#!/usr/bin/env bash # # PPSS, the Parallel Processing Shell Script # # Copyright (c) 2010, Louwrentius # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # See # for a copy of the GNU General Public License # # "Patches or other contributions are always welcome!" # # # Handling control-c for a clean shutdown. # trap 'kill_process' SIGINT SCRIPT_NAME="Distributed Parallel Processing Shell Script" SCRIPT_VERSION="2.90" # # The first argument to this script can be a mode. # MODES="node start config stop pause continue deploy status erase kill" for x in $MODES do if [ "$x" == "$1" ] then MODE="$1" shift break fi done # # The working directory of PPSS can be set with # export PPSS_DIR=/path/to/workingdir # if [ -z "$PPSS_DIR" ] then PPSS_DIR="ppss_dir" fi CONFIG="" HOSTNAME="`hostname`" ARCH="`uname`" PPSS_HOME_DIR="ppss-home" SOURCED="$0" PID="$$" PAUSE_SIGNAL="$PPSS_HOME_DIR/$PPSS_DIR/pause_signal" # Pause processing if this file is present. PAUSE_DELAY="60" # Polling every 1 minutes by default. STOP_SIGNAL="$PPSS_HOME_DIR/$PPSS_DIR/stop_signal" # Stop processing if this file is present. GLOBAL_COUNTER=1 LISTOFITEMS="$PPSS_DIR/INPUT_FILE-$PID" JOB_LOG_DIR="$PPSS_DIR/job_log" # Directory containing log files of processed items. LOGFILE="$PPSS_DIR/ppss-log-$PID.txt" # General PPSS log file. Contains lots of info. FAILED_ITEMS_COUNTER=0 QUIET="0" STOP="0" # STOP job. MAX_DELAY="0" # MAX DELAY between jobs. MAX_LOCK_DELAY="9" # PERCENT="0" LISTENER_PID="" IFS_BACKUP="$IFS" CPUINFO="/proc/cpuinfo" PROCESSORS="" START_KEY="start-$RANDOM$RANDOM$RANDOM$RANDOM" # If this key is received by listener, start a new process FAIL_KEY="fail-$RANDOM$RANDOM$RANDOM$RANDOM" # if this key is received by listener, increase error count KILL_KEY="kill-$RANDOM$RANDOM$RANDOM$RANDOM" # This is a signal to stop immediately and kill PPSS QUEUE="" INOTIFY="" RECURSION="1" # all running processes. START_PPSS="" STOP_PPSS="" SIZE_OF_INPUT="" LOCAL_LOCKING="1" LIST_OF_PROCESSED_ITEMS="$PPSS_DIR/LIST_OF_PROCESSED_ITEMS" PROCESSED_ITEMS="" UNPROCESSED_ITEMS="" ACTIVE_WORKERS="0" DAEMON_POLLING_INTERVAL="10" STAT="" DAEMON_FILE_AGE="4" ENABLE_INPUT_LOCK="0" PROCESSING_TIME="" NODE_ID="NODE_ID" USE_MD5="0" RANDOMIZE="0" SSH_SERVER="" # Remote server or 'master'. SSH_KEY="" # SSH key for ssh account. SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS="" SSH_SOCKET="$PPSS_DIR/ppss_ssh_socket-$$" # Multiplex multiple SSH connections over 1 master. SSH_OPTS="-o BatchMode=yes -o ControlPath=$SSH_SOCKET \ -o GlobalKnownHostsFile=./known_hosts \ -o ControlMaster=auto \ -o Cipher=blowfish \ -o ConnectTimeout=10 " SSH_OPTS_NOMP="-o BatchMode=yes -o GlobalKnownHostsFile=./known_hosts \ -o Cipher=blowfish \ -o ConnectTimeout=10 " # Blowfish is faster but still secure. SSH_MASTER_PID="" ITEM_LOCK_DIR="$PPSS_DIR/PPSS_ITEM_LOCK_DIR" # Remote directory on master used for item locking. PPSS_LOCAL_TMPDIR="$PPSS_DIR/PPSS_LOCAL_TMPDIR" # Local directory on slave for local processing. PPSS_LOCAL_OUTPUT="$PPSS_DIR/PPSS_LOCAL_OUTPUT" # Local directory on slave for local output. DOWNLOAD_TO_NODE="0" # Transfer item to slave via (s)cp. UPLOAD_TO_SERVER="0" # Transfer output back to server via (s)cp. SECURE_COPY="1" # If set, use SCP, Otherwise, use cp. REMOTE_OUTPUT_DIR="" # Remote directory to which output must be uploaded. SCRIPT="" # Custom user script that is executed by ppss. ITEM_ESCAPED="" DISABLE_SKIPPING=0 PPSS_NODE_STATUS="$PPSS_DIR/NODE_STATUS" NODE_STATUS_FILE="$PPSS_NODE_STATUS/$HOSTNAME-status.txt" DAEMON=0 EMAIL="" REGISTER="" # For STACK STACK="" TMP_STACK="" showusage_short () { echo echo "|P|P|S|S| $SCRIPT_NAME $SCRIPT_VERSION" echo echo "usage: $0 [ -d | -f ] [ -c ' \"\$ITEM\"' ]" echo " [ -C ] [ -j ] [ -l ] [ -p <# jobs> ]" echo " [ -q ] [ -D ] [ -h ] [ --help ] [ -r ] [ --daemon ]" echo echo "Examples:" echo " $0 -d /dir/with/some/files -c 'gzip '" echo " $0 -d /dir/with/some/files -c 'cp \"\$ITEM\" /tmp' -p 2" echo " $0 -f -c 'wget -q -P /destination/directory \"\$ITEM\"' -p 10" echo } showusage_normal () { echo echo "|P|P|S|S| $SCRIPT_NAME $SCRIPT_VERSION" echo echo "PPSS is a Bash shell script that executes commands in parallel on a set" echo "of items, such as files in a directory, or lines in a file. The purpose" echo "of PPSS is to make it simple to benefit from multiple CPUs or CPU cores." echo echo "This short summary only discusses options for stand-alone mode. For a" echo "full listing of all options, run PPSS with the options --help" echo echo "Usage $0 [ options ]" echo echo -e "--command | -c Command to execute. Syntax: ' ' including the single quotes." echo -e " Example: -c 'ls -alh '. It is also possible to specify where an item " echo -e " must be inserted: 'cp \"\$ITEM\" /somedir'." echo echo -e "--sourcedir | -d Directory that contains files that must be processed. Individual files" echo -e " are fed as an argument to the command that has been specified with -c." echo echo -e "--sourcefile | -f Each single line of the supplied file will be fed as an item to the" echo -e " command that has been specified with -c. Read input from stdin with" echo -e " -f -" echo echo -e "--config | -C If the mode is config, a config file with the specified name will be" echo -e " generated based on all the options specified. In the other modes". echo -e " this option will result in PPSS reading the config file and start" echo -e " processing items based on the settings of this file." echo echo -e "--disable-ht | -j Disable hyper threading. Is enabled by default." echo echo -e "--log | -l Sets the name of the log file. The default is ppss-log.txt." echo echo -e "--processes | -p Start the specified number of processes. Ignore the number of available" echo -e " CPUs." echo echo -e "--quiet | -q Shows no output except for a progress indication using percents." echo echo -e "--delay | -D Adds an initial random delay to the start of all parallel jobs to spread" echo -e " the load. The delay (seconds) is only used at the start of all 'threads'." echo echo -e "--daemon Daemon mode. Do not exit after items are professed, but keep looking " echo -e " for new items and process them. Read the manual how to use this!" echo -e " See --help for important additional options regarding daemon mode." echo echo -e "--no-recursion|-r By default, recursion of directories is enabled when the -d option is " echo -e " used. If this is not prefered, this can be disabled with this option " echo -e " Only files within the specified directory will be processed." echo echo -e "--email | -e PPSS sends an e-mail if PPSS has finished. It is also used if processing" echo -e " of an item has failed (configurable, see -h). " echo echo -e "--help Extended help, including options for distributed mode." echo echo -e "Example: encoding some wav files to mp3 using lame:" echo echo -e "$0 -d /path/to/wavfiles -c 'lame '" echo echo -e "Extended usage: use --help" echo } showusage_long () { echo echo "|P|P|S|S| $SCRIPT_NAME $SCRIPT_VERSION" echo echo "PPSS is a Bash shell script that executes commands in parallel on a set " echo "of items, such as files in a directory, or lines in a file." echo echo "Usage: $0 [ MODE ] [ options ]" echo echo "Modes are optional and mainly used for running in distributed mode. Modes are:" echo echo " config Generate a config file based on the supplied option parameters." echo " deploy Deploy PPSS and related files on the specified nodes." echo " erase Erase PPSS and related files from the specified nodes." echo echo " start Starting PPSS on nodes." echo " pause Pausing PPSS on all nodes." echo " stop Stopping PPSS on all nodes." echo " continue Continuing PPSS on all nodes." echo " node Running PPSS as a node, requires additional options." echo echo "Options are:" echo echo -e "--command | -c Command to execute. Syntax: ' ' including the single quotes." echo -e " Example: -c 'ls -alh '. It is also possible to specify where an item " echo -e " must be inserted: 'cp \"\$ITEM\" /somedir'." echo echo -e "--sourcedir | -d Directory that contains files that must be processed. Individual files" echo -e " are fed as an argument to the command that has been specified with -c." echo echo -e "--sourcefile | -f Each single line of the supplied file will be fed as an item to the" echo -e " command that has been specified with -c. Instead of a file, stdin can" echo -e " be specified like \"-f -\" in order to 'pipe' items to ppss." echo -e " Example: cat file | ppss -f - -c 'echo '" echo echo -e "--config | -C If the mode is config, a config file with the specified name will be" echo -e " generated based on all the options specified. In the other modes". echo -e " this option will result in PPSS reading the config file and start" echo -e " processing items based on the settings of this file." echo echo -e "--disable-ht | -j Disable hyper threading. Is enabled by default." echo echo -e "--log | -l Sets the name of the log file. The default is ppss-log-.txt." echo echo -e "--processes | -p Start the specified number of processes. Ignore the number of available" echo -e " CPUs." echo echo -e "--quiet | -q Shows no output except for a progress indication using percents." echo echo -e "--delay | -D Adds an initial random delay to the start of all parallel jobs to spread" echo -e " the load. The delay is only used at the start of all 'threads'." echo echo -e "--daemon Do not exit after items are professed, but keep looking for new items" echo -e " and process them. Read the manual how to use this!" echo echo -e "--interval Specifies the polling interval when running in daemon mode. Polls every" echo -e " x seconds for new items to process." echo echo -e "--file-age When not using inotify, specify how many seconds must have passed before" echo -e " a file may be processed to prevent files being processed while being " echo -e " written to." echo echo -e "--disable-inotify If for some reason, inotify must not be used, use this option to disable" echo -e " usage of inotify. Regular polling will be used." echo echo -e "--enable-input-lock When PPSS is run in daemon mode, create a directory INPUT_LOCK to" echo -e " signal that items are processed and may not be touched by PPSS." echo -e " Once this directory is removed, PPSS will start processing items." echo echo -e "--no-recursion|-r By default, recursion of directories is enabled when the -d option is " echo -e " used. If this is not prefered, this can be disabled with this option " echo -e " Only files within the specified directory will be processed." echo echo -e "--md5|-M Use MD5 to create unique file names for locking and log file names." echo -e " PPSS strips al non [:alnum:] characters of an item string and this may" echo -e " cause collisions. String ABC!@# and ABC^&* will become both ABC___" echo echo -e "The following options are used for distributed execution of PPSS." echo echo -e "--master | -m Specifies the SSH server that is used for communication between nodes." echo -e " Using SSH, file locks are created, informing other nodes that an item " echo -e " is locked. If items are files that must be processed, they must reside" echo -e " on this host. SCP is used to transfer files from this host to nodes" echo -e " for local procesing." echo echo -e "--node | -n File containig a list of nodes that act as PPSS clients. One IP / DNS" echo -e " name per line." echo echo -e "--key | -k The SSH key that a node uses to connect to the master." echo echo -e "--known-hosts | -K The file that contains the server public key. Can often be found on " echo -e " hosts that already once connected to the server. See the file " echo -e " ~/.ssh/known_hosts or else, manualy connect once and check this file." echo echo -e "--user | -u The SSH user name that is used by the node when logging in into the" echo -e " master SSH server." echo echo -e "--script | -S Specifies the script/program that must be copied to the nodes for" echo -e " execution through PPSS. Only used in the deploy mode." echo -e " This option should be specified if necessary when generating a config." echo echo -e "--download This option specifies that an item will be downloaded by the node" echo -e " from the server or share to the local node for processing." echo echo -e "--upload This option specifies that the output file will be copied back to" echo -e " the server, the --outputdir option is mandatory." echo echo -e "--no-scp | -b Do not use scp for downloading items. Use cp instead. Assumes that a" echo -e " network file system (NFS/SMB) is mounted under a local mount point." echo echo -e "--outputdir | -o Directory on server where processed files are put. If the result of " echo -e " encoding a wav file is an mp3 file, the mp3 file is put in the " echo -e " directory specified with this option." echo echo -e "--homedir | -H Directory in which PPSS is installed on the node." echo -e " Default is '$PPSS_HOME_DIR'." echo echo -e "--script | -S Script to run on the node. PPSS must copy this script to the node." echo echo -e "--randomize | -R Randomise which items to process by the client in distributed mode." echo -e " This makes sure that with many nodes, some clients spend their time" echo -e " trying to get a lock on an item." echo echo -e "Example: encoding some wav files to mp3 using lame:" echo echo -e "$0 -c 'lame ' -d /path/to/wavfiles -j " echo echo -e "Running PPSS based on a configuration file." echo echo -e "$0 -C config.cfg" echo echo -e "Generating a configuration file. Wavs are converted to mp3. SCP is used for data transfer." echo echo -e "$0 config -C ppss-config.cfg -d /some/dir -o output --download --upload -K known_hosts \\" echo -e "-k ppss-key.dsa -n nodes.txt -m \\" echo -e "-c 'lame --quiet \"\$ITEM\" -o \"\$OUTPUT_DIR/\$OUTPUT_FILE\".mp3' " echo echo -e "Running PPSS on a client as part of a cluster." echo echo -e "$0 node -d /somedir -c 'cp \"\$ITEM\" /some/destination' -m -u ppss -k ppss-key.key" echo } kill_process () { echo "$KILL_KEY" >> "$FIFO" } exec_cmd () { STATUS="" CMD="$1" NOMP="$2" # Disable multiplexing. if [[ "$ARCH" == "FreeBSD" ]] then CMD="bash $CMD" fi if [ ! -z "$SSH_SERVER" ] then if [ -z "$NOMP" ] then #log DEBUG "REMOTE EXEC" ssh $SSH_OPTS $SSH_KEY $USER@$SSH_SERVER $CMD STATUS=$? elif [ "$NOMP" == "1" ] then #log DEBUG "REMOTE EXEC NO MP" ssh $SSH_OPTS_NOMP $SSH_KEY $USER@$SSH_SERVER $CMD STATUS=$? fi else eval "$CMD" STATUS=$? log DEBUG "LOCAL EXEC - status is $STATUS" fi return $STATUS } does_file_exist () { # # this function makes remote or local checking of existence of items transparent. # FILE="$1" RES=`exec_cmd "ls -1 $FILE" 2>&1` if [ "$?" = "0" ] then #log DEBUG "$FILE does exist" return 0 else #log DEBUG "$FILE does not exist" return 1 fi } check_for_interrupt () { # # PPSS can be interupted with a stop or pause command. # does_file_exist "$STOP_SIGNAL" if [ "$?" = "0" ] then set_status "STOPPED" "$FAILED_ITEMS_COUNTER" log INFO "STOPPING job. Stop signal found." STOP="1" return 1 fi does_file_exist "$PAUSE_SIGNAL" if [ "$?" = "0" ] then set_status "PAUSED" "$FAILED_ITEMS_COUNTER" log INFO "PAUSE: sleeping for $PAUSE_DELAY SECONDS." sleep $PAUSE_DELAY check_for_interrupt else set_status "RUNNING" "$FAILED_ITEMS_COUNTER" fi } cleanup () { log DEBUG "$FUNCNAME - Cleaning up all temp files and processes. $1" for x in $MODES do if [ "$x" == "$MODE" ] then if [ "$x" != "node" ] then rm -rf "$PPSS_DIR" fi fi done if [ -e "$FIFO" ] then rm "$FIFO" fi if [ -e "$FIFO_LISTENER" ] then rm "$FIFO_LISTENER" fi if [ -e "$SSH_SOCKET" ] then rm -rf "$SSH_SOCKET" fi if [ ! -z "$SSH_MASTER_PID" ] then kill "$SSH_MASTER_PID" fi } add_var_to_config () { if [ "$MODE" == "config" ] then VAR="$1" VALUE="$2" echo -e "$VAR=$VALUE" >> $CONFIG fi } is_var_empty () { if [ -z "$1" ] then showusage_normal cleanup exit 1 fi } detect_source_dir_nfs_exported () { log DEBUG "Executing $FUNCNAME" if [ -e /etc/exports ] then log DEBUG "NFS /etc/exports found." NFS=0 EXPORTS=`cat /etc/exports | grep ^/ | awk '{ print $1 }'` for export in $EXPORTS do # # If this for loop matches anything, the SRC_DIR is NFS exported. # inotify does not play well with NFS. So it must be disabled. # DIRECTORY=`dirname "$SRC_DIR"` while true do if [ ! "$DIRECTORY" = "/" ] && [ ! "$DIRECTORY" = "." ] then if [ "$export" = "$DIRECTORY" ] then NFS=1 break fi else break fi DIRECTORY=`dirname "$DIRECTORY"` done done fi if [ "$NFS" = "1" ] then log INFO "Source directory is NFS exported. Disabling inotify." return 1 else log INFO "Source directory is NOT NFS exported. Enabling inotify." return 0 fi } detect_inotify () { if [ -e /usr/bin/inotifywait ] && [ ! "$INOTIFY" = "0" ] && detect_source_dir_nfs_exported then INOTIFY=1 else INOTIFY=0 fi } process_arguments () { # # Process any command-line options that are specified." # if [ "$#" = "0" ] then showusage_short exit 1 fi while [ $# -gt 0 ] do case $1 in --config|-C ) CONFIG="$2" is_var_empty "$CONFIG" if [ "$MODE" == "config" ] then if [ -e "$CONFIG" ] then echo "Do want to overwrite existing config file? [y/n]" read yn if [ "$yn" == "y" ] || [ "$yn" == "yes" ] then rm "$CONFIG" else echo "Aborting..." cleanup exit 1 fi fi fi if [ ! "$MODE" == "config" ] then source $CONFIG fi if [ ! -z "$SSH_KEY" ] then SSH_KEY="-i $SSH_KEY" fi if [ ! -e "./known_hosts" ] then if [ -e $SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS ] then if [ ! "$SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS" == "known_hosts" ] then cat $SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS > ./known_hosts fi else echo "File $SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS does not exist." exit 1 fi fi shift 2 ;; --working-dir|-w ) PPSS_DIR="$2" add_var_to_config PPSS_DIR "$PPSS_DIR" shift 2 ;; --node|-n ) NODES_FILE="$2" add_var_to_config NODES_FILE "$NODES_FILE" shift 2 ;; --sourcefile|-f ) INPUT_FILE="$2" is_var_empty "$INPUT_FILE" add_var_to_config INPUT_FILE "$INPUT_FILE" shift 2 ;; --sourcedir|-d ) SRC_DIR="$2" is_var_empty "$SRC_DIR" add_var_to_config SRC_DIR "$SRC_DIR" shift 2 ;; --delay|-D) MAX_DELAY="$2" add_var_to_config MAX_DELAY "$MAX_DELAY" shift 2 ;; --disable-inotify) INOTIFY=0 add_var_to_config INOTIFY "$INOTIFY" shift 1 ;; --enable-input-lock) ENABLE_INPUT_LOCK=1 add_var_to_config ENABLE_INPUT_LOCK "$ENABLE_INPUT_LOCK" shift 1 ;; --daemon) DAEMON="1" QUIET="1" detect_inotify add_var_to_config DAEMON "$DAEMON" add_var_to_config QUIET "$QUIET" add_var_to_config INOTIFY "$INOTIFY" shift 1 ;; --interval) is_var_empty "$2" DAEMON_POLLING_INTERVAL="$2" add_var_to_config DAEMON_POLLING_INTERVAL "$DAEMON_POLLING_INTERVAL" shift 2 ;; --file-age) is_var_empty "$2" add_var_to_config DAEMON_FILE_AGE "$DAEMON_FILE_AGE" shift 2 ;; --email|-e) is_var_empty "$2" EMAIL="$2" add_var_to_config EMAIL "$EMAIL" shift 2 ;; --command|-c ) COMMAND="$2" is_var_empty "$COMMAND" if [ "$MODE" == "config" ] then COMMAND=\'$COMMAND\' add_var_to_config COMMAND "$COMMAND" fi shift 2 ;; -h ) showusage_normal exit 1 ;; --help) showusage_long exit 1 ;; --homedir|-H ) is_var_empty "$2" PPSS_HOME_DIR="$2" add_var_to_config PPSS_DIR $PPSS_HOME_DIR shift 2 ;; --disable-ht|-j ) HYPERTHREADING=no add_var_to_config HYPERTHREADING $HYPERTHREADING shift 1 ;; --log|-l ) LOGFILE="$2" add_var_to_config LOGFILE "$LOGFILE" shift 2 ;; --no-recursion|-r ) RECURSION="0" add_var_to_config LOGFILE "$RECURSION" shift 1 ;; --workingdir|-w ) WORKINGDIR="$2" add_var_to_config WORKINGDIR "$WORKINGDIR" shift 2 ;; --md5|-M ) USE_MD5="1" add_var_to_config USE_MD5 "$USE_MD5" shift 1 ;; --key|-k ) SSH_KEY="$2" is_var_empty "$SSH_KEY" add_var_to_config SSH_KEY "$SSH_KEY" if [ ! -z "$SSH_KEY" ] then SSH_KEY="-i $SSH_KEY" fi shift 2 ;; --known-hosts | -K ) SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS="$2" add_var_to_config SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS "$SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS" shift 2 ;; --no-scp |-b ) SECURE_COPY=0 add_var_to_config SECURE_COPY "$SECURE_COPY" shift 1 ;; --randomize |-R ) RANDOMIZE=1 add_var_to_config RANDOMIZE "$RANDOMIZE" shift 1 ;; --outputdir|-o ) REMOTE_OUTPUT_DIR="$2" add_var_to_config REMOTE_OUTPUT_DIR "$REMOTE_OUTPUT_DIR" shift 2 ;; --processes|-p ) is_var_empty "$2" MAX_NO_OF_RUNNING_JOBS="$2" add_var_to_config MAX_NO_OF_RUNNING_JOBS "$MAX_NO_OF_RUNNING_JOBS" shift 2 ;; --master|-m ) SSH_SERVER="$2" add_var_to_config SSH_SERVER "$SSH_SERVER" shift 2 ;; --script|-S ) SCRIPT="$2" add_var_to_config SCRIPT "$SCRIPT" shift 2 ;; --download) DOWNLOAD_TO_NODE="1" add_var_to_config DOWNLOAD_TO_NODE "$DOWNLOAD_TO_NODE" shift 1 ;; --upload) if [ -z "$REMOTE_OUTPUT_DIR" ] then echo "ERROR: no server-side output directory specified with -o" exit 1 fi UPLOAD_TO_SERVER="1" add_var_to_config UPLOAD_TO_SERVER "$UPLOAD_TO_SERVER" shift 1 ;; --quiet|-q ) QUIET="1" add_var_to_config QUIET "$QUIET" shift 1 ;; --user|-u ) USER="$2" add_var_to_config USER "$USER" shift 2 ;; --version|-v ) echo "" echo "$SCRIPT_NAME version $SCRIPT_VERSION" echo "" exit 0 ;; * ) showusage_short echo echo "Unknown option $1 " echo exit 1 ;; esac done if [ -z "$SRC_DIR" ] && [ -z "$INPUT_FILE" ] then showusage_short echo echo "No source file or directory specified with -f or -d." exit 1 fi if [ ! -e "$SRC_DIR" ] && [ -z "$MODE" ] && [ -z "$INPUT_FILE" ] then showusage_short echo echo "Source directory $SRC_DIR does not exist." exit 1 fi if [ "$SRC_DIR" == "." ] then echo echo "PPSS is not designed to process items from within the directory" echo "it is being run. PPSS will start to process its own files from" echo "its working directory $PPSS_DIR which is probably not wat you" echo "want. Are you sure you want to continue?" echo read YN if [ ! "$YN" == "y" ] || [ ! "$YN" == "Y" ] then exit 1 fi fi if [ "$DAEMON" == "1" ] && [ -z "$SRC_DIR" ] then showusage_short echo echo "Daemon monitors a specified directory (with the -d option) for files to process." echo "Read the on-line manual for more information." exit 1 fi } display_header () { log DSPLY "" log DSPLY "=========================================================" log DSPLY " |P|P|S|S| " log DSPLY "$SCRIPT_NAME vers. $SCRIPT_VERSION" log DSPLY "=========================================================" log DSPLY "Hostname:\t\t$HOSTNAME" log DSPLY "---------------------------------------------------------" } create_working_directory () { if [ ! -e "$PPSS_DIR" ] then mkdir -p "$PPSS_DIR" fi } expand_str () { STR=$1 LENGTH=$TYPE_LENGTH SPACE=" " while [ "${#STR}" -lt "$LENGTH" ] do STR=$STR$SPACE done echo "$STR" } are_we_sourced () { RES=`basename $SOURCED` if [ "$RES" = "ppss" ] then return 1 else return 0 fi } get_time_in_seconds () { if [ "$ARCH" == "SunOS" ] then # # Dirty hack because this ancient operating system does not support +%s... # THE_TIME=`truss /usr/bin/date 2>&1 | grep ^time | awk '{ print $3 }'` else THE_TIME="$(date +%s)" fi echo "$THE_TIME" } set_md5 () { if [ "$USE_MD5" == "1" ] then log DEBUG "MD5 is used." case $ARCH in "Darwin") MD5=md5 ;; "FreeBSD") MD5=md5 ;; "SunOS") MD5="digest -a md5" ;; "Linux") MD5=md5sum ;; esac echo "test" | $MD5 > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ ! "$?" ] then LOG ERROR "ERROR - PPSS requires $MD5. It may not be within the path or installed." return 1 else return 0 fi else log DEBUG "MD5 is not used." fi } set_stat () { if [ "$DAEMON" = "1" ] && [ "$INOTIFY" = "0" ] then case $ARCH in "Darwin") STAT="stat -f%m" ;; "FreeBSD") STAT="stat -f%m" ;; "SunOS") STAT="gstat -c%Y" ;; "Linux") STAT="stat -c%Y" ;; esac $STAT . >> /dev/null 2>&1 if [ ! "$?" ] then LOG ERROR "ERROR - PPSS daemon mode requires stat. It may not be within the path or installed." return 1 else return 0 fi else return 0 fi } log () { # # Type 'DSPLY ERROR and WARN' is logged to the screen # Any other log-type is only logged to the logfile. # TYPE="$1" MESG="$2" TYPE_LENGTH=5 # # Performance hack. Don't go through all the code if not required. # if [ "$TYPE" = "DEBUG" ] && [ "$PPSS_DEBUG" == "0" ] then return fi TYPE_EXP=`expand_str "$TYPE"` DATE=`date +%b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S` PREFIX="$DATE: ${TYPE_EXP:0:$TYPE_LENGTH}" PREFIX_SMALL="$DATE: " if [ ! "$TYPE" = "ERROR" ] then ECHO_MSG="$PREFIX_SMALL $MESG" else ECHO_MSG="$PREFIX_SMALL [ERROR] $MESG" fi LOG_MSG="$PREFIX $MESG" if [ ! -z "$PPSS_DEBUG" ] && [ ! "$PPSS_DEBUG" == "0" ] then echo -e "$LOG_MSG" >> "$LOGFILE" elif [ "$TYPE" == "INFO" ] || [ "$TYPE" == "ERROR" ] || [ "$TYPE" == "WARN" ] || [ "$TYPE" == "DSPLY" ] then echo -e "$LOG_MSG" >> "$LOGFILE" fi if [ "$TYPE" == "DSPLY" ] || [ "$TYPE" == "ERROR" ] || [ "$TYPE" == "WARN" ] && [ "$QUIET" == "0" ] then echo -e "$ECHO_MSG" elif [ "$TYPE" == "ERROR" ] && [ "$QUIET" == "1" ] then echo -e "$ECHO_MSG" fi if [ "$TYPE" == "PRCNT" ] then echo -en "\r$ECHO_MSG" #echo "$ECHO_MSG" # for debugging. fi } init_vars () { # # Get start time to measure how long PPSS has been running. # START_PPSS=`get_time_in_seconds` # # Check if MD5(SUM) is present on the system. # set_md5 # # Chec if stat is present and works on the system if daemon mode is enabled. # set_stat # # Is PPSS run as a daemon? Then use input locking, which is not required otherwise. # if [ "$DAEMON" == "1" ] then INPUT_LOCK="$SRC_DIR/INPUT_LOCK" fi # # For some strange reason, this value differ on different operating systems due to # different behaviour betwen the ps utilily acros operating systems. # if [ "$ARCH" == "Darwin" ] then MIN_JOBS=4 elif [ "$ARCH" == "Linux" ] then MIN_JOBS=3 fi FIFO="$PPSS_DIR"/ppss-fifo-$RANDOM-$RANDOM FIFO_LISTENER="$PPSS_DIR"/ppss-fifo-listener-$RANDOM-$RANDOM if [ ! -e "$FIFO" ] then mkfifo -m 600 $FIFO fi if [ ! -e "$FIFO_LISTENER" ] then mkfifo -m 600 $FIFO_LISTENER fi exec 42<> $FIFO exec 43<> $FIFO_LISTENER set_status "RUNNING" if [ -e "$CPUINFO" ] then CPU=`cat $CPUINFO | grep 'model name' | cut -d ":" -f 2 | sed -e s/^\ //g | sort | uniq` log DSPLY "CPU: $CPU" elif [ "$ARCH" == "Darwin" ] then MODEL=`system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep "Processor Name" | cut -d ":" -f 2` SPEED=`system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep "Processor Speed" | cut -d ":" -f 2` log DSPLY "CPU: $MODEL $SPEED" elif [ "$ARCH" == "SunOS" ] then CPU=`psrinfo -v | grep MHz | cut -d " " -f 4,8 | awk '{ printf ("Processor architecture: %s @ %s MHz.\n", $1,$2) }' | head -n 1` log DSPLY "$CPU" else log DSPLY "CPU: Cannot determine. Provide a patch for your arch!" log DSPLY "Arch is $ARCH" fi if [ -z "$MAX_NO_OF_RUNNING_JOBS" ] then get_no_of_cpus $HYPERTHREADING fi if [ ! -z "$SSH_SERVER" ] then does_file_exist "$PPSS_HOME_DIR/$JOB_LOG_DIR" if [ ! "$?" = "0" ] then log DEBUG "Remote Job log directory $PPSS_HOME_DIR/$JOB_lOG_DIR does not exist. Creating." exec_cmd "mkdir $PPSS_HOME_DIR/$JOB_LOG_DIR" fi fi if [ ! -e "$JOB_LOG_DIR" ] then mkdir -p "$JOB_LOG_DIR" fi if [ ! -z "$SSH_SERVER" ] then ITEM_LOCK_DIR="$PPSS_HOME_DIR/$ITEM_LOCK_DIR" fi does_file_exist "$ITEM_LOCK_DIR" if [ ! "$?" = "0" ] then if [ ! -z "$SSH_SERVER" ] then log DEBUG "Creating remote item lock dir." else log DEBUG "Creating local item lock dir." fi exec_cmd "mkdir $ITEM_LOCK_DIR" if [ ! "$?" ] then log DEBUG "Failed to create item lock dir." fi fi if [ ! -z "$SSH_SERVER" ] then does_file_exist "$REMOTE_OUTPUT_DIR" if [ ! "$?" = "0" ] then log DEBUG "Remote output dir $REMOTE_OUTPUT_DIR does not exist." exec_cmd "mkdir $REMOTE_OUTPUT_DIR" fi fi if [ ! -e "$PPSS_LOCAL_TMPDIR" ] then mkdir "$PPSS_LOCAL_TMPDIR" fi if [ ! -e "$PPSS_LOCAL_OUTPUT" ] then mkdir "$PPSS_LOCAL_OUTPUT" fi if [ ! -e "$PPSS_NODE_STATUS" ] then mkdir -p "$PPSS_NODE_STATUS" fi } upload_status () { #log DEBUG "scp $SSH_OPTS $SSH_KEY $NODE_STATUS_FILE $USER@$SSH_SERVER:$PPSS_HOME_DIR/$PPSS_NODE_STATUS/" # scp -v $SSH_OPTS $SSH_KEY $NODE_STATUS_FILE $USER@$SSH_SERVER:$PPSS_HOME_DIR/$PPSS_NODE_STATUS/ >> scp.tmp 2>&1 if [ -e "$NODE_STATUS_FILE" ] then scp -vv -o GlobalKnownHostsFile=./known_hosts -i ppss-key.dsa $NODE_STATUS_FILE $USER@$SSH_SERVER:$PPSS_HOME_DIR/$PPSS_NODE_STATUS/ >> scp.tmp 2>&1 if [ "$?" == "0" ] then log DEBUG "Uploaded status to server ok." else log DEBUG "Uploaded status to server failed." fi else log DEBUG "Status file not found thus not uploaded." fi } set_status () { if [ ! -z "$SSH_SERVER" ] then STATUS="$1" if [ -e "$LIST_OF_PROCESSED_ITEMS" ] then NO_PROCESSED=$(wc -l "$LIST_OF_PROCESSED_ITEMS" | awk '{ print $1 }' ) else NO_PROCESSED="0" fi NODE=`cat $PPSS_DIR/$NODE_ID` FAILED="$2" if [ -z "$FAILED" ] then FAILED=0 fi echo "$NODE $HOSTNAME $STATUS $NO_PROCESSED" "$FAILED" > "$NODE_STATUS_FILE" upload_status fi } check_status () { ERROR="$1" FUNCTION="$2" MESSAGE="$3" if [ ! "$ERROR" == "0" ] then log DSPLY "$FUNCTION - $MESSAGE" set_status ERROR cleanup exit "$ERROR" fi } erase_ppss () { SSH_SOCKET="ppss_ssh_socket-$NODE" SSH_OPTS_NODE="-o BatchMode=yes -o ControlPath=$SSH_SOCKET \ -o GlobalKnownHostsFile=./known_hosts \ -o ControlMaster=auto \ -o Cipher=blowfish \ -o ConnectTimeout=5 " echo "Are you realy sure you want to erase PPSS from all nodes!? (YES/NO)" read YN if [ "$YN" == "yes" ] || [ "$YN" == "YES" ] then for NODE in `cat $NODES_FILE` do log DSPLY "Erasing PPSS homedir $PPSS_HOME_DIR from node $NODE." ssh -q $SSH_KEY $SSH_OPTS_NODE $USER@$NODE "rm -rf $PPSS_HOME_DIR" done else log DSPLY "Aborting.." fi } stack_push_tmp () { TMP1="$1" if [ -z "$TMP_STACK" ] then TMP_STACK="$TMP1" else TMP_STACK="$TMP_STACK"$'\n'"$TMP1" fi } stack_push () { line="$1" if [ -z "$STACK" ] then STACK="$line" else STACK="$line"$'\n'"$STACK" fi } unprocessed_stack_push () { line="$1" if [ -z "$PROCESSED_ITEMS" ] then UNPROCESSED_ITEMS="$line" else UNPROCESSED_ITEMS="$line"$'\n'"$UNPROCESSED_ITEMS" fi } processed_stack_push () { line="$1" if [ -z "$PROCESSED_ITEMS" ] then PROCESSED_ITEMS="$line" else PROCESSED_ITEMS="$line"$'\n'"$PROCESSED_ITEMS" fi } stack_pop () { TMP_STACK="" i=0 tmp="" for x in $STACK do if [ "$i" = "0" ] then tmp="$x" else stack_push_tmp "$x" fi ((i++)) done STACK="$TMP_STACK" REGISTER="$tmp" if [ -z "$REGISTER" ] then return 1 else return 0 fi } is_screen_installed () { if [ "$DISABLE_SCREEN_TEST" == "1" ] then return 0 fi NODE="$1" ssh -q $SSH_OPTS_NODE $SSH_KEY $USER@$NODE "screen -m -D -S test ls" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ ! "$?" == "0" ] then log ERROR "The 'Screen' command may not be installed on node $NODE." log ERROR "Or some other SSH related error occurred." return 1 else log DEBUG "'Screen' is installed on node $NODE." fi } deploy () { NODE="$1" SSH_SOCKET="ppss_ssh_socket-$NODE" SSH_OPTS_NODE="-o BatchMode=yes -o ControlPath=$SSH_SOCKET \ -o GlobalKnownHostsFile=./known_hosts \ -o ControlMaster=auto \ -o Cipher=blowfish \ -o ConnectTimeout=5 " SSH_OPTS_SLAVE="-o BatchMode=yes -o ControlPath=$SSH_SOCKET \ -o GlobalKnownHostsFile=./known_hosts \ -o ControlMaster=no \ -o Cipher=blowfish \ -o ConnectTimeout=5 " ERROR=0 set_error () { if [ "$ERROR" == "1" ] then ERROR=1 elif [ ! "$1" == "0" ] then ERROR=1 fi } if [ ! -e "$SSH_SOCKET" ] then ssh -q -N $SSH_OPTS_NODE $SSH_KEY $USER@$NODE & SSH_PID=$! fi is_screen_installed "$NODE" KEY=`echo $SSH_KEY | cut -d " " -f 2` ssh -q $SSH_OPTS_SLAVE $SSH_KEY $USER@$NODE "cd ~ && mkdir -p $PPSS_HOME_DIR && mkdir -p $PPSS_HOME_DIR/$JOB_LOG_DIR && mkdir -p $PPSS_HOME_DIR/ITEM_LOCK_DIR >> /dev/null 2>&1" set_error $? ssh -q $SSH_OPTS_SLAVE $SSH_KEY $USER@$NODE "cd ~ && cd $PPSS_HOME_DIR && cd $PPSS_DIR && echo $NODE > $NODE_ID" set_error $? scp -q $SSH_OPTS_SLAVE $SSH_KEY $0 $USER@$NODE:~/$PPSS_HOME_DIR set_error $? scp -q $SSH_OPTS_SLAVE $SSH_KEY $KEY $USER@$NODE:~/$PPSS_HOME_DIR set_error $? scp -q $SSH_OPTS_SLAVE $SSH_KEY $CONFIG $USER@$NODE:~/$PPSS_HOME_DIR set_error $? scp -q $SSH_OPTS_SLAVE $SSH_KEY known_hosts $USER@$NODE:~/$PPSS_HOME_DIR set_error $? if [ ! -z "$SCRIPT" ] then scp -q $SSH_OPTS_SLAVE $SSH_KEY $SCRIPT $USER@$NODE:~/$PPSS_HOME_DIR set_error $? fi if [ ! -z "$INPUT_FILE" ] then scp -q $SSH_OPTS_SLAVE $SSH_KEY $INPUT_FILE $USER@$NODE:~/$PPSS_HOME_DIR set_error $? fi if [ "$ERROR" == "0" ] then log DSPLY "PPSS installed on node $NODE." else log DSPLY "PPSS failed to install on $NODE." fi kill $SSH_PID } deploy_ppss () { if [ -z "$NODES_FILE" ] || [ ! -e "$NODES_FILE" ] then log ERROR "No file containing list of nodes missing / not specified." set_status ERROR cleanup exit 1 fi exec_cmd "mkdir -p $PPSS_HOME_DIR/$PPSS_NODE_STATUS" KEY=`echo $SSH_KEY | cut -d " " -f 2` if [ -z "$KEY" ] || [ ! -e "$KEY" ] then log ERROR "Private SSH key $KEY not found." set_status "ERROR" cleanup exit 1 fi if [ ! -e "$SCRIPT" ] && [ ! -z "$SCRIPT" ] then log ERROR "Script $SCRIPT not found." set_status "ERROR" cleanup exit 1 fi INSTALLED_ON_SSH_SERVER=0 for NODE in `cat $NODES_FILE` do deploy "$NODE" & if [ "$ARCH" == "SunOS" ] then sleep 1 else sleep 0.1 fi if [ "$NODE" == "$SSH_SERVER" ] then INSTALLED_ON_SSH_SERVER=1 fi done if [ "$INSTALLED_ON_SSH_SERVER" == "0" ] then log DEBUG "SSH SERVER $SSH_SERVER is not a node." else log DEBUG "SSH SERVER $SSH_SERVER is also a node." fi } start_ppss_on_node () { NODE="$1" log DSPLY "Starting PPSS on node $NODE." ssh $SSH_KEY $USER@$NODE -o ConnectTimeout=5 -o GlobalKnownHostsFile=./known_hosts "cd $PPSS_HOME_DIR ; screen -d -m -S PPSS ~/$PPSS_HOME_DIR/$0 node --config ~/$PPSS_HOME_DIR/$CONFIG" if [ ! "$?" == "0" ] then log ERROR "PPSS failed to start on node $NODE." fi } init_ssh_server_socket () { if [ ! -e "$SSH_SOCKET" ] then DIR=`dirname $SSH_SOCKET` mkdir -p "$DIR" fi } test_server () { # Testing if the remote server works as expected. if [ ! -z "$SSH_SERVER" ] then init_ssh_server_socket exec_cmd "date >> /dev/null" check_status "$?" "$FUNCNAME" "Server $SSH_SERVER could not be reached" ssh -N -M $SSH_OPTS $SSH_KEY $USER@$SSH_SERVER & SSH_MASTER_PID="$!" log DEBUG "SSH Master pid is $SSH_MASTER_PID" log INFO "Connected to server: $SSH_SERVER" does_file_exist "$PPSS_HOME_DIR/$PPSS_DIR" if [ ! "$?" = "0" ] && [ ! -z "$SSH_SERVER" ] then log DEBUG "Remote PPSS home directory $PPSS_HOME_DIR/$PPSS_DIR does not exist. Creating." exec_cmd "mkdir -p $PPSS_HOME_DIR/$PPSS_DIR" fi else log DEBUG "No remote server specified, assuming stand-alone mode." fi } get_no_of_cpus () { # Use hyperthreading or not? HPT=$1 NUMBER="" if [ -z "$HPT" ] then HPT=yes fi got_cpu_info () { ERROR="$1" check_status "$ERROR" "$FUNCNAME" "cannot determine number of cpu cores. Specify with -p." } if [ "$HPT" == "yes" ] then if [ "$ARCH" == "Linux" ] then NUMBER=`grep -c ^processor $CPUINFO` got_cpu_info "$?" elif [ "$ARCH" == "Darwin" ] then NUMBER=`sysctl -a hw | grep -w logicalcpu | awk '{ print $2 }'` got_cpu_info "$?" elif [ "$ARCH" == "FreeBSD" ] then NUMBER=`sysctl hw.ncpu | awk '{ print $2 }'` got_cpu_info "$?" elif [ "$ARCH" == "SunOS" ] then NUMBER=`psrinfo | grep -c on-line` got_cpu_info "$?" else if [ -e "$CPUINFO" ] then NUMBER=`grep -c ^processor $CPUINFO` got_cpu_info "$?" fi fi if [ ! -z "$NUMBER" ] then log DSPLY "Found $NUMBER logic processors." fi elif [ "$HPT" == "no" ] then log DSPLY "Hyperthreading is disabled." if [ "$ARCH" == "Linux" ] then PHYSICAL=`grep 'physical id' $CPUINFO` if [ "$?" ] then PHYSICAL=`grep 'physical id' $CPUINFO | sort | uniq | wc -l` if [ "$PHYSICAL" == "1" ] then log DSPLY "Found $PHYSICAL physical CPU." else log DSPLY "Found $PHYSICAL physical CPUs." fi TMP=`grep 'core id' $CPUINFO` if [ "$?" ] then log DEBUG "Starting job only for each physical core on all physical CPU(s)." NUMBER=`grep 'core id' $CPUINFO | sort | uniq | wc -l` log DSPLY "Found $NUMBER physical cores." else log DSPLY "Single core processor(s) detected." log DSPLY "Starting job for each physical CPU." NUMBER=$PHYSICAL fi else log INFO "No 'physical id' section found in $CPUINFO, typical for older cpus." NUMBER=`grep -c ^processor $CPUINFO` got_cpu_info "$?" fi elif [ "$ARCH" == "Darwin" ] then NUMBER=`sysctl -a hw | grep -w physicalcpu | awk '{ print $2 }'` got_cpu_info "$?" elif [ "$ARCH" == "FreeBSD" ] then NUMBER=`sysctl hw.ncpu | awk '{ print $2 }'` got_cpu_info "$?" else NUMBER=`cat $CPUINFO | grep "cpu cores" | cut -d ":" -f 2 | uniq | sed -e s/\ //g` got_cpu_info "$?" fi fi if [ ! -z "$NUMBER" ] then MAX_NO_OF_RUNNING_JOBS=$NUMBER else log ERROR "Number of CPUs not obtained." log ERROR "Please specify manually with -p." set_status "ERROR" exit 1 fi } random_delay () { ARGS="$1" if [ -z "$ARGS" ] then log ERROR "$FUNCNAME Function random delay, no argument specified." set_status "ERROR" exit 1 fi NUMBER=$RANDOM let "NUMBER %= $ARGS" sleep "$NUMBER" } escape_item () { TMP="$1" ITEM_ESCAPED=`echo "$TMP" | \ sed s/\\ /\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ /g | \ sed s/\\'/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'/g | \ sed s/\\|/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|/g | \ sed s/\&/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\&/g | \ sed s/\;/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\;/g | \ sed s/\>/\\\\\\\\\\>/g | \ sed s/\> /dev/null 2>&1" ERROR="$?" return "$ERROR" fi } get_input_lock () { while true do exec_cmd "mkdir $INPUT_LOCK >> /dev/null 2>&1 " if [ "$?" ] then log DEBUG "Input lock is obtained..." break else log DEBUG "Input lock is present...sleeping.." sleep 5 fi done } release_input_lock () { exec_cmd "rm -rf $INPUT_LOCK" if [ "$?" ] then log DEBUG "Input lock was released..." return 0 else log ERROR "Input lock was already gone...this should never happen..." return 1 fi } list_all_input_items () { oldIFS=$IFS # save the field separator IFS=$'\n' # new field separator, the end of line while read line do echo "$line" done < "$LISTOFITEMS" IFS="$oldIFS" } remove_processed_items_from_input_file () { # # This function removes all items that have already been processed. # Processed items have a lock dir in the PPPSS_ITEM_LOCK_DIR. # UNPROCESSED_ITEMS="" if [ -e "$LIST_OF_PROCESSED_ITEMS" ] then PROCESSED_ITEMS=`cat $LIST_OF_PROCESSED_ITEMS` fi log DEBUG "Running $FUNCNAME" if [ -z "$PROCESSED_ITEMS" ] then log DEBUG "Variable processed_items is empty." return 1 fi if [ "$MODE" = "status" ] then log DEBUG "Mode is status." return 1 fi if [ ! -e "$LISTOFITEMS" ] then echo "$LISTOFITEMS does not exist!" return 1 else SIZE=`wc -l "$LISTOFITEMS"` if [ "$SIZE" = "0" ] then echo "$LISTOFITEMS exists but is empty." return 1 fi fi INPUTFILES=`list_all_input_items` oldIFS=$IFS # save the field separator IFS=$'\n' # new field separator, the end of line log DEBUG "Now removing processed items from input." for x in $INPUTFILES do FILE_IS_PROCESSED=0 for y in $PROCESSED_ITEMS do if [ "$y" = "$x" ] then FILE_IS_PROCESSED=1 fi done if [ "$FILE_IS_PROCESSED" = "0" ] then log DEBUG "ITEM $x is not processed." unprocessed_stack_push "$x" else log DEBUG "ITEM $x is already processed!." fi done IFS="$oldIFS" echo "$UNPROCESSED_ITEMS" > "$LISTOFITEMS" } get_all_items () { if [ "$DAEMON" == "1" ] && [ "$INOTIFY" = "0" ] && [ "$ENABLE_INPUT_LOCK" = "1" ] then get_input_lock fi GLOBAL_COUNTER=1 if [ -e "$LISTOFITEMS" ] then rm "$LISTOFITEMS" fi count=0 if [ -z "$INPUT_FILE" ] then if [ ! -z "$SSH_SERVER" ] # Are we running stand-alone or as a node?" then if [ "$RECURSION" == "1" ] then `exec_cmd "find $SRC_DIR/ ! -type d" > "$LISTOFITEMS"` check_status "$?" "$FUNCNAME" "Could not list files within remote source directory." else log DEBUG "Recursion is disabled." `exec_cmd "find $SRC_DIR/ -depth 1 ! -type d" > "$LISTOFITEMS"` check_status "$?" "$FUNCNAME" "Could not list files within remote source directory." fi else if [ -e "$SRC_DIR" ] then if [ "$RECURSION" == "1" ] then log DEBUG "Recursion is enabled." `find "$SRC_DIR"/ ! -type d >> "$LISTOFITEMS"` check_status "$?" "$FUNCNAME" "Could not list files within local source directory." else log DEBUG "Recursion is disabled." `find "$SRC_DIR"/ -depth 1 ! -type d >> "$LISTOFITEMS"` check_status "$?" "$FUNCNAME" "Could not list files within local source directory." fi if [ ! -e "$LISTOFITEMS" ] then log ERROR "Local input file is not created, something is wrong. Bug?" set_status "ERROR" cleanup exit 1 fi else ITEMS="" fi fi else # Using an input file as the source of our items or STDIN. if [ ! -z "$SSH_SERVER" ] # Are we running stand-alone or as a slave?" then log DEBUG "Running as node, input file has been pushed (hopefully)." fi if [ ! -e "$INPUT_FILE" ] && [ ! "$INPUT_FILE" == "-" ] then log ERROR "Input file $INPUT_FILE does not exist." set_status "ERROR" cleanup exit 1 fi if [ ! "$INPUT_FILE" == "-" ] then cp "$INPUT_FILE" "$LISTOFITEMS" check_status "$?" "$FUNCNAME" "Copy of input file failed!" else log DEBUG "Reading from stdin.." while read LINE do echo "$LINE" >> "$LISTOFITEMS" done fi if [ ! -e "$LISTOFITEMS" ] then log ERROR "Input is empty." infanticide terminate_listener cleanup fi fi if [ "$RANDOMIZE" == "1" ] && [ "$MODE" != "status" ] then log DEBUG "Randomizing input file." IFS_BACK="$IFS" IFS=$'\n' TMP_FILE="$PPSS_DIR/TMP-$RANDOM$RANDOM.txt" for i in `cat $LISTOFITEMS`; do echo "$RANDOM $i"; done | sort | sed -E 's/^[0-9]+ //' > "$TMP_FILE" mv "$TMP_FILE" "$LISTOFITEMS" IFS="$IFS_BACK" else log DEBUG "Randomisation of input file disabled." fi remove_processed_items_from_input_file if [ "$DAEMON" == "1" ] then release_input_lock fi SIZE_OF_INPUT=$(wc -l "$LISTOFITEMS" | awk '{ print $1 }') if [ "$SIZE_OF_INPUT" -le "0" ] && [ "$DAEMON" = "0" ] then log ERROR "Source file/dir seems to be empty." set_status "STOPPED" cleanup exit 1 fi } are_all_items_locked () { SIZE="$1" NUMBER=`exec_cmd "ls -1 $ITEM_LOCK_DIR | wc -l"` log DEBUG "$NUMBER of $SIZE items are locked." if [ "$NUMBER" -ge "$SIZE" ] then return 0 else return 1 fi } get_item () { check_for_interrupt if [ "$STOP" == "1" ] then log DEBUG "Found stop signal." return 1 fi # # Return error if list size is empty. # if [ -z "$SIZE_OF_INPUT" ] then log DEBUG "Got no size of input..." return 1 fi # # Return error if the list is empty. # if [ "$SIZE_OF_INPUT" -le "0" ] then return 1 fi # # Check if all items have been processed. # if [ "$GLOBAL_COUNTER" -gt "$SIZE_OF_INPUT" ] then log DEBUG "Counter $GLOBAL_COUNTER is greater than sizeof input $SIZE_OF_INPUT." return 1 fi # # Quit if all items have been locked. # if are_all_items_locked "$SIZE_OF_INPUT" then log DEBUG "All items have been locked." return 1 else log DEBUG "There are still unlocked items." fi ITEM="$(sed -n $GLOBAL_COUNTER\p $LISTOFITEMS)" if [ -z "$ITEM" ] then log DEBUG "Item was emtpy..." ((GLOBAL_COUNTER++)) get_item else ((GLOBAL_COUNTER++)) if [ ! -z "$SSH_SERVER" ] || [ "$LOCAL_LOCKING" = "1" ] then lock_item "$ITEM" LOCK="$?" if [ ! "$LOCK" = "0" ] then log DEBUG "Item $ITEM is locked." get_item else log DEBUG "Got lock on $ITEM" download_item "$ITEM" return 0 fi else return 0 fi fi } start_new_worker () { # # This function kicks the listener to start a worker process. # if ! are_we_sourced then echo "$START_KEY" >> "$FIFO" return $? fi } stop-ppss () { STOP_PPSS=`get_time_in_seconds` elapsed "$START_PPSS" "$STOP_PPSS" log DSPLY "$PROCESSING_TIME" } elapsed () { BEFORE="$1" AFTER="$2" ELAPSED="$(expr $AFTER - $BEFORE)" REMAINDER="$(expr $ELAPSED % 3600)" HOURS="$(expr $(expr $ELAPSED - $REMAINDER) / 3600)" SECS="$(expr $REMAINDER % 60)" MINS="$(expr $(expr $REMAINDER - $SECS) / 60)" PROCESSING_TIME=$(printf "Total processing time (hh:mm:ss): %02d:%02d:%02d" $HOURS $MINS $SECS) } mail_on_error () { ITEM="$1" LOGFILE="$2" if [ "$MAIL_ON_ERROR" = "1" ] then cat "$LOGFILE" | mail -s "$HOSTNAME - PPSS: procesing failed for item." "$EMAIL" if [ "$?" = "0" ] then log DEBUG "Error mail sent." else log ERROR "Sending of error email failed." fi fi } commando () { # # This function will start a chain reaction of events. # # The commando executes a command on an item and, when finished, # executes the start_new_worker. This function selects a new # item and sends it to the fifo. The listener process receives # the item and excutes this commando function on the item. # So in essence, the commando function keeps calling itself # indirectly until no items are left. This will form a single # working queue. By executing multiple start_new_worker # functions based on the CPU cores available, parallel processing # is achieved, with a queue for each core. # ERR_STATE=0 VIRTUAL=0 # # This code tests if the item exist (is physical or virtuel) # Example: a file is physical, a URL is virtual. # ITEM="$1" if [ "$RECURSION" == "1" ] then escape_item "$ITEM" does_file_exist "$ITEM_ESCAPED" ERR_STATE="$?" else escape_item "$ITEM" does_file_exist "$SRC_DIR/$ITEM_ESCAPED" ERR_STATE="$?" fi # # If recursion is used, a file name of an item may not be unique. # The same filename can be used for files in differen directories. # Therefore, the output directory must reflect the original directory # structure. If recursion is not used, this is not necessary. # if [ "$ERR_STATE" == "0" ] then VIRTUAL="0" if [ "$RECURSION" == "1" ] then DIR_NAME=`dirname "$ITEM"` ITEM_NO_PATH=`basename "$ITEM"` OUTPUT_DIR=$PPSS_LOCAL_OUTPUT/"$DIR_NAME" else DIR_NAME="$SRC_DIR" ITEM_NO_PATH="$ITEM" OUTPUT_DIR="$PPSS_LOCAL_OUTPUT" fi else VIRTUAL="1" DIR_NAME="" ITEM_NO_PATH="$ITEM" escape_item "$ITEM_NO_PATH" OUTPUT_DIR=$PPSS_LOCAL_OUTPUT/"$ITEM_ESCAPED" fi OUTPUT_FILE="$ITEM_NO_PATH" # # Decide if an item must be transfered from server to the node. # or be processed in-place (NFS / SMB mount?) # if [ "$DOWNLOAD_TO_NODE" == "0" ] then if [ "$VIRTUAL" == "1" ] then log DEBUG "Item is virtual, thus not downloading." else log DEBUG "Using item straight from the server, no copy." if [ "$RECURSION" == "0" ] then ITEM="$SRC_DIR/$ITEM" else ITEM="$ITEM" fi fi else if [ "$RECURSION" == "1" ] then ITEM="$PPSS_LOCAL_TMPDIR/$ITEM" else ITEM="$PPSS_LOCAL_TMPDIR/$ITEM_NO_PATH" fi fi # # Create the log file containing the output of the command. # if [ "$USE_MD5" == "1" ] then LOG_FILE_NAME=`echo "$ITEM" | $MD5 | awk '{ print $1 }'` else LOG_FILE_NAME=`echo "$ITEM" | sed s/[^[:alnum:]]/_/g` fi ITEM_LOG_FILE="$JOB_LOG_DIR/$LOG_FILE_NAME" if [ -e "$ITEM_LOG_FILE" ] && [ "$DISABLE_SKIPPING" = "0" ] then log DEBUG "Item is already processed, skipping..." start_new_worker return 0 fi # # Create the output directory that will contain the output of the command. # Example: When converting wav to mp3, the mp3 will be put in this directory. # if [ "$VIRTUAL" == "0" ] then if [ "$RECURSION" == "1" ] then OUTPUT_DIR=$PPSS_LOCAL_OUTPUT/"$DIR_NAME"/ else OUTPUT_DIR=$PPSS_LOCAL_OUTPUT/"$ITEM_NO_PATH" fi else # # If the item is virtual, the item can contain special characters. # These characters are stripted from the log file name, so this is used. # OUTPUT_DIR="$PPSS_LOCAL_OUTPUT" fi # # Create the local output directory. # if [ ! -z "$OUTPUT_DIR" ] then log DEBUG "Local output dir is $OUTPUT_DIR" mkdir -p "$OUTPUT_DIR" fi ERROR="" # # Some formatting of item log files. # DATE=`date +%b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S` echo "===== PPSS Item Log File =====" > "$ITEM_LOG_FILE" echo -e "Host:\t\t$HOSTNAME" >> "$ITEM_LOG_FILE" echo -e "Process:\t$PID" >> "$ITEM_LOG_FILE" echo -e "Item:\t\t$ITEM" >> "$ITEM_LOG_FILE" echo -e "Start date:\t$DATE" >> "$ITEM_LOG_FILE" echo -e "" >> "$ITEM_LOG_FILE" #--># #--># The actual execution of the command as specified by #--># the -c option. #--># BEFORE=`get_time_in_seconds` `echo $COMMAND | grep -i '$ITEM' >> /dev/null 2>&1` RETVAL="$?" if [ "$RETVAL" = "0" ] then eval "$COMMAND" >> "$ITEM_LOG_FILE" 2>&1 ERROR="$?" MYPID="$!" else eval '$COMMAND"$ITEM" >> "$ITEM_LOG_FILE" 2>&1' ERROR="$?" MYPID="$!" fi AFTER=`get_time_in_seconds` echo -e "" >> "$ITEM_LOG_FILE" # Some error logging. Success or fail. if [ ! "$ERROR" == "0" ] then mail_on_error "$ITEM" "$ITEM_LOG_FILE" log DEBUG "Processing Item $ITEM failed." echo "$FAIL_KEY" >> "$FIFO" echo -e "Status:\t\tFAILURE" >> "$ITEM_LOG_FILE" else echo -e "Status:\t\tSUCCESS" >> "$ITEM_LOG_FILE" fi # # If part of a cluster, remove the downloaded item after # it has been processed and uploaded as not to fill up disk space. # if [ "$DOWNLOAD_TO_NODE" == "1" ] then if [ -e "$ITEM" ] then rm -rf "$ITEM" else log DEBUG "There is no local file to remove.. strange..." fi fi # # Create remote output dir and transfer output to server. # escape_item "$DIR_NAME" ITEM_OUTPUT_DIR="$REMOTE_OUTPUT_DIR/$ITEM_ESCAPED" if [ "$DOWNLOAD_TO_NODE" == "0" ] then log DEBUG "Download to node is disabled." else if [ "$DIR_NAME" == "." ] then DIR_NAME="" fi fi # # Upload the output file back to the server. # upload_item "$OUTPUT_DIR" "$DIR_NAME" # # Upload the log file to the server. # elapsed "$BEFORE" "$AFTER" echo "$PROCESSING_TIME" >> "$ITEM_LOG_FILE" echo -e "" >> "$ITEM_LOG_FILE" if [ ! -z "$SSH_SERVER" ] then log DEBUG "Uploading item log file $ITEM_LOG_FILE to master $PPSS_HOME_DIR/$JOB_LOG_DIR" scp -q $SSH_OPTS $SSH_KEY "$ITEM_LOG_FILE" $USER@$SSH_SERVER:$PPSS_HOME_DIR/$JOB_LOG_DIR if [ ! "$?" ] then log DEBUG "Uploading of item log file failed." fi fi start_new_worker } infanticide () { log DEBUG "Running $FUNCNAME" # # This code is run if ctrl+c is pressed. Very important to prevent # any child processes running after the parent has died. Keeps the system clean. # # This command kills all processes that are related to the master # process as defined by $PID. All processes that have ever been # spawned, although disowned or backgrounded will be killed... # PROCLIST=`ps a -o pid,pgid,ppid,command | grep [0-9] | grep $PID | grep -v -i grep` oldIFS=$IFS # save the field separator IFS=$'\n' # new field separator, the end of line for x in `echo "$PROCLIST"` do MYPPID=`echo $x | awk '{ print $3 }'` MYPID=`echo $x | awk '{ print $1 }'` if [ ! "$MYPPID" == "$PID" ] && [ ! "$MYPPID" == "1" ] then if [ ! "$MYPID" == "$PID" ] then log DEBUG "Killing process $MYPID" kill $MYPID >> /dev/null 2>&1 else log DEBUG "Not killing master process..$MYPID.." fi else log DEBUG "Not killing listener process. $MYPID.." fi done IFS=$oldIFS } run_command () { INPUT="$1" log DEBUG "Current active workers is $ACTIVE_WORKERS" if [ "$ACTIVE_WORKERS" -lt "$MAX_NO_OF_RUNNING_JOBS" ] then if [ -z "$INPUT" ] then stack_pop INPUT="$REGISTER" fi log INFO "Now processing $INPUT" if [ ! -z "$INPUT" ] && [ ! -d "$INPUT" ] then commando "$INPUT" & MYPID="$!" disown PIDS="$PIDS $MYPID" ((ACTIVE_WORKERS++)) log DEBUG "Increasing active workers to $ACTIVE_WORKERS" echo "$INPUT" >> "$LIST_OF_PROCESSED_ITEMS" return 0 else log DEBUG "Item is a directory or is empty." return 0 fi else log DEBUG "Maximum number of workers are bussy, no more additional workers..." fi } display_jobs_remaining () { if [ "$ACTIVE_WORKERS" == "1" ] && [ "$QUIET" == "0" ] then log PRCNT "One job is remaining. " elif [ "$QUIET" == "0" ] then if [ "$ACTIVE_WORKERS" == "1" ] then echo -en "\n" fi log PRCNT "$((ACTIVE_WORKERS)) jobs are remaining. " fi } show_eta () { CURRENT_PROCESSED=$((GLOBAL_COUNTER-MAX_NO_OF_RUNNING_JOBS)) TOTAL="$SIZE_OF_INPUT" START_TIME=$START_PPSS NOW=`get_time_in_seconds` MODULO=$((GLOBAL_COUNTER % 5 )) if [ "$QUIET" = "1" ] then return 0 fi if [ "$CURRENT_PROCESSED" -le "0" ] then return 0 else if [ "$MODULO" = "0" ] then RUNNING_TIME=$((NOW-START_TIME)) if [ ! "$RUNNING_TIME" -le "0" ] && [ ! "$CURRENT_PROCESSED" = "0" ] && [ "$CURRENT_PROCESSED" -gt "$MAX_NO_OF_RUNNING_JOBS" ] then TIME_PER_ITEM=$(( RUNNING_TIME / ( CURRENT_PROCESSED - MAX_NO_OF_RUNNING_JOBS ) )) log DEBUG "Time per item is $TIME_PER_ITEM seconds." TOTAL_TIME=$(( ($TIME_PER_ITEM * SIZE_OF_INPUT) + $TIME_PER_ITEM )) TOTAL_TIME_IN_SECONDS=$((START_TIME+TOTAL_TIME)) if [ "$ARCH" = "Darwin" ] then DATE=`date -r $TOTAL_TIME_IN_SECONDS` else DATE=`date -d @$TOTAL_TIME_IN_SECONDS` fi echo log DSPLY "ETA: $DATE" echo -en "\033[2A" fi fi fi } display_progress () { if [ "$DAEMON" = "0" ] then SIZE_OF_INPUT=$(wc -l "$LISTOFITEMS" | awk '{ print $1 }') GC=0 if [ ! "$GLOBAL_COUNTER" -gt "$SIZE_OF_INPUT" ] then GC="$GLOBAL_COUNTER" else GC="$SIZE_OF_INPUT" fi PERCENT=$((100 * $GC / $SIZE_OF_INPUT )) if [ ! "$ACTIVE_WORKERS" == "0" ] # && [ "$FINISHED" == "0" ] then if [ "$QUIET" == "0" ] then log PRCNT "$PERCENT% complete. Processed $GC of $SIZE_OF_INPUT. Failed $FAILED_ITEMS_COUNTER/$SIZE_OF_INPUT." show_eta elif [ "$DAEMON" == "0" ] then echo -en "\r$PERCENT% --" fi if [ "$PERCENT" == "100" ] then if [ "$QUIET" == "1" ] then echo fi FINISHED=1 fi fi fi } terminate_listener () { GLOBAL_FAILED_COUNTER="$1" log DEBUG "Running $FUNCNAME" if [ ! -z "$SSH_MASTER_PID" ] then kill "$SSH_MASTER_PID" else log DEBUG "SSH master PID is empty." fi set_status "STOPPED" "$GLOBAL_FAILED_COUNTER" log DEBUG "Listener stopped." if [ ! "$PERCENT" == "100" ] then echo stop-ppss log DSPLY "$FAILED_ITEMS_COUNTER failed items." log DSPLY "Finished. Consult $JOB_LOG_DIR for job output." else echo stop-ppss log DSPLY "Finished. Consult $JOB_LOG_DIR for job output." fi if [ "$QUIET" == "1" ] then echo fi if [ ! -z "$EMAIL" ] then echo "PPSS job finished." | mail -s "$HOSTNAME - PPSS has finished." "$EMAIL" if [ ! "$?" = "0" ] then log ERROR "Sending os status mail failed." fi fi echo "$GLOBAL_FAILED_COUNTER" >> "$FIFO_LISTENER" } inotify_listener () { inotifywait "$SRC_DIR" -m -e close -q --format '%w%f' | \ while read -r line do if [ ! -d "$line" ] then echo "$line" > "$FIFO" fi done } is_item_unprocessed () { VAR="$1" STATUS=0 if [ -z "$VAR" ] then log DEBUG "$FUNCNAME: something is wrong, no argument received." return 1 fi for x in $PROCESSED_ITEMS do if [ "$x" = "$VAR" ] then STATUS=1 fi done log DEBUG "Is item $VAR unprocessed: $STATUS" return $STATUS } is_item_file_and_unmodified () { ITEM="$1" if [ -e "$ITEM" ] then NOW=`date +%s` FILEDATE=`$STAT "$ITEM"` ELAPSED="$(expr $NOW - $FILEDATE)" if [ "$ELAPSED" -gt "$DAEMON_FILE_AGE" ] then log DEBUG "$FUNCNAME File $ITEM is aged $ELAPSED" return 0 else log DEBUG "$FUNCNAME File $ITEM too young $ELAPSED" return 1 fi else log DEBUG "$FUNCNAME: file does not exist." return 0 fi } process_item_as_daemon () { ITEM="$1" if is_item_unprocessed "$ITEM" then if is_item_file_and_unmodified "$ITEM" then echo "$ITEM" >> "$FIFO" processed_stack_push "$ITEM" else stack_push "$ITEM" fi fi } daemon_listener () { while true do get_all_items while get_item do process_item_as_daemon "$ITEM" done while stack_pop do process_item_as_daemon "$REGISTER" done sleep "$DAEMON_POLLING_INTERVAL" done } start_daemon_listener () { daemon_listener & MYPID="$!" disown PIDS="$PIDS $MYPID" } start_inotify_listener () { ACTIVE_WORKERS=0 inotify_listener & MYPID="$!" disown PIDS="$PIDS $MYPID" } start_as_daemon () { if [ "$DAEMON" = "1" ] then log DEBUG "Daemon mode enabled." if [ "$INOTIFY" = "1" ] then log INFO "Linux inotify enabled." start_inotify_listener else start_daemon_listener log INFO "Linux inotify disabled." fi else log DEBUG "Daemon mode disabled." fi } decrease_active_workers () { if [ "$ACTIVE_WORKERS" -gt "0" ] then ((ACTIVE_WORKERS--)) fi } listen_for_job () { FINISHED=0 ACTIVE_WORKERS="$MAX_NO_OF_RUNNING_JOBS" PIDS="" log DEBUG "Listener started." start_as_daemon while read event <& 42 do log INFO "Current active workers is $ACTIVE_WORKERS" if [ "$event" == "$START_KEY" ] then decrease_active_workers log DEBUG "Got a 'start-key' event" if [ "$DAEMON" == "0" ] then if get_item then log DEBUG "Got an item, running command..." run_command "$ITEM" else log DEBUG "No more new items..." if [ "$ACTIVE_WORKERS" = "0" ] then display_progress break else display_jobs_remaining fi fi else log DEBUG "Daemon mode: a worker finished..." run_command fi elif [ "$event" == "$FAIL_KEY" ] then ((FAILED_ITEMS_COUNTER++)) log DEBUG "An item failed to process. $FAILED_ITEMS_COUNTER" elif [ "$event" == "$KILL_KEY" ] then infanticide break else log DEBUG "Event is an item." stack_push "$event" run_command fi display_progress set_status "RUNNING" "$FAILED_ITEMS_COUNTER" done terminate_listener "$FAILED_ITEMS_COUNTER" } start_all_workers () { if [ "$MAX_NO_OF_RUNNING_JOBS" == "1" ] then log DSPLY "Starting one (1) single worker." else log DSPLY "Starting $MAX_NO_OF_RUNNING_JOBS parallel workers." fi if [ "$DAEMON" == "0" ] then log DSPLY "---------------------------------------------------------" elif [ "$INOTIFY" = "1" ] then return 0 fi i=0 while [ "$i" -lt "$MAX_NO_OF_RUNNING_JOBS" ] do start_new_worker log DEBUG "Starting worker $i" ((i++)) if [ ! "$MAX_DELAY" == "0" ] then random_delay "$MAX_DELAY" fi done } get_status_of_nodes () { RESULT_FILE="$1" FAILED=0 ssh -q $SSH_OPTS $SSH_KEY $USER@$SSH_SERVER cat "$PPSS_HOME_DIR/$PPSS_NODE_STATUS/*" > "$RESULT_FILE" 2>&1 if [ ! "$?" == "0" ] then log DSPLY "PPSS has not been started yet on nodes." return 1 fi IFS=$'\n' for x in `cat $RESULT_FILE` do IP=`echo $x | awk '{ print $1 }'` HOST=`echo $x | awk '{ print $2 }'` STATUS=`echo $x | awk '{ print $3 }'` RES=`echo $x | awk '{ print $4 }'` FAIL=`echo $x | awk '{ print $5 }'` if [ -z "$RES" ] then RES="0" fi PROCESSED=$((PROCESSED+RES)) FAILED=$((FAILED+FAIL)) LINE=`echo "$IP $HOST $RES $FAIL $STATUS" | awk '{ printf ("%-16s %-16s % 8s %6s %7s\n",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5) }'` log DSPLY "$LINE" done log DSPLY "---------------------------------------------------------" LINE=`echo $PROCESSED $FAILED | awk '{ printf ("Total processed/failed: %18s %6s \n",$1,$2) }'` log DSPLY "$LINE" rm "$RESULT_FILE" } show_status () { . $CONFIG if [ ! -z "$SSH_KEY" ] then SSH_KEY="-i $SSH_KEY" fi get_all_items ITEMS=`wc -l $LISTOFITEMS | awk '{ print $1 }'` if [ ! -z "$ITEMS" ] && [ ! "$ITEMS" == "0" ] then PROCESSED=`exec_cmd "ls -1 $PPSS_HOME_DIR/$ITEM_LOCK_DIR 2>/dev/null | wc -l" 1` 2>&1 >> /dev/null check_status "$?" "Could not get number of processed items." TMP_STATUS=$((100 * $PROCESSED / $ITEMS)) log DSPLY "Status:\t\t$TMP_STATUS percent complete." else log DSPLY "Status: UNKNOWN - is PPSS deployed on nodes?" fi if [ ! -z $NODES_FILE ] then TMP_NO=`cat $NODES_FILE | wc -l` log DSPLY "Nodes:\t $TMP_NO" fi log DSPLY "Items:\t\t$ITEMS" log DSPLY "---------------------------------------------------------" HEADER=`echo IP-address Hostname Processed Failed Status | awk '{ printf ("%-16s %-15s % 2s %2s %2s\n",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5) }'` log DSPLY "$HEADER" log DSPLY "---------------------------------------------------------" PROCESSED=0 get_status_of_nodes "RESULT_FILE" } main () { case $MODE in node ) create_working_directory test_server init_vars get_all_items listen_for_job "$MAX_NO_OF_RUNNING_JOBS" & 2>&1 >> /dev/null LISTENER_PID=$! start_all_workers ;; start ) # This option only starts all nodes. LOGFILE=/dev/null display_header if [ ! -e "$NODES_FILE" ] then log ERROR "File $NODES with list of nodes does not exist." set_status "STOPPED" cleanup exit 1 else for NODE in `cat $NODES_FILE` do start_ppss_on_node "$NODE" & done fi cleanup ;; config ) LOGFILE=/dev/null display_header log DSPLY "Generating configuration file $CONFIG" add_var_to_config PPSS_LOCAL_TMPDIR "$PPSS_LOCAL_TMPDIR" add_var_to_config PPSS_LOCAL_OUTPUT "$PPSS_LOCAL_OUTPUT" cleanup ;; stop ) LOGFILE=/dev/null display_header log DSPLY "Stopping PPSS on all nodes." test_server exec_cmd "touch $STOP_SIGNAL" cleanup ;; pause ) LOGFILE=/dev/null display_header log DSPLY "Pausing PPSS on all nodes." exec_cmd "touch $PAUSE_SIGNAL" cleanup ;; continue ) LOGFILE=/dev/null display_header if does_file_exist "$STOP_SIGNAL" then log DSPLY "Continuing processing, please use $0 start to start PPSS on al nodes." exec_cmd "rm -f $STOP_SIGNAL" fi if does_file_exist "$PAUSE_SIGNAL" then log DSPLY "Continuing PPSS on all nodes." exec_cmd "rm -f $PAUSE_SIGNAL" fi cleanup ;; deploy ) LOGFILE=ppss-deploy.txt if [ -e "$LOGFILE" ] then rm "$LOGFILE" fi init_ssh_server_socket display_header log DSPLY "Deploying PPSS on nodes. See ppss-deploy.txt for details." deploy_ppss wait cleanup ;; status ) LOGFILE=/dev/null display_header test_server show_status cleanup ;; erase ) LOGFILE=/dev/null display_header log DSPLY "Erasing PPSS from all nodes." erase_ppss cleanup ;; kill ) LOGFILE=/dev/null for x in `ps ux | grep ppss | grep -v grep | grep bash | awk '{ print $2 }'` do kill "$x" done cleanup ;; * ) create_working_directory display_header init_vars get_all_items listen_for_job "$MAX_NO_OF_RUNNING_JOBS" & 2>&1 >> /dev/null LISTENER_PID=$! start_all_workers ;; esac } # # PPSS can be sourced. This is mainly for testing purposes (unit tests). # if ! are_we_sourced then # # First step: process all command-line arguments. # process_arguments "$@" # # This command starts the that sets the whole framework in motion. # But only if the file is not sourced. # main # # Exit after all processes have finished. # #wait if [ -e "$FIFO_LISTENER" ] then while read event <& 43 do cleanup exit "$event" done fi fi