mirror of https://github.com/mail-in-a-box/mailinabox.git synced 2025-02-21 17:27:04 +00:00

first pass at a management tool for checking what the user must do to finish his configuration: set NS records, DS records, sign his certificates, etc.

This commit is contained in:
Joshua Tauberer 2014-06-22 15:34:36 +00:00
parent ec6c7d84c1
commit 4668367420
6 changed files with 334 additions and 81 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
# Checks that the upstream DNS has been set correctly and that
# SSL certificates have been signed, and if not tells the user
# what to do next.
import os, os.path, re, subprocess
import dns.reversename, dns.resolver
from dns_update import get_dns_zones
from web_update import get_web_domains, get_domain_ssl_files
from utils import shell, sort_domains
def run_checks(env):
# Get the list of domains we serve DNS zones for (i.e. does not include subdomains).
dns_zonefiles = dict(get_dns_zones(env))
dns_domains = set(dns_zonefiles)
# Get the list of domains we serve HTTPS for.
web_domains = set(get_web_domains(env))
# Check the domains.
for domain in sort_domains(dns_domains | web_domains, env):
print("=" * len(domain))
if domain == env["PUBLIC_HOSTNAME"]: check_primary_hostname_dns(domain, env)
if domain in dns_domains: check_dns_zone(domain, env, dns_zonefiles)
check_mx(domain, env)
check_ssl_cert(domain, env)
def check_primary_hostname_dns(domain, env):
# Check that the ns1/ns2 hostnames resolve to A records. This information probably
# comes from the TLD since the information is set at the registrar.
ip = query_dns("ns1." + domain, "A") + '/' + query_dns("ns2." + domain, "A")
if ip == env['PUBLIC_IP'] + '/' + env['PUBLIC_IP']:
print_ok("Nameserver IPs are correct at registrar. [ns1/ns2.%s => %s]" % (env['PUBLIC_HOSTNAME'], env['PUBLIC_IP']))
print_error("""Nameserver IP addresses are incorrect. The ns1.%s and ns2.%s nameservers must be configured at your domain name
registrar as having the IP address %s. They currently report addresses of %s. It may take several hours for
public DNS to update after a change."""
% (env['PUBLIC_HOSTNAME'], env['PUBLIC_HOSTNAME'], env['PUBLIC_IP'], ip))
# Check that PUBLIC_HOSTNAME resolves to PUBLIC_IP in public DNS.
ip = query_dns(domain, "A")
if ip == env['PUBLIC_IP']:
print_ok("Domain resolves to box's IP address. [%s => %s]" % (env['PUBLIC_HOSTNAME'], env['PUBLIC_IP']))
print_error("""This domain must resolve to your box's IP address (%s) in public DNS but it currently resolves
to %s. It may take several hours for public DNS to update after a change. This problem may result from other
issues listed here."""
% (env['PUBLIC_IP'], ip))
# Check reverse DNS on the PUBLIC_HOSTNAME. Note that it might not be
# a DNS zone if it is a subdomain of another domain we have a zone for.
ipaddr_rev = dns.reversename.from_address(env['PUBLIC_IP'])
existing_rdns = query_dns(ipaddr_rev, "PTR")
if existing_rdns == domain:
print_ok("Reverse DNS is set correctly at ISP. [%s => %s]" % (env['PUBLIC_IP'], env['PUBLIC_HOSTNAME']))
print_error("""Your box's reverse DNS is currently %s, but it should be %s. Your ISP or cloud provider will have instructions
on setting up reverse DNS for your box at %s.""" % (existing_rdns, domain, env['PUBLIC_IP']) )
def check_dns_zone(domain, env, dns_zonefiles):
# We provide a DNS zone for the domain. It should have NS records set up
# at the domain name's registrar pointing to this box.
existing_ns = query_dns(domain, "NS")
correct_ns = "ns1.BOX; ns2.BOX".replace("BOX", env['PUBLIC_HOSTNAME'])
if existing_ns == correct_ns:
print_ok("Nameservers are set correctly at registrar. [%s]" % correct_ns)
print_error("""The nameservers set on this domain are incorrect. They are currently %s. Use your domain name registar's
control panel to set the nameservers to %s."""
% (existing_ns, correct_ns) )
# See if the domain's A record resolves to our PUBLIC_IP. This is already checked
# for PUBLIC_HOSTNAME, for which it is required. For other domains it is just nice
# to have if we want web.
if domain != env['PUBLIC_HOSTNAME']:
ip = query_dns(domain, "A")
if ip == env['PUBLIC_IP']:
print_ok("Domain resolves to this box's IP address. [%s => %s]" % (domain, env['PUBLIC_IP']))
print_error("""This domain should resolve to your box's IP address (%s) if you would like the box to serve
webmail or a website on this domain. The domain currently resolves to %s in public DNS. It may take several hours for
public DNS to update after a change. This problem may result from other issues listed here.""" % (env['PUBLIC_IP'], ip))
# See if the domain has a DS record set.
ds = query_dns(domain, "DS", nxdomain=None)
ds_correct = open('/etc/nsd/zones/' + dns_zonefiles[domain] + '.ds').read().strip()
ds_expected = re.sub(r"\S+\.\s+3600\s+IN\s+DS\s*", "", ds_correct)
if ds == ds_expected:
print_ok("DNS 'DS' record is set correctly at registrar.")
elif ds == None:
print_error("""This domain's DNS DS record is not set. The DS record is optional. The DS record activates DNSSEC.
To set a DS record, you must follow the instructions provided by your domain name registrar and provide to them this information:""")
print(" " + ds_correct)
print_error("""This domain's DNS DS record is incorrect. The chain of trust is broken between the public DNS system
and this machine's DNS server. It may take several hours for public DNS to update after a change. If you did not recently
make a change, you must resolve this immediately by following the instructions provided by your domain name registrar and
provide to them this information:""")
print(" " + ds_correct)
def check_mx(domain, env):
# Check the MX record.
mx = query_dns(domain, "MX")
expected_mx = "10 " + env['PUBLIC_HOSTNAME']
if mx == expected_mx:
print_ok("Domain's email is directed to this domain. [%s => %s]" % (domain, mx))
print_error("""This domain's DNS MX record is incorrect. It is currently set to '%s' but should be '%s'. Mail will not
be delivered to this box. It may take several hours for public DNS to update after a change. This problem may result from
other issues listed here.""" % (mx, expected_mx))
def query_dns(qname, rtype, nxdomain='[Not Set]'):
resolver = dns.resolver.get_default_resolver()
response = dns.resolver.query(qname, rtype)
except dns.resolver.NoNameservers:
# Could not reach nameserver.
except (dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN, dns.resolver.NoAnswer):
# Host did not have an answer for this query; not sure what the
# difference is between the two exceptions.
return nxdomain
# There may be multiple answers; concatenate the response. Remove trailing
# periods from responses since that's how qnames are encoded in DNS but is
# confusing for us.
return "; ".join(str(r).rstrip('.') for r in response)
def check_ssl_cert(domain, env):
# Check that SSL certificate is signed.
ssl_key, ssl_certificate, ssl_csr_path = get_domain_ssl_files(domain, env)
if not os.path.exists(ssl_certificate):
print_error("The SSL certificate file for this domain is missing.")
# Check that the certificate is good. In order to verify with openssl, we need to split out any
# intermediary certificates in the chain (if any) from our certificate (at the top).
cert = open(ssl_certificate).read()
mycert, chaincerts = re.match(r'(-*BEGIN CERTIFICATE-*.*?-*END CERTIFICATE-*)(.*)', cert, re.S).groups()
# This command returns a non-zero exit status in most cases, so trap errors.
retcode, verifyoutput = shell('check_output', [
"verify", "-verbose",
"-purpose", "sslserver", "-policy_check",]
+ ([] if chaincerts.strip() == "" else ["-untrusted", "/dev/stdin"])
+ [ssl_certificate],
if "self signed" in verifyoutput:
fingerprint = shell('check_output', [
"-in", ssl_certificate,
fingerprint = re.sub(".*Fingerprint=", "", fingerprint).strip()
print_error("""The SSL certificate for this domain is currently self-signed. That's OK if you are willing to confirm security
exceptions when you check your mail (either via IMAP or webmail), but if you are serving a website on this domain then users
will not be able to access the site. When confirming security exceptions, check that the certificate fingerprint matches:""")
print(" " + fingerprint)
print_block("""You can purchase a signed certificate from many places. You will need to provide this Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
to whoever you purchase the SSL certificate from:""")
print_block("""When you purchase an SSL certificate you will receive a certificate in PEM format and possibly a file containing intermediate certificates in PEM format.
If you receive intermediate certificates, use a text editor and paste your certificate on top and then the intermediate certificates
below it. Save the file and place it onto this machine at %s.""" % ssl_certificate)
elif retcode == 0:
print_ok("SSL certificate is signed.")
print_error("The SSL certificate has a problem:")
def print_ok(message):
print_block(message, first_line="")
def print_error(message):
print_block(message, first_line="")
def print_block(message, first_line=" "):
print(first_line, end='')
message = re.sub("\n\s*", " ", message)
words = re.split("(\s+)", message)
linelen = 0
for w in words:
if linelen + len(w) > 75:
print(" ", end="")
linelen = 0
if linelen == 0 and w.strip() == "": continue
print(w, end="")
linelen += len(w)
if linelen > 0:
if __name__ == "__main__":
from utils import load_environment

View File

@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ import os, os.path, urllib.parse, datetime, re, hashlib
import rtyaml
from mailconfig import get_mail_domains
from utils import shell, load_env_vars_from_file, safe_domain_name
from utils import shell, load_env_vars_from_file, safe_domain_name, sort_domains
def get_dns_domains(env):
def get_dns_zones(env):
# What domains should we serve DNS for?
domains = set()
@ -32,12 +32,18 @@ def get_dns_domains(env):
for domain in domains:
zonefiles.append([domain, safe_domain_name(domain) + ".txt"])
# Sort the list so that the order is nice and so that nsd.conf has a
# stable order so we don't rewrite the file & restart the service
# meaninglessly.
zone_order = sort_domains([ zone[0] for zone in zonefiles ], env)
zonefiles.sort(key = lambda zone : zone_order.index(zone[0]) )
return zonefiles
def do_dns_update(env):
# What domains (and their zone filenames) should we build?
zonefiles = get_dns_domains(env)
zonefiles = get_dns_zones(env)
# Write zone files.
os.makedirs('/etc/nsd/zones', exist_ok=True)
@ -322,7 +328,7 @@ server:
# Append the zones.
for domain, zonefile in sorted(zonefiles):
for domain, zonefile in zonefiles:
nsdconf += """
name: %s
@ -410,7 +416,7 @@ def sign_zone(domain, zonefile, env):
def get_ds_records(env):
zonefiles = get_dns_domains(env)
zonefiles = get_dns_zones(env)
ret = ""
for domain, zonefile in zonefiles:
fn = "/etc/nsd/zones/" + zonefile + ".ds"

View File

@ -16,6 +16,34 @@ def safe_domain_name(name):
import urllib.parse
return urllib.parse.quote(name, safe='')
def sort_domains(domain_names, env):
# Put domain names in a nice sorted order. For web_update, PUBLIC_HOSTNAME
# must appear first so it becomes the nginx default server.
# First group PUBLIC_HOSTNAME and its subdomains, then parent domains of PUBLIC_HOSTNAME, then other domains.
groups = ( [], [], [] )
for d in domain_names:
if d == env['PUBLIC_HOSTNAME'] or d.endswith("." + env['PUBLIC_HOSTNAME']):
elif env['PUBLIC_HOSTNAME'].endswith("." + d):
# Within each group, sort parent domains before subdomains and after that sort lexicographically.
def sort_group(group):
# Find the top-most domains.
top_domains = sorted(d for d in group if len([s for s in group if s.startswith("." + d)]) == 0)
ret = []
for d in top_domains:
ret.extend( sort_group([s for s in group if s.endswith("." + d)]) )
return ret
groups = [sort_group(g) for g in groups]
return groups[0] + groups[1] + groups[2]
def exclusive_process(name):
# Ensure that a process named `name` does not execute multiple
# times concurrently.
@ -86,15 +114,33 @@ def is_pid_valid(pid):
return True
def shell(method, cmd_args, env={}, capture_stderr=False, return_bytes=False):
def shell(method, cmd_args, env={}, capture_stderr=False, return_bytes=False, trap=False, input=None):
# A safe way to execute processes.
# Some processes like apt-get require being given a sane PATH.
import subprocess
env.update({ "PATH": "/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin" })
stderr = None if not capture_stderr else subprocess.STDOUT
ret = getattr(subprocess, method)(cmd_args, env=env, stderr=stderr)
kwargs = {
'env': env,
'stderr': None if not capture_stderr else subprocess.STDOUT,
if method == "check_output" and input is not None:
kwargs['input'] = input
if not trap:
ret = getattr(subprocess, method)(cmd_args, **kwargs)
ret = getattr(subprocess, method)(cmd_args, **kwargs)
code = 0
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
ret = e.output
code = e.returncode
if not return_bytes and isinstance(ret, bytes): ret = ret.decode("utf8")
return ret
if not trap:
return ret
return code, ret
def create_syslog_handler():
import logging.handlers

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
import os, os.path
from mailconfig import get_mail_domains
from utils import shell, safe_domain_name
from utils import shell, safe_domain_name, sort_domains
def get_web_domains(env):
# What domains should we serve HTTP/HTTPS for?
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ def get_web_domains(env):
# Sort the list. Put PUBLIC_HOSTNAME first so it becomes the
# default server (nginx's default_server).
domains = sorted(domains, key = lambda domain : (domain != env["PUBLIC_HOSTNAME"], list(reversed(domain.split(".")))) )
domains = sort_domains(domains, env)
return domains
@ -49,6 +49,22 @@ def make_domain_config(domain, template, env):
root = os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], "www", safe_domain_name(test_domain))
if os.path.exists(root): break
# What private key and SSL certificate will we use for this domain?
ssl_key, ssl_certificate, csr_path = get_domain_ssl_files(domain, env)
# For hostnames created after the initial setup, ensure we have an SSL certificate
# available. Make a self-signed one now if one doesn't exist.
ensure_ssl_certificate_exists(domain, ssl_key, ssl_certificate, csr_path, env)
# Replace substitution strings in the template & return.
nginx_conf = template
nginx_conf = nginx_conf.replace("$HOSTNAME", domain)
nginx_conf = nginx_conf.replace("$ROOT", root)
nginx_conf = nginx_conf.replace("$SSL_KEY", ssl_key)
nginx_conf = nginx_conf.replace("$SSL_CERTIFICATE", ssl_certificate)
return nginx_conf
def get_domain_ssl_files(domain, env):
# What SSL private key will we use? Allow the user to override this, but
# in many cases using the same private key for all domains would be fine.
# Don't allow the user to override the key for PUBLIC_HOSTNAME because
@ -59,37 +75,44 @@ def make_domain_config(domain, template, env):
ssl_key = alt_key
# What SSL certificate will we use? This has to be differnet for each
# domain name. The certificate is already generated for PUBLIC_HOSTNAME.
# For other domains, generate a self-signed certificate if one doesn't
# already exist. See setup/mail.sh for documentation.
# domain name. For PUBLIC_HOSTNAME, use the one we generated at set-up
# time.
if domain == env['PUBLIC_HOSTNAME']:
ssl_certificate = os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], 'ssl/ssl_certificate.pem')
ssl_certificate = os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], 'ssl/domains/%s_certifiate.pem' % safe_domain_name(domain))
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(ssl_certificate), exist_ok=True)
if not os.path.exists(ssl_certificate):
# Generate a new self-signed certificate using the same private key that we already have.
# Start with a CSR.
csr = os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], 'ssl/domains/%s_cert_sign_req.csr' % safe_domain_name(domain))
shell("check_call", [
"openssl", "req", "-new",
"-key", ssl_key,
"-out", csr,
"-subj", "/C=%s/ST=/L=/O=/CN=%s" % (env["CSR_COUNTRY"], domain)])
# Where would the CSR go?
csr_path = os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], 'ssl/domains/%s_cert_sign_req.csr' % safe_domain_name(domain))
# And then make the certificate.
shell("check_call", [
"openssl", "x509", "-req",
"-days", "365",
"-in", csr,
"-signkey", ssl_key,
"-out", ssl_certificate])
return ssl_key, ssl_certificate, csr_path
def ensure_ssl_certificate_exists(domain, ssl_key, ssl_certificate, csr_path, env):
# For domains besides PUBLIC_HOSTNAME, generate a self-signed certificate if one doesn't
# already exist. See setup/mail.sh for documentation.
if domain == env['PUBLIC_HOSTNAME']:
if os.path.exists(ssl_certificate):
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(ssl_certificate), exist_ok=True)
# Generate a new self-signed certificate using the same private key that we already have.
# Start with a CSR.
shell("check_call", [
"openssl", "req", "-new",
"-key", ssl_key,
"-out", csr_path,
"-subj", "/C=%s/ST=/L=/O=/CN=%s" % (env["CSR_COUNTRY"], domain)])
# And then make the certificate.
shell("check_call", [
"openssl", "x509", "-req",
"-days", "365",
"-in", csr_path,
"-signkey", ssl_key,
"-out", ssl_certificate])
# Replace substitution strings in the template & return.
nginx_conf = template
nginx_conf = nginx_conf.replace("$HOSTNAME", domain)
nginx_conf = nginx_conf.replace("$ROOT", root)
nginx_conf = nginx_conf.replace("$SSL_KEY", ssl_key)
nginx_conf = nginx_conf.replace("$SSL_CERTIFICATE", ssl_certificate)
return nginx_conf

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
# Checks the status of the SSL certificate and tells the user
# what to do next.
. /etc/mailinabox.conf
if openssl verify $STORAGE_ROOT/ssl/ssl_certificate.pem | grep "self signed" > /dev/null; then
echo "Your SSL certificate has not yet been signed by a certificate authority (CA)."
echo "Before you continue:"
echo "* Your email on this Mail-in-a-Box should be working already."
echo "Okay, go to https://store.sslmatrix.com/products.php?prod=1&yr=1 and begin the process of ordering a RapidSSL SSL certificate for \$9.95."
# TODO: Say something about choosing a good password for SSLMatrix?
#echo "They'll send you an email with instructions for getting your signed certificate. Remember that since Mail-in-a-Box uses Greylisting, that email may not arrive immediately. (You'll also get another Sales Receipt email, and if you pay by PayPal a third email containing a receipt from PayPal.)"
echo "After completing your purchase, click My Dashboard, then click your order number. Copy the Configuration PIN to your clipboard, and then next to SSL Status click Configure SSL. Paste the PIN back in and enter the verification code from the image."
echo "Copy the following certificate signing request (CSR), including the BEGIN and END lines, to your clipboard:"
cat $STORAGE_ROOT/ssl/ssl_cert_sign_req.csr
echo "(It is safe to share your CSR. It contains only the public half of your secret SSL information.)"
echo "Paste the CSR into the big box. Then click continue. Fill out the form. Pick an email address that you have set up an alias for so you can receive mail to that address. For Server Type, choose Other. Walk through the steps until you have gotten your SSL certificate."
echo "Empty the contents of $STORAGE_ROOT/ssl/ssl_certificate.pem. Paste your SSL certificate into the file. Rapid SSL will also tell you to download an intermediate certificate. Download the Bundled CA Version (PEM) and paste it into $STORAGE_ROOT/ssl/ssl_certificate.pem *below* your certificate."
echo "Then restart your machine to ensure that system services begin using the SSL certificate."
# Certificate is not self-signed. In order to verify with openssl, we need to split out any
# intermediary certificates in the chain from our certificate (at the top).
perl -n0777e '@x = /(-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----.*?-----END CERTIFICATE-----)(.*)/sg; print $x[1];' \
< $STORAGE_ROOT/ssl/ssl_certificate.pem > /tmp/ssl_chain.pem
openssl verify -verbose -purpose sslserver -policy_check \
-untrusted /tmp/ssl_chain.pem \

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
source setup/functions.sh
apt_install python3-flask links duplicity libyaml-dev
apt_install python3-flask links duplicity libyaml-dev python3-dnspython
pip3 install rtyaml
# Create a backup directory and a random key for encrypting backups.