#summary PPSS Manual (Distributed) = Introduction = To use PPSS in a distributed fasion, The following steps must be performed: # Make the necessary preparations on server and nodes. # Create a configuration file for PPSS, that will be distributed to nodes. # Deploy PPSS to the nodes. # Start PPSS on all nodes. some preparations need to be made. == Preparation of server and nodes == The following preparations must be made in order to use PPSS in a distributed fasion: # Create an unprivileged user 'ppss' on the server. # Create an unprivileged user 'ppss' on each node. # Generate a SSH key without a pass phrase. # Add the SSH key to the authorized_keys file of the 'ppss' user on the server. # Add the SSH key to the authorized_keys file of the 'ppss' user on the client. # Place PPSS on the server within the PPSS home directory. *Security* Please note that usage of SSH keys without pass phrases may pose a security threat if the machines are shared with other users. You must decide for yourself if the security risk that is associated with this setup is acceptable for your environment. For example, if a node is compromised, the attacker will have (initially unprivileged) access to the server. == Create a PPSS configuration file == *TODO* == Deploy PPSS to nodes == *TODO* == Start PPSS on nodes == *TODO*