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# Postfix (SMTP)
# --------------
# Postfix handles the transmission of email between servers
# using the SMTP protocol. It is a Mail Transfer Agent (MTA).
# Postfix listens on port 25 (SMTP) for incoming mail from
# other servers on the Internet. It is responsible for very
# basic email filtering such as by IP address and greylisting,
# it checks that the destination address is valid, rewrites
# destinations according to aliases, and passses email on to
# another service for local mail delivery.
# The first hop in local mail delivery is to Spamassassin via
# LMTP. Spamassassin then passes mail over to Dovecot for
# storage in the user's mailbox.
# Postfix also listens on port 587 (SMTP+STARTLS) for
# connections from users who can authenticate and then sends
# their email out to the outside world. Postfix queries Dovecot
# to authenticate users.
# Address validation, alias rewriting, and user authentication
# is configured in a separate setup script
# because of the overlap of this part with the Dovecot
# configuration.
source setup/ # load our functions
source /etc/mailinabox.conf # load global vars
# ### Install packages.
# Install postfix's packages.
# * `postfix`: The SMTP server.
# * `postfix-pcre`: Enables header filtering.
# * `postgrey`: A mail policy service that soft-rejects mail the first time
# it is received. Spammers don't usually try agian. Legitimate mail
# always will.
# * `ca-certificates`: A trust store used to squelch postfix warnings about
# untrusted opportunistically-encrypted connections.
echo "Installing Postfix (SMTP server)..."
2019-02-27 10:48:34 +00:00
apt_install postfix postfix-sqlite postfix-pcre postgrey ca-certificates \
# ### Basic Settings
# Set some basic settings...
# * Have postfix listen on all network interfaces.
# * Make outgoing connections on a particular interface (if multihomed) so that SPF passes on the receiving side.
# * Set our name (the Debian default seems to be "localhost" but make it our hostname).
# * Set the name of the local machine to localhost, which means xxx@localhost is delivered locally, although we don't use it.
# * Set the SMTP banner (which must have the hostname first, then anything).
tools/ /etc/postfix/ \
inet_interfaces=all \
smtp_bind_address=$PRIVATE_IP \
smtp_bind_address6=$PRIVATE_IPV6 \
smtpd_banner="\$myhostname ESMTP Hi, I'm a Mail-in-a-Box (Ubuntu/Postfix; see" \
# Tweak some queue settings:
# * Inform users when their e-mail delivery is delayed more than 3 hours (default is not to warn).
# * Stop trying to send an undeliverable e-mail after 2 days (instead of 5), and for bounce messages just try for 1 day.
tools/ /etc/postfix/ \
2016-01-21 15:05:43 +00:00
delay_warning_time=3h \
maximal_queue_lifetime=2d \
# ### Outgoing Mail
# Enable the 'submission' port 587 smtpd server and tweak its settings.
# * Enable authentication. It's disabled globally so that it is disabled on port 25,
# so we need to explicitly enable it here.
# * Do not add the OpenDMAC Authentication-Results header. That should only be added
# on incoming mail. Omit the OpenDMARC milter by re-setting smtpd_milters to the
# OpenDKIM milter only. See
# * Even though we dont allow auth over non-TLS connections (smtpd_tls_auth_only below, and without auth the client cant
# send outbound mail), don't allow non-TLS mail submission on this port anyway to prevent accidental misconfiguration.
# * Require the best ciphers for incoming connections per
2014-10-13 14:00:26 +00:00
# By putting this setting here we leave opportunistic TLS on incoming mail at default cipher settings (any cipher is better than none).
# * Give it a different name in syslog to distinguish it from the port 25 smtpd server.
# * Add a new cleanup service specific to the submission service ('authclean')
# that filters out privacy-sensitive headers on mail being sent out by
# authenticated users. By default Postfix also applies this to attached
# emails but we turn this off by setting nested_header_checks empty.
tools/ /etc/postfix/ -s -w \
"submission=inet n - - - - smtpd
-o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
-o syslog_name=postfix/submission
-o smtpd_milters=inet:
-o smtpd_tls_security_level=encrypt
-o smtpd_tls_ciphers=high -o smtpd_tls_exclude_ciphers=aNULL,DES,3DES,MD5,DES+MD5,RC4 -o smtpd_tls_mandatory_protocols=!SSLv2,!SSLv3
-o cleanup_service_name=authclean" \
"authclean=unix n - - - 0 cleanup
-o header_checks=pcre:/etc/postfix/outgoing_mail_header_filters
2019-02-27 10:48:34 +00:00
-o nested_header_checks=" \
"policy-spf=unix - n n - - spawn
user=nobody argv=/usr/bin/policyd-spf"
# Install the `outgoing_mail_header_filters` file required by the new 'authclean' service.
cp conf/postfix_outgoing_mail_header_filters /etc/postfix/outgoing_mail_header_filters
# Modify the `outgoing_mail_header_filters` file to use the local machine name and ip
# on the first received header line. This may help reduce the spam score of email by
# removing the reference.
sed -i "s/PRIMARY_HOSTNAME/$PRIMARY_HOSTNAME/" /etc/postfix/outgoing_mail_header_filters
sed -i "s/PUBLIC_IP/$PUBLIC_IP/" /etc/postfix/outgoing_mail_header_filters
# Enable TLS on these and all other connections (i.e. ports 25 *and* 587) and
# require TLS before a user is allowed to authenticate. This also makes
# opportunistic TLS available on *incoming* mail.
# Set stronger DH parameters, which via openssl tend to default to 1024 bits
# (see
tools/ /etc/postfix/ \
smtpd_tls_auth_only=yes \
smtpd_tls_cert_file=$STORAGE_ROOT/ssl/ssl_certificate.pem \
smtpd_tls_key_file=$STORAGE_ROOT/ssl/ssl_private_key.pem \
smtpd_tls_dh1024_param_file=$STORAGE_ROOT/ssl/dh2048.pem \
smtpd_tls_protocols=\!SSLv2,\!SSLv3 \
smtpd_tls_ciphers=medium \
smtpd_tls_exclude_ciphers=aNULL,RC4 \
# Prevent non-authenticated users from sending mail that requires being
# relayed elsewhere. We don't want to be an "open relay". On outbound
# mail, require one of:
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# * `permit_sasl_authenticated`: Authenticated users (i.e. on port 587).
# * `permit_mynetworks`: Mail that originates locally.
# * `reject_unauth_destination`: No one else. (Permits mail whose destination is local and rejects other mail.)
tools/ /etc/postfix/ \
# ### DANE
# When connecting to remote SMTP servers, prefer TLS and use DANE if available.
# Prefering ("opportunistic") TLS means Postfix will use TLS if the remote end
# offers it, otherwise it will transmit the message in the clear. Postfix will
# accept whatever SSL certificate the remote end provides. Opportunistic TLS
# protects against passive easvesdropping (but not man-in-the-middle attacks).
# DANE takes this a step further:
# Postfix queries DNS for the TLSA record on the destination MX host. If no TLSA records are found,
# then opportunistic TLS is used. Otherwise the server certificate must match the TLSA records
# or else the mail bounces. TLSA also requires DNSSEC on the MX host. Postfix doesn't do DNSSEC
# itself but assumes the system's nameserver does and reports DNSSEC status. Thus this also
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# relies on our local DNS server (see and `smtp_dns_support_level=dnssec`.
# The `smtp_tls_CAfile` is superflous, but it eliminates warnings in the logs about untrusted certs,
# which we don't care about seeing because Postfix is doing opportunistic TLS anyway. Better to encrypt,
# even if we don't know if it's to the right party, than to not encrypt at all. Instead we'll
# now see notices about trusted certs. The CA file is provided by the package `ca-certificates`.
tools/ /etc/postfix/ \
smtp_tls_protocols=\!SSLv2,\!SSLv3 \
smtp_tls_mandatory_protocols=\!SSLv2,\!SSLv3 \
smtp_tls_ciphers=medium \
smtp_tls_exclude_ciphers=aNULL,RC4 \
smtp_tls_security_level=dane \
smtp_dns_support_level=dnssec \
smtp_tls_CAfile=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt \
# ### Incoming Mail
# Pass any incoming mail over to a local delivery agent. Spamassassin
# will act as the LDA agent at first. It is listening on port 10025
# with LMTP. Spamassassin will pass the mail over to Dovecot after.
# In a basic setup we would pass mail directly to Dovecot by setting
# virtual_transport to `lmtp:unix:private/dovecot-lmtp`.
tools/ /etc/postfix/ virtual_transport=lmtp:[]:10025
# Because of a spampd bug, limit the number of recipients in each connection.
# See
tools/ /etc/postfix/ lmtp_destination_recipient_limit=1
# Who can send mail to us? Some basic filters.
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# * `reject_non_fqdn_sender`: Reject not-nice-looking return paths.
# * `reject_unknown_sender_domain`: Reject return paths with invalid domains.
# * `reject_authenticated_sender_login_mismatch`: Reject if mail FROM address does not match the client SASL login
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# * `reject_rhsbl_sender`: Reject return paths that use blacklisted domains.
# * `permit_sasl_authenticated`: Authenticated users (i.e. on port 587) can skip further checks.
# * `permit_mynetworks`: Mail that originates locally can skip further checks.
# * `reject_rbl_client`: Reject connections from IP addresses blacklisted in
# * `reject_unlisted_recipient`: Although Postfix will reject mail to unknown recipients, it's nicer to reject such mail ahead of greylisting rather than after.
# * `check_policy_service`: Apply greylisting using postgrey.
# Notes: #NODOC
# permit_dnswl_client can pass through mail from whitelisted IP addresses, which would be good to put before greylisting #NODOC
# so these IPs get mail delivered quickly. But when an IP is not listed in the permit_dnswl_client list (i.e. it is not #NODOC
# whitelisted) then postfix does a DEFER_IF_REJECT, which results in all "unknown user" sorts of messages turning into #NODOC
# "450 4.7.1 Client host rejected: Service unavailable". This is a retry code, so the mail doesn't properly bounce. #NODOC
tools/ /etc/postfix/ \
smtpd_sender_restrictions="reject_non_fqdn_sender,reject_unknown_sender_domain,reject_authenticated_sender_login_mismatch,reject_rhsbl_sender" \
2019-02-27 10:48:34 +00:00
smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,permit_mynetworks,"reject_rbl_client",reject_unlisted_recipient,"check_policy_service inet:","check_policy_service unix:private/policy-spf"
# Postfix connects to Postgrey on the interface specifically. Ensure that
# Postgrey listens on the same interface (and not IPv6, for instance).
# A lot of legit mail servers try to resend before 300 seconds.
# As a matter of fact RFC is not strict about retry timer so postfix and
# other MTA have their own intervals. To fix the problem of receiving
# e-mails really latter, delay of greylisting has been set to
# 180 seconds (default is 300 seconds).
tools/ /etc/default/postgrey \
POSTGREY_OPTS=\"'--inet= --delay=180'\"
# Increase the message size limit from 10MB to 128MB.
# The same limit is specified in nginx.conf for mail submitted via webmail and Z-Push.
tools/ /etc/postfix/ \
# Allow the two SMTP ports in the firewall.
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ufw_allow smtp
ufw_allow submission
# Restart services
restart_service postfix
restart_service postgrey