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# Creates DNS zone files for all of the domains of all of the mail users
# and mail aliases and restarts nsd.
import os, os.path, urllib.parse, time, re
from mailconfig import get_mail_domains
from utils import shell
def do_dns_update(env):
# What domains should we serve DNS for?
domains = set()
# Ensure the PUBLIC_HOSTNAME is in that list.
# Add all domain names in use by email users and mail aliases.
domains |= get_mail_domains(env)
# Make a nice and safe filename for each domain.
zonefiles = []
for domain in domains:
zonefiles.append((domain, urllib.parse.quote(domain, safe='') + ".txt" ))
# Write zone files.
os.makedirs('/etc/nsd/zones', exist_ok=True)
updated_domains = []
for domain, zonefile in zonefiles:
records = build_zone(domain, env)
if write_nsd_zone(domain, "/etc/nsd/zones/" + zonefile, records, env):
justtestingdotemail(domain, records)
# Write the main nsd.conf file.
if write_nsd_conf(zonefiles):
# Make sure updated_domains contains *something* if we wrote an updated
# nsd.conf so that we know to restart nsd.
if len(updated_domains) == 0:
updated_domains.append("DNS configuration")
# Kick nsd if anything changed.
if len(updated_domains) > 0:
shell('check_call', ["/usr/sbin/service", "nsd", "restart"])
# Write the OpenDKIM configuration tables.
write_opendkim_tables(zonefiles, env)
# Kick opendkim.
shell('check_call', ["/usr/sbin/service", "opendkim", "restart"])
if len(updated_domains) == 0:
# if nothing was updated (except maybe DKIM), don't show any output
return ""
return "updated: " + ",".join(updated_domains) + "\n"
def build_zone(domain, env):
records = []
records.append((None, "NS", "ns1.%s." % env["PUBLIC_HOSTNAME"]))
records.append((None, "NS", "ns2.%s." % env["PUBLIC_HOSTNAME"]))
records.append((None, "A", env["PUBLIC_IP"]))
if env.get('PUBLIC_IPV6'):
records.append((None, "AAAA", env["PUBLIC_IPV6"]))
records.append((None, "MX", "10 %s." % env["PUBLIC_HOSTNAME"]))
records.append((None, "TXT", '"v=spf1 mx -all"'))
records.append(("www", "A", env["PUBLIC_IP"]))
if env.get('PUBLIC_IPV6'):
records.append(("www", "AAAA", env["PUBLIC_IPV6"]))
# In PUBLIC_HOSTNAME, also define ns1 and ns2.
if domain == env["PUBLIC_HOSTNAME"]:
records.append(("ns1", "A", env["PUBLIC_IP"]))
records.append(("ns2", "A", env["PUBLIC_IP"]))
# If OpenDKIM is in use..
opendkim_record_file = os.path.join(env['STORAGE_ROOT'], 'mail/dkim/mail.txt')
if os.path.exists(opendkim_record_file):
# Append the DKIM TXT record to the zone as generated by OpenDKIM, after string formatting above.
with open(opendkim_record_file) as orf:
m = re.match(r"(\S+)\s+IN\s+TXT\s+(\(.*\))\s*;",, re.S)
records.append((, "TXT",
# Append ADSP (RFC 5617) and DMARC records.
records.append(("_adsp._domainkey", "TXT", '"dkim=all"'))
records.append(("_dmarc", "TXT", '"v=DMARC1; p=quarantine"'))
return records
def write_nsd_zone(domain, zonefile, records, env):
# We set the administrative email address for every domain to domain_contact@[].
# You should probably create an alias to your email address.
zone = """
$ORIGIN {domain}. ; default zone domain
$TTL 86400 ; default time to live
@ IN SOA ns1.{primary_domain}. hostmaster.{primary_domain}. (
__SERIAL__ ; serial number
28800 ; Refresh
7200 ; Retry
864000 ; Expire
86400 ; Min TTL
# Replace replacement strings.
zone = zone.format(domain=domain, primary_domain=env["PUBLIC_HOSTNAME"])
# Add records.
for subdomain, querytype, value in records:
if subdomain:
zone += subdomain
zone += "\tIN\t" + querytype + "\t"
zone += value + "\n"
# Set the serial number.
serial = time.strftime("%Y%m%d00")
if os.path.exists(zonefile):
# If the zone already exists, is different, and has a later serial number,
# increment the number.
with open(zonefile) as f:
existing_zone =
m ="(\d+)\s*;\s*serial number", existing_zone)
if m:
existing_serial =
existing_zone = existing_zone.replace(, "__SERIAL__ ; serial number")
# If the existing zone is the same as the new zone (modulo the serial number),
# there is no need to update the file.
if zone == existing_zone:
return False
# If the existing serial is not less than the new one, increment it.
if existing_serial >= serial:
serial = str(int(existing_serial) + 1)
zone = zone.replace("__SERIAL__", serial)
# Write the zone file.
with open(zonefile, "w") as f:
return True # file is updated
def write_nsd_conf(zonefiles):
nsdconf = """
hide-version: yes
# identify the server (CH TXT ID.SERVER entry).
identity: ""
# The directory for zonefile: files.
zonesdir: "/etc/nsd/zones"
for domain, zonefile in zonefiles:
nsdconf += """
name: %s
zonefile: %s
""" % (domain, zonefile)
# Check if the nsd.conf is changing. If it isn't changing,
# return False to flag that no change was made.
with open("/etc/nsd/nsd.conf") as f:
if == nsdconf:
return False
with open("/etc/nsd/nsd.conf", "w") as f:
return True
def write_opendkim_tables(zonefiles, env):
# Append a record to OpenDKIM's KeyTable and SigningTable for each domain.
# The SigningTable maps email addresses to signing information. The KeyTable
# maps specify the hostname, the selector, and the path to the private key.
# DKIM ADSP and DMARC both only support policies where the signing domain matches
# the From address, so the KeyTable must specify that the signing domain for a
# sender matches the sender's domain.
# In SigningTable, we map every email address to a key record named after the domain.
# Then we specify for the key record its domain, selector, and key.
opendkim_key_file = os.path.join(env['STORAGE_ROOT'], 'mail/dkim/mail.private')
if not os.path.exists(opendkim_key_file): return
with open("/etc/opendkim/KeyTable", "w") as f:
"{domain} {domain}:mail:{key_file}".format(domain=domain, key_file=opendkim_key_file)
for domain, zonefile in zonefiles
with open("/etc/opendkim/SigningTable", "w") as f:
"*@{domain} {domain}".format(domain=domain)
for domain, zonefile in zonefiles
def justtestingdotemail(domain, records):
# If the domain is a subdomain of, which we own,
# automatically populate the zone where it is set up on
# Ideally if supported NS records we would just have it
# delegate DNS to us, but instead we will populate the whole zone.
import subprocess, json, urllib.parse
if not domain.endswith(""):
for subdomain, querytype, value in records:
if querytype in ("NS",): continue
if subdomain in ("www", "ns1", "ns2"): continue # don't do unnecessary things
if subdomain == None:
subdomain = domain
subdomain = subdomain + "." + domain
if querytype == "TXT":
# nsd requires parentheses around txt records with multiple parts,
# but DNS4E requires there be no parentheses; also it goes into
# nsd with a newline and a tab, which we replace with a space here
value = re.sub("^\s*\(\s*([\w\W]*)\)", r"\1", value)
value = re.sub("\s+", " ", value)
print("Updating DNS for %s/%s..." % (subdomain, querytype))
resp = json.loads(subprocess.check_output([
"" % (urllib.parse.quote(subdomain), querytype.lower()),
"--user", "2ddbd8e88ed1495fa0ec:A97TDJV26CVUJS6hqAs0CKnhj4HvjTM7MwAAg8xb",
"--data", "record=%s" % urllib.parse.quote(value),
print("\t...", resp.get("message", "?"))