# Usage ``` docker run -d --name sandbox sneak/sandbox ; docker exec -ti sandbox script -q -c "TERM=xterm-color byobu" /dev/null ``` (The 'script' bit works around a bug where `docker exec -t` doesn't give you a usable tty.) Or, if you're clever and run an Ubuntu mirror (or caching reverse proxy) on your docker host: ``` docker run -d --add-host archive.ubuntu.com: --name sandbox sneak/sandbox ; docker exec -ti sandbox script -q -c "TERM=xterm-color byobu" /dev/null ``` # Includes Things Like * vim * neovim * rbenv * default-jre * docker (from docker) * docker-compose * docker-machine * bash completion * python (from ubuntu) * setuptools * virtualenv * node4 (from ubuntu) * coffeescript * coffeelint * go1.6 (from ubuntu) * byobu and screen * awscli (from pypi) * irssi * runit / daemontools * envdir * build-essential * make * latex and fonts (from ubuntu) * Other useful misc tools * pv * pbzip2 * nmap * ppss * pwgen * netcat and telnet * and much more... # TODO * ctags / enhanced vim * sweet screenrc or byobu config * customize PS1 * more shells * more editors (emacs) * rbenv build versions * more fonts * pathogen * overcommit * mercurial # See Also * https://github.com/marvinpinto/kitchensink * https://github.com/shykes/devbox # Feedback Feedback is appreciated, PRs are encouraged. Drop me an email or tweet [@sneakdotberlin](https://twitter.com/sneakdotberlin). # Author Jeffrey Paul <sneak@sneak.berlin> https://sneak.berlin [@sneakdotberlin](https://twitter.com/sneakdotberlin) `5539 AD00 DE4C 42F3 AFE1 1575 0524 43F4 DF2A 55C2` # License This code is released into the public domain.