<p>You can set additional DNS records, such as if you have a website running on another server, to add DKIM records for external mail providers, or for various confirmation-of-ownership tests.</p>
<optionvalue="MX"data-hint="Enter record in the form of PRIORIY DOMAIN., including trailing period (e.g. 20 mx.example.com.).">MX (mail exchanger)</option>
<p>If your TLD requires you to have two separate nameservers, you can either set up a secondary (aka “slave”) nameserver or, alternatively, set up <ahref="#"onclick="return show_panel('external_dns')">external DNS</a> and ignore the DNS server on this box. If you choose to use a seconday/slave nameserver, you must find a seconday/slave nameserver service provider. Your domain name registrar or virtual cloud provider may provide this service for you. Once you set up the seconday/slave nameserver service, enter the hostname of <em>their</em> secondary nameserver (multiple secondaries can be added separated with commas i.e. ns2.hostingcompany.com,ns3.hostingcompany.com):</p>
<tr><td>GET</td><td>Returns matching custom DNS records as a JSON array of objects. Each object has the keys <code>qname</code>, <code>rtype</code>, and <code>value</code>. The optional <code>qname</code> and <code>rtype</code> parameters in the request URL filter the records returned in the response. The request body (<code>-d "..."</code>) must be omitted.</td></tr>
<tr><td>PUT</td><td>Sets a custom DNS record replacing any existing records with the same <code>qname</code> and <code>rtype</code>. Use PUT (instead of POST) when you only have one value for a <code>qname</code> and <code>rtype</code>, such as typical <code>A</code> records (without round-robin).</td></tr>
<tr><td>POST</td><td>Adds a new custom DNS record. Use POST when you have multiple <code>TXT</code> records or round-robin <code>A</code> records. (PUT would delete previously added records.)</td></tr>
<tr><td>DELETE</td><td>Deletes custom DNS records. If the request body (<code>-d "..."</code>) is empty or omitted, deletes all records matching the <code>qname</code> and <code>rtype</code>. If the request body is present, deletes only the record matching the <code>qname</code>, <code>rtype</code> and value.</td></tr>
<tr><td>qname</td><td>The fully qualified domain name for the record you are trying to set. It must be one of the domain names or a subdomain of one of the domain names hosted on this box. (Add mail users or aliases to add new domains.)</td></tr>
<tr><td>rtype</td><td>The resource type. Defaults to <code>A</code> if omitted. Possible values: <code>A</code> (an IPv4 address), <code>AAAA</code> (an IPv6 address), <code>TXT</code> (a text string), <code>CNAME</code> (an alias, which is a fully qualified domain name — don’t forget the final period), <code>MX</code>, or <code>SRV</code>.</td></tr>
<tr><td>value</td><td>For PUT, POST, and DELETE, the record’s value. If the <code>rtype</code> is <code>A</code> or <code>AAAA</code> and <code>value</code> is empty or omitted, the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the remote host is used (be sure to use the <code>-4</code> or <code>-6</code> options to curl). This is handy for dynamic DNS!</td></tr>
<p>Strict <ahref="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4408">SPF</a> and <ahref="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-kucherawy-dmarc-base/?include_text=1">DMARC</a> records will be added to all custom domains unless you override them.</p>
<p>Try these examples. For simplicity the examples omit the <code>--user me@mydomain.com:yourpassword</code> command line argument which you must fill in with your email address and password.</p>