#!/bin/bash set -x TD="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd)" U="user" export HOME=/home/user export USER=user export LC_ALL=en_US export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 # original home OH="/hosthome" # link ~/.home to original home ln -s "/hosthome" $HOME/.home cd $HOME && ls -tla # /nix is already created for us and chowned to us by now: curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install | sh source /home/user/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/nix.sh # this should install all the packages from the config.nix: nix-env -iA nixpkgs.work nix-env --set-flag priority 7 workpackages # FIXME have this pull from synced dir instead # oh-my-zsh curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh > /tmp/installomz.sh export ZSH="$HOME/.zsh" export KEEP_ZSHRC=yes zsh /tmp/installomz.sh && rm /tmp/installomz.sh ############################################################################### ##### Personal Config ############################################################################### # I had envisioned this image as adaptable to other users but I've decided # to abandon that hope and hardcode my own values in here. git config --global user.email sneak@sneak.berlin git config --global user.name sneak mkdir -p ~/.paths # TODO FIXME change the syncthing paths on las1 when convenient sometime ln -s ~/.home/Library/Syncthing/folders/sync ~/.paths/sneak-sync ln -s ~/.home/Library/Syncthing/folders/scratch ~/.paths/sneak-scratch ln -s ~/.home/Library/Syncthing/folders/sneak-docs ~/.paths/sneak-docs ln -s ~/.paths/sneak-docs ~/Documents ln -s ~/.paths/sneak-scratch/dev ~/dev ln -s ~/.paths/sneak-sync/dotfiles/weechat ~/.weechat ln -s ~/.paths/sneak-sync/ssh/config ~/.ssh/config # link in ssh key from original home mkdir -p ~/.ssh ln -s ~/.paths/sneak-sync/secrets/ssh/pixel16/id_rsa ~/.ssh/id_rsa ln -s ~/.paths/sneak-sync/secrets/ssh/pixel16/id_rsa.pub ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub # vim plug preinstallation # newline is to fix "hit ENTER" issue when it can't find the colorscheme file # which PlugInstall is about to install # this needs to happen after the linking above echo "" | vim +PlugInstall +qall vim +GoInstallBinaries +qall vim +PlugInstall +qall rm ~/.vimrc ln -s ~/.paths/sneak-sync/dotfiles/vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim ln -s ~/.paths/sneak-sync/dotfiles/vim/vimrc ~/.config/nvim/init.vim mkdir -p ~/.local/share/terraform/plugins/registry.terraform.io/dmacvicar/libvirt/0.6.2/linux_amd64 cd ~/.local/share/terraform/plugins/registry.terraform.io/dmacvicar/libvirt/0.6.2/linux_amd64