warning(f"""Too many queries have been performed on the spamhaus server. Could not determine
whether this box's {lookuptype} address is blacklisted.""")
output.print_error("""The IP address of this machine {} is listed in the Spamhaus Block List (code {}),
which may prevent recipients from receiving your email. See http://www.spamhaus.org/query/ip/{}.""".format(env['PUBLIC_IP'], zen, env['PUBLIC_IP']))
output.print_error(f"""The {lookuptype} address of this machine {lookupaddress} is listed in the Spamhaus Block
List (code {zen}), which may prevent recipients from receiving your email. See
def run_domain_checks(rounded_time, env, output, pool, domains_to_check=None):
# Get the list of domains we handle mail for.
@ -521,6 +540,8 @@ def check_dns_zone(domain, env, output, dns_zonefiles):
# Check that each custom secondary nameserver resolves the IP address.
if custom_secondary_ns and not probably_external_dns:
SOARecord = query_dns(domain, "SOA", at=env['PUBLIC_IP'])# Explicitly ask the local dns server.
for ns in custom_secondary_ns:
# We must first resolve the nameserver to an IP address so we can query it.
ns_ips = query_dns(ns, "A")
@ -530,15 +551,36 @@ def check_dns_zone(domain, env, output, dns_zonefiles):
# Choose the first IP if nameserver returns multiple
ns_ip = ns_ips.split('; ')[0]
checkSOA = True
# Now query it to see what it says about this domain.
ip = query_dns(domain, "A", at=ns_ip, nxdomain=None)
if ip == correct_ip:
output.print_ok("Secondary nameserver %s resolved the domain correctly." % ns)
output.print_ok(f"Secondary nameserver {ns} resolved the domain correctly.")
elif ip is None:
output.print_error("Secondary nameserver %s is not configured to resolve this domain." % ns)
output.print_error(f"Secondary nameserver {ns} is not configured to resolve this domain.")
# No need to check SOA record if not configured as nameserver
checkSOA = False
elif ip == '[timeout]':
output.print_error(f"Secondary nameserver {ns} did not resolve this domain, result: {ip}")
checkSOA = False
output.print_error(f"Secondary nameserver {ns} is not configured correctly. (It resolved this domain as {ip}. It should be {correct_ip}.)")
if checkSOA:
# Check that secondary DNS server is synchronized with our primary DNS server. Simplified by checking the SOA record which has a version number
SOASecondary = query_dns(domain, "SOA", at=ns_ip)
if SOARecord == SOASecondary:
output.print_ok(f"Secondary nameserver {ns} has consistent SOA record.")
elif SOARecord == '[Not Set]':
output.print_error(f"Secondary nameserver {ns} has no SOA record configured.")
elif SOARecord == '[timeout]':
output.print_error(f"Secondary nameserver {ns} timed out on checking SOA record.")
output.print_error(f"""Secondary nameserver {ns} has inconsistent SOA record (primary: {SOARecord} versus secondary: {SOASecondary}).
Check that synchronization between secondary and primary DNS servers is properly set-up.""")
def check_dns_zone_suggestions(domain, env, output, dns_zonefiles, domains_with_a_records):
# Warn if a custom DNS record is preventing this or the automatic www redirect from
# being served.
@ -193,6 +193,7 @@ def get_ssh_port():
def get_ssh_config_value(parameter_name):
# Returns ssh configuration value for the provided parameter
import subprocess
output = shell('check_output', ['sshd', '-T'])
except FileNotFoundError:
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ if [ -z "$TAG" ]; then
if [ "$UBUNTU_VERSION" == "Ubuntu 22.04 LTS" ]; then
# This machine is running Ubuntu 22.04, which is supported by
# Mail-in-a-Box versions 60 and later.
elif [ "$UBUNTU_VERSION" == "Ubuntu 18.04 LTS" ]; then
# This machine is running Ubuntu 18.04, which is supported by
# Mail-in-a-Box versions 0.40 through 5x.
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ minute=$((RANDOM % 60)) # avoid overloading mailinabox.email
cat > /etc/cron.d/mailinabox-nightly << EOF;
# Mail-in-a-Box --- Do not edit / will be overwritten on update.
# Run nightly tasks: backup, status checks.
$minute 3 * * * root (cd $PWD && management/daily_tasks.sh)
$minute 1 * * * root (cd $PWD && management/daily_tasks.sh)
# Start the management server.
@ -96,3 +96,12 @@ fi
if [ ! -f "$STORAGE_ROOT/ssl/dh2048.pem" ]; then
openssl dhparam -out "$STORAGE_ROOT/ssl/dh2048.pem" 2048
# Cleanup expired SSL certificates from $STORAGE_ROOT/ssl daily
cat > /etc/cron.daily/mailinabox-ssl-cleanup << EOF;
# Mail-in-a-Box
# Cleanup expired SSL certificates
chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/mailinabox-ssl-cleanup
@ -83,6 +83,15 @@ fi
# (See https://discourse.mailinabox.email/t/journalctl-reclaim-space-on-small-mailinabox/6728/11.)
tools/editconf.py /etc/systemd/journald.conf MaxRetentionSec=10day
# ### Improve server privacy
# Disable MOTD adverts to prevent revealing server information in MOTD request headers
# See https://ma.ttias.be/what-exactly-being-sent-ubuntu-motd/
if [ -f /etc/default/motd-news ]; then
tools/editconf.py /etc/default/motd-news ENABLED=0
rm -f /var/cache/motd-news
# ### Add PPAs.
# We install some non-standard Ubuntu packages maintained by other
@ -266,14 +275,14 @@ if [ -z "${DISABLE_FIREWALL:-}" ]; then
# ssh might be running on an alternate port. Use sshd -T to dump sshd's #NODOC
# settings, find the port it is supposedly running on, and open that port #NODOC
# too. #NODOC
SSH_PORT=$(sshd -T 2>/dev/null | grep "^port " | sed "s/port //") #NODOC
SSH_PORT=$(sshd -T 2>/dev/null | grep "^port " | sed "s/port //" | tr '\n' ' ') #NODOC
if [ -n "$SSH_PORT" ]; then
if [ "$SSH_PORT" != "22" ]; then
echo "Opening alternate SSH port $SSH_PORT." #NODOC
ufw_limit "$SSH_PORT" #NODOC
for port in $SSH_PORT; do
if [ "$port" != "22" ]; then
echo "Opening alternate SSH port $port." #NODOC
ufw_limit "$port" #NODOC
ufw --force enable;
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ echo "Installing Roundcube (webmail)..."
apt_install \
dbconfig-common \
php"${PHP_VER}"-cli php"${PHP_VER}"-sqlite3 php"${PHP_VER}"-intl php"${PHP_VER}"-common php"${PHP_VER}"-curl php"${PHP_VER}"-imap \
php"${PHP_VER}"-gd php"${PHP_VER}"-pspell php"${PHP_VER}"-mbstring libjs-jquery libjs-jquery-mousewheel libmagic1 \
php"${PHP_VER}"-gd php"${PHP_VER}"-pspell php"${PHP_VER}"-mbstring php"${PHP_VER}"-xml libjs-jquery libjs-jquery-mousewheel libmagic1 \
# Install Roundcube from source if it is not already present or if it is out of date.
@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ apt_install \
# https://github.com/mstilkerich/rcmcarddav/releases
# The easiest way to get the package hashes is to run this script and get the hash from
# the error message.
PERSISTENT_LOGIN_VERSION=bde7b6840c7d91de627ea14e81cf4133cbb3c07a # version 5.3
HTML5_NOTIFIER_VERSION=68d9ca194212e15b3c7225eb6085dbcf02fd13d7 # version 0.6.4+
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ apt_install \
phpenmod -v "$PHP_VER" imap
# Copy Z-Push into place.
needs_update=0 #NODOC
if [ ! -f /usr/local/lib/z-push/version ]; then
needs_update=1 #NODOC
@ -59,8 +59,6 @@ fi
sed -i "s^define('TIMEZONE', .*^define('TIMEZONE', '$(cat /etc/timezone)');^" /usr/local/lib/z-push/config.php
sed -i "s/define('BACKEND_PROVIDER', .*/define('BACKEND_PROVIDER', 'BackendCombined');/" /usr/local/lib/z-push/config.php
sed -i "s/define('USE_FULLEMAIL_FOR_LOGIN', .*/define('USE_FULLEMAIL_FOR_LOGIN', true);/" /usr/local/lib/z-push/config.php
sed -i "s/define('LOG_MEMORY_PROFILER', .*/define('LOG_MEMORY_PROFILER', false);/" /usr/local/lib/z-push/config.php
sed -i "s/define('BUG68532FIXED', .*/define('BUG68532FIXED', false);/" /usr/local/lib/z-push/config.php
sed -i "s/define('LOGLEVEL', .*/define('LOGLEVEL', LOGLEVEL_ERROR);/" /usr/local/lib/z-push/config.php
# Configure BACKEND
@ -114,4 +112,6 @@ restart_service php"$PHP_VER"-fpm
# Fix states after upgrade
hide_output php"$PHP_VER" /usr/local/lib/z-push/z-push-admin.php -a fixstates
if [ $needs_update == 1 ]; then
hide_output php"$PHP_VER" /usr/local/lib/z-push/z-push-admin.php -a fixstates
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# Cleanup SSL certificates which expired more than 7 days ago from $STORAGE_ROOT/ssl and move them to $STORAGE_ROOT/ssl.expired
source /etc/mailinabox.conf
shopt -s extglob
retain_after="$(date --date="7 days ago" +%Y%m%d)"
mkdir -p $STORAGE_ROOT/ssl.expired
for file in $STORAGE_ROOT/ssl/*-+([0-9])-+([0-9a-f]).pem; do
pem="$(basename "$file")"
not_valid_after="$(cut -d- -f1 <<< "${pem: -21}")"
if [ "$not_valid_after" -lt "$retain_after" ]; then
mv "$file" "$STORAGE_ROOT/ssl.expired/${pem}"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user