Most computer systems that are bought over the last couple of years feature at least two processor cores or sometimes even more. Most programs and tasks do not benefit from these extra cpu cores because software must be written in such a way that it benefits from extra CPUs. Most of the time, only one cpu or cpu core is used.
Most users can't benefit from these extra cpu cores, because the programs they use are often not aware of the extra cpu cores. Often, the task they perform by itself cannot be distributed over multiple processors. For example, resizing a photo or converting a file into some different format.
Although many processes by themselves cannot be parallelized, if a large number of these processes must be executed on separate items (for example, files), they can be executed in parallel.
The idea behind PPSS is that, you have a (large) number of items, files for example, and you want to perform some action on them. Instead of processing one item at at time, you want to process 4 items at a time, since you have a nice quad-core cpu. You will need a system that can keep keep track of running separate jobs, start new jobs if previous jobs finished and very important: keep track of which files have been processed. And wouldn't it be nice if any output of those processes is logged, so you can verify if all items are processes correctly? PPSS does this for you.