mirror of https://github.com/mail-in-a-box/mailinabox.git synced 2025-03-27 23:07:05 +00:00

manage the nginx conf in the management daemon too so we can have nginx operate on all domains that we serve mail for

This commit is contained in:
Joshua Tauberer 2014-06-20 01:16:38 +00:00
parent a1a80b295e
commit 5faa1cae71
7 changed files with 133 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
# Redirect all HTTP to HTTPS.
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on;
listen [::]:80;
server_name $PUBLIC_HOSTNAME;
server_name $HOSTNAME;
root /tmp/invalid-path-nothing-here;
rewrite ^/(.*)$ https://$PUBLIC_HOSTNAME/$1 permanent;
rewrite ^/(.*)$ https://$HOSTNAME/$1 permanent;
# The secure HTTPS server.
@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ server {
server {
listen 443 ssl;
server_name $PUBLIC_HOSTNAME;
server_name $HOSTNAME;
ssl_certificate $STORAGE_ROOT/ssl/ssl_certificate.pem;
ssl_certificate_key $STORAGE_ROOT/ssl/ssl_private_key.pem;
ssl_certificate $SSL_CERTIFICATE;
ssl_certificate_key $SSL_KEY;
include /etc/nginx/nginx-ssl.conf;
# Expose this directory as static files.
root $STORAGE_ROOT/www/static;
root $ROOT;
index index.html index.htm;
# Roundcube Webmail configuration.

View File

@ -66,6 +66,13 @@ def dns_get_ds_records():
except Exception as e:
return (str(e), 500)
@app.route('/web/update', methods=['POST'])
def web_update():
from web_update import do_web_update
return do_web_update(env)
# System

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import os, os.path, urllib.parse, datetime, re, hashlib
import rtyaml
from mailconfig import get_mail_domains
from utils import shell, load_env_vars_from_file
from utils import shell, load_env_vars_from_file, safe_domain_name
def get_dns_domains(env):
# What domains should we serve DNS for?
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ def get_dns_domains(env):
# Make a nice and safe filename for each domain.
zonefiles = []
for domain in domains:
zonefiles.append([domain, urllib.parse.quote(domain, safe='') + ".txt"])
zonefiles.append([domain, safe_domain_name(domain) + ".txt"])
return zonefiles

View File

@ -11,6 +11,11 @@ def load_env_vars_from_file(fn):
for line in open(fn): env.setdefault(*line.strip().split("=", 1))
return env
def safe_domain_name(name):
# Sanitize a domain name so it is safe to use as a file name on disk.
import urllib.parse
return urllib.parse.quote(name, safe='')
def exclusive_process(name):
# Ensure that a process named `name` does not execute multiple
# times concurrently.

management/web_update.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
# Creates an nginx configuration file so we serve HTTP/HTTPS on all
# domains for which a mail account has been set up.
import os, os.path
from mailconfig import get_mail_domains
from utils import shell, safe_domain_name
def get_web_domains(env):
# What domains should we serve HTTP/HTTPS for?
domains = set()
# Add all domain names in use by email users and mail aliases.
domains |= get_mail_domains(env)
# Ensure the PUBLIC_HOSTNAME is in the list.
# Sort the list. Put PUBLIC_HOSTNAME first so it becomes the
# default server (nginx's default_server).
domains = sorted(domains, key = lambda domain : (domain != env["PUBLIC_HOSTNAME"], list(reversed(domain.split(".")))) )
return domains
def do_web_update(env):
# Build an nginx configuration file.
nginx_conf = ""
template = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../conf/nginx.conf")).read()
for domain in get_web_domains(env):
nginx_conf += make_domain_config(domain, template, env)
# Save the file.
with open("/etc/nginx/conf.d/local.conf", "w") as f:
# Nick nginx.
shell('check_call', ["/usr/sbin/service", "nginx", "restart"])
return "OK"
def make_domain_config(domain, template, env):
# How will we configure this domain.
# Where will its root directory be for static files? Try STORAGE_ROOT/web/domain_name
# if it exists, but fall back to STORAGE_ROOT/web/default.
for test_domain in (domain, 'default'):
root = os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], "www", safe_domain_name(test_domain))
if os.path.exists(root): break
# What SSL private key will we use? Allow the user to override this, but
# in many cases using the same private key for all domains would be fine.
# Don't allow the user to override the key for PUBLIC_HOSTNAME because
# that's what's in the main file.
ssl_key = os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], 'ssl/ssl_private_key.pem')
alt_key = os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], 'ssl/domains/%s_private_key.pem' % safe_domain_name(domain))
if domain != env['PUBLIC_HOSTNAME'] and os.path.exists(alt_key):
ssl_key = alt_key
# What SSL certificate will we use? This has to be differnet for each
# domain name. The certificate is already generated for PUBLIC_HOSTNAME.
# For other domains, generate a self-signed certificate if one doesn't
# already exist. See setup/mail.sh for documentation.
if domain == env['PUBLIC_HOSTNAME']:
ssl_certificate = os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], 'ssl/ssl_certificate.pem')
ssl_certificate = os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], 'ssl/domains/%s_certifiate.pem' % safe_domain_name(domain))
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(ssl_certificate), exist_ok=True)
if not os.path.exists(ssl_certificate):
# Generate a new self-signed certificate using the same private key that we already have.
# Start with a CSR.
csr = os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], 'ssl/domains/%s_cert_sign_req.csr' % safe_domain_name(domain))
shell("check_call", [
"openssl", "req", "-new",
"-key", ssl_key,
"-out", csr,
"-subj", "/C=%s/ST=/L=/O=/CN=%s" % (env["CSR_COUNTRY"], domain)])
# And then make the certificate.
shell("check_call", [
"openssl", "x509", "-req",
"-days", "365",
"-in", csr,
"-signkey", ssl_key,
"-out", ssl_certificate])
# Replace substitution strings in the template & return.
nginx_conf = template
nginx_conf = nginx_conf.replace("$HOSTNAME", domain)
nginx_conf = nginx_conf.replace("$ROOT", root)
nginx_conf = nginx_conf.replace("$SSL_KEY", ssl_key)
nginx_conf = nginx_conf.replace("$SSL_CERTIFICATE", ssl_certificate)
return nginx_conf

View File

@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ fi
# Save the global options in /etc/mailinabox.conf so that standalone
# tools know where to look for data.
cat > /etc/mailinabox.conf << EOF;
@ -129,9 +130,10 @@ EOF
. setup/webmail.sh
. setup/management.sh
# Write the DNS configuration files.
# Write the DNS and nginx configuration files.
sleep 5 # wait for the daemon to start
curl -s -d POSTDATA
curl -s -d POSTDATA
# If there aren't any mail users yet, create one.
if [ -z "`tools/mail.py user`" ]; then

View File

@ -1,27 +1,29 @@
# HTTP: Turn on a web server serving static files
source setup/functions.sh # load our functions
source /etc/mailinabox.conf # load global vars
apt_install nginx php5-cgi
rm -f /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
STORAGE_ROOT_ESC=$(echo $STORAGE_ROOT|sed 's/[\\\/&]/\\&/g')
PUBLIC_HOSTNAME_ESC=$(echo $PUBLIC_HOSTNAME|sed 's/[\\\/&]/\\&/g')
# copy in the nginx configuration file and substitute some
# variables
cat conf/nginx.conf \
> /etc/nginx/conf.d/local.conf
# copy in a nginx configuration file for common and best-practices
# SSL settings from @konklone
cp conf/nginx-ssl.conf /etc/nginx/nginx-ssl.conf
# Other nginx settings will be configured by the management service
# since it depends on what domains we're serving, which we don't know
# until mail accounts have been created.
# make a default homepage
mkdir -p $STORAGE_ROOT/www/static
cp conf/www_default.html $STORAGE_ROOT/www/static/index.html
chown -R $STORAGE_USER $STORAGE_ROOT/www/static/index.html
if [ -d $STORAGE_ROOT/www/static ]; then mv $STORAGE_ROOT/www/static $STORAGE_ROOT/www/default; fi # migration
mkdir -p $STORAGE_ROOT/www/default
if [ ! -f STORAGE_ROOT/www/default/index.html ]; then
cp conf/www_default.html $STORAGE_ROOT/www/default/index.html
chown -R $STORAGE_USER $STORAGE_ROOT/www/default/index.html
# Create an init script to start the PHP FastCGI daemon and keep it
# running after a reboot. Allows us to serve Roundcube for webmail.