Updated version of distributed PPSS - does not work - not tested

This commit is contained in:
Louwrentius 2009-01-24 23:39:45 +00:00
parent 4a232fcb96
commit e210c59670

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@ -72,17 +72,17 @@ showusage () {
echo "Options are:"
echo -e "\t- c [ command ] \t\t\tCommand to execute. Can be a custom script or just a plain command."
echo -e "\t- d [ directory ] \t\t\tDirectory containing items to be processed."
echo -e "\t- f [ input file ] \t\t\tFile containing items to be processed. Either -d or -f"
echo -e "\t- l [ logfile ] \t\t\tSpecifies name and location of the logfile."
echo -e "\t- p [ no of parallel processes ] \tOptional: specifies number of simultaneous processes manually."
echo -e "\t- j ( enable hyperthreading ) \t\tOptiona: Enable or disable hyperthreading. Enabled by default."
echo -e "\t- c \tCommand to execute. Can be a custom script or just a plain command."
echo -e "\t- d \tDirectory containing items to be processed."
echo -e "\t- f \tFile containing items to be processed. Either -d or -f"
echo -e "\t- l \tSpecifies name and location of the logfile."
echo -e "\t- p \tOptional: specifies number of simultaneous processes manually."
echo -e "\t- j \tOptiona: Enable or disable hyperthreading. Enabled by default."
echo "Options for distributed usage:"
echo -e "\t- s [ username@server ] \t\tUsername and server domain name or IP-address of 'PPSS server'."
echo -e "\t- k [ SSH key file ] \t\tSSH key file used for connection with 'PPSS server'."
echo -e "\t- s \tUsername@server domain name or IP-address of 'PPSS master server'."
echo -e "\t- k \tSSH key file used for connection with 'PPSS server'."
echo -e "Example: encoding some wav files to mp3 using lame:"