--- layout: page --- # Unofficial SYN Shop Info Page
Note: This site is a volunteer compilation. synshop.org is the official SYN Shop website. # SYN Shop * SYN Shop: The Las Vegas Valley Hackerspace! * Located at [5967 Harrison Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89120, USA, Sol III](https://www.google.com/maps/place/5967+Harrison+Dr,+Las+Vegas,+NV+89120/) * Note: recently moved! This is the new/current address. * [Move FAQ](https://rtfm.synshop.org/users/SYNShop3.0/FAQ/) * [https://synshop.org](https://synshop.org) * [info@synshop.org](mailto:info@synshop.org) * 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization ([donate!](https://synshop.org/donate)) ## Connect * [SYN Shop Discord](https://synshop.org/discord) * [SYN Shop Twitter (@synshop)](https://twitter.com/synshop) * [SYN Shop Instagram (@synshoplv)](https://www.instagram.com/synshoplv) * [SYN Shop GitHub (@synshop)](https://github.com/synshop) * RTFM Site [sources](https://github.com/synshop/rtfm) (PRs welcome) * [SYN Shop Ko-fi](https://ko-fi.com/synshop) (donations) * [SYN Shop Meetup Page](https://www.meetup.com/synshop) ## General Info * [FAQ](https://rtfm.synshop.org/users/FAQ/) * Approximately 120 members as of September 2020 * Membership costs $60 USD per month (required to use the equipment) * Normally open to the public every day except Sunday * **Currently not open to non-members due to COVID-19** * Otherwise, the normal open hours would be: * 18:00-22:00 PST Mon-Fri * 15:00-22:00 PST Sat * Closed Sun * Members are currently welcome by appointment with keyholders * Potential members are also welcome to visit by appointment with keyholders * All are invited to join! * [Sign Up For Membership](https://synshop.org/joining-syn-shop) * [Make a tax-deductible donation to support the SYN Shop!](https://synshop.org/donate) * Contact [info@synshop.org](mailto:info@synshop.org) for a donation receipt * [Teach a class at the SYN Shop!](https://synshop.org/teach-class) # Resources * [SYN Shop Official Website](https://synshop.org/) * Event Listings * Contact Form * Shop Status * Membership Sign Up (membership is open) * Account / Payment Settings * [Membership Guidelines](https://synshop.org/membership)
* [SYN Shop Rules](https://rtfm.synshop.org/users/SYN%20Shop%20Rules%20v3%202020-08-12.pdf) (version 2020-08-12)
* [SYN Shop Manual (RTFM)](https://rtfm.synshop.org/) * [Official FAQ](https://rtfm.synshop.org/users/FAQ/) * Manual for the shop, includes: * [Full Equipment List](https://rtfm.synshop.org/users/SYN%20Shop%20Tool%20List/) * TL;DR: 3D Printers, Laser Cutters, Lathes, Power Tools, Many Saws, Hand Tools, Compressor, Welders, Sewing Machines, Soldering Irons, and more!
* SYN Shop Discussion Lists * Announcements: `synshop-announce` * Subscribe: [synshop-announce+subscribe@googlegroups.com](mailto:synshop-announce+subscribe@googlegroups.com) * General Discussion: `synshop` * Subscribe: [synshop+subscribe@googlegroups.com](mailto:synshop+subscribe@googlegroups.com)
* [SYN Shop Podcast](https://www.twitch.tv/synshop) * Live on Saturdays at 19:30 (7:30PM) PST! * [SYN Shop Podcast Archives](https://www.youtube.com/user/SYNShop)
* [SYN Shop Discord Chat](https://synshop.org/discord) * [Join Here](https://synshop.org/discord) * Most shop members prefer to use this * Note that you must also agree to the [Discord Terms Of Service (TOS)](https://discord.com/terms), separate from the SYN Shop rules, to use this service, and that your PII and direct messages to and from other users will be logged by Discord and will *not* remain private.