# synshop.info [![Build Status](https://drone.datavi.be/api/badges/sneak/synshop.info/status.svg)](https://drone.datavi.be/sneak/synshop.info) Jekyll sources for the [synshop.info](https://synshop.info) website. # Rationale The Syn Shop has a lot of information spread across a few different places/sites, this is a quick simple reference card for the most important facts, and links to all of those different places. # See Also * [jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/) * [jekyll/jekyll](https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll) # Author [sneak](mailto:sneak@sneak.berlin) Any errors here are mine, not the Syn Shop's. (Although, if you see any, [please let me know so I can fix it](mailto:sneak@sneak.berlin).) # Copyright / License WTFPL Released into the public domain under the [WTFPL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTFPL). No rights reserved.