<p>The box makes an incremental backup each night. The backup is stored on the machine itself. You are responsible for copying the backup files off of the machine.</p>
<p>Many cloud providers make this easy by allowing you to take snapshots of the machine's disk.</p>
<p>You can also use SFTP (FTP over SSH) to copy files from <ttid="backup-location"></tt>. These files are encrpyted, so they are safe to store anywhere. Copy the encryption password from <ttid="backup-encpassword-file"></tt> also but keep it in a safe location.</p>
<p>The backup directory currently contains the backups listed below. The total size on disk of the backups is currently <spanid="backup-total-size"></span>.</p>
<pstyle="margin-top: 2em"><small>The size column in the table indicates the size of the encrypted backup, but the total size on disk shown above includes storage for unencrypted intermediate files.</small></p>