299 lines
12 KiB
299 lines
12 KiB
package pokercore
import (
func TestHandDescripionBug(t *testing.T) {
playerCount := 8
d := NewDeck()
var players []*Cards
players = make([]*Cards, playerCount)
for i := 1; i-1 < playerCount; i++ {
c := d.Deal(2)
players[i-1] = &c
t.Logf("Player %d dealt: %+v\n", i, c)
t.Logf("Players: %+v\n", players)
community := d.Deal(5)
t.Logf("Community: %+v\n", community)
var playerResults []*PokerHand
for i := 1; i-1 < playerCount; i++ {
t.Logf("Player %d hole cards: %+v\n", i, *players[i-1])
pc := append(*players[i-1], community...)
t.Logf("Player %d cards available: %+v\n", i, pc)
hand, err := pc.IdentifyBestFiveCardPokerHand()
assert.Nil(t, err, "Expected no error")
ph, err := hand.PokerHand()
assert.Nil(t, err, "Expected no error")
t.Logf("Player %d five cards used: %+v\n", i, hand)
t.Logf("Player %d poker hand: %+v\n", i, ph)
t.Logf("Player %d best hand description: %s\n", i, ph.Description())
playerResults = append(playerResults, ph)
weirdOne := playerResults[7]
t.Logf("Weird one: %v\n", weirdOne)
t.Logf("Weird one description: %s\n", weirdOne.Description())
// T♠,7♠,9♦,7♣,T♥
assert.Equal(t, weirdOne.Description(), "two pair, tens and sevens with a nine")
scoreShouldBe := ScoreTwoPair
scoreShouldBe += 1000 * TEN.Score()
scoreShouldBe += 100 * SEVEN.Score()
scoreShouldBe += 10 * NINE.Score()
assert.Equal(t, weirdOne.Score, scoreShouldBe)
cards := weirdOne.Hand
assert.True(t, cards.containsTwoPair(), "Expected hand to be two pair")
bp := cards.twoPairBiggestPair() // returns Rank, because describing a pair
assert.Equal(t, bp, TEN, "Expected biggest pair to be a ten")
sp := cards.twoPairSmallestPair() // returns Rank, because describing a pair
assert.Equal(t, sp, SEVEN, "Expected smallest pair to be a seven")
k := cards.twoPairKicker() // returns Card, because describing a single card
assert.Equal(t, k.Rank, NINE, "Expected kicker to be a nine")
func TestAceLowStraight(t *testing.T) {
hand := Cards{
assert.True(t, hand.containsStraight(), "Expected hand to be a straight")
ph, err := hand.PokerHand()
assert.Nil(t, err, "Expected no error")
assert.Greater(t, ph.Score, 0, "Expected score to be nonzero 0")
assert.Less(t, ph.Score, 100000000000000000, "Expected score to be less than 100000000000000000")
assert.Equal(t, ph.Score, ScoreStraight+1000*FIVE.Score())
assert.Equal(t, ph.Description(), "a five high straight")
assert.True(t, hand.HighestRank() == ACE, "Expected highest rank to be an ace")
assert.True(t, hand.SortByRankAscending().First().Rank == DEUCE, "Expected first card to be a deuce")
assert.True(t, hand.SortByRankAscending().Last().Rank == ACE, "Expected last card in sorted to be a ace")
assert.True(t, hand.SortByRankAscending().Second().Rank == THREE, "Expected second card to be a three")
assert.True(t, hand.SortByRankAscending().Third().Rank == FOUR, "Expected third card to be a four")
assert.True(t, hand.SortByRankAscending().Fourth().Rank == FIVE, "Expected fourth card to be a five")
assert.True(t, hand.SortByRankAscending().Fifth().Rank == ACE, "Expected fifth card to be an ace")
func TestAceHighStraight(t *testing.T) {
hand := Cards{
assert.True(t, hand.containsStraight(), "Expected hand to be a straight")
newDeck := NewDeckFromCards(hand)
shuffledHand := newDeck.Deal(5)
assert.True(t, shuffledHand.containsStraight(), "Expected hand to still be a straight after shuffle")
assert.True(t, shuffledHand.HighestRank() == ACE, "Expected highest rank to be an ace")
sortedHand := shuffledHand.SortByRankAscending()
assert.True(t, sortedHand[0].Rank == TEN, "Expected lowest rank to be a ten")
assert.True(t, sortedHand[1].Rank == JACK, "Expected second lowest rank to be a jack")
assert.True(t, sortedHand[2].Rank == QUEEN, "Expected third lowest rank to be a queen")
assert.True(t, sortedHand[3].Rank == KING, "Expected fourth lowest rank to be a king")
assert.True(t, sortedHand[4].Rank == ACE, "Expected highest rank to be an ace")
func TestOtherStraight(t *testing.T) {
hand := Cards{
assert.True(t, hand.containsStraight(), "Expected hand to be a straight")
newDeck := NewDeckFromCards(hand)
//fmt.Printf("Shuffled deck: %s\n", newDeck.String())
//fmt.Printf("new deck has %d cards\n", newDeck.Count())
shuffledHand := newDeck.Deal(5)
assert.True(t, shuffledHand.containsStraight(), "Expected hand to still be a straight after shuffle")
assert.False(t, shuffledHand.containsTwoPair(), "Expected hand to not be two pair")
assert.False(t, shuffledHand.containsPair(), "Expected hand to not be a pair")
assert.True(t, shuffledHand.HighestRank() == SIX, "Expected highest rank to be a six")
assert.True(t, shuffledHand.SortByRankAscending().First().Rank == DEUCE, "Expected first card to be a deuce")
func TestFlush(t *testing.T) {
hand := Cards{
assert.True(t, hand.containsFlush(), "Expected hand to be a flush")
newDeck := NewDeckFromCards(hand)
//fmt.Printf("Shuffled deck: %s\n", newDeck.String())
//fmt.Printf("new deck has %d cards\n", newDeck.Count())
shuffledHand := newDeck.Deal(5)
assert.True(t, shuffledHand.containsFlush(), "Expected hand to still be a flush after shuffle")
// flush value is the sum of the ranks, just like high card
x := ScoreFlush
x += ACE.Score()
x += DEUCE.Score()
x += THREE.Score()
x += FOUR.Score()
x += SIX.Score()
//fmt.Printf("a-2-3-4-6 flush score should be: %d\n", x)
ph, err := shuffledHand.PokerHand()
assert.Nil(t, err, "Expected no error")
assert.Greater(t, ph.Score, 0, "Expected score to be nonzero 0")
assert.Equal(t, ph.Score, x)
func TestStraightFlush(t *testing.T) {
hand := Cards{
assert.True(t, hand.containsStraight(), "Expected hand to be a straight")
assert.True(t, hand.containsFlush(), "Expected hand to be a flush")
assert.True(t, hand.containsStraightFlush(), "Expected hand to be a straight flush")
assert.False(t, hand.containsRoyalFlush(), "Expected hand to not be a royal flush")
assert.False(t, hand.containsFourOfAKind(), "Expected hand to not be four of a kind")
assert.False(t, hand.containsFullHouse(), "Expected hand to not be a full house")
assert.False(t, hand.containsThreeOfAKind(), "Expected hand to not be three of a kind")
assert.False(t, hand.containsTwoPair(), "Expected hand to not be two pair")
assert.False(t, hand.containsPair(), "Expected hand to not be a pair")
assert.True(t, hand.HighestRank() == SIX, "Expected highest rank to be a six")
nd := NewDeckFromCards(hand)
//fmt.Printf("Shuffled deck: %s\n", nd.String())
//fmt.Printf("new deck has %d cards\n", nd.Count())
shuffledHand := nd.Deal(5)
assert.True(t, shuffledHand.containsStraightFlush(), "Expected hand to still be a straight flush after shuffle")
assert.True(t, shuffledHand.HighestRank() == SIX, "Expected highest rank to still be a six after shuffle")
assert.True(t, shuffledHand.HighestRank() == SIX, "Expected highest rank to be a six after shuffle even with aces low")
func TestRoyalFlush(t *testing.T) {
hand := Cards{
assert.True(t, hand.containsStraight(), "Expected hand to be a straight")
assert.True(t, hand.containsFlush(), "Expected hand to be a flush")
assert.True(t, hand.containsStraightFlush(), "Expected hand to be a straight flush")
assert.True(t, hand.containsRoyalFlush(), "Expected hand to be a royal flush")
assert.False(t, hand.containsFourOfAKind(), "Expected hand to not be four of a kind")
assert.False(t, hand.containsFullHouse(), "Expected hand to not be a full house")
assert.False(t, hand.containsThreeOfAKind(), "Expected hand to not be three of a kind")
assert.False(t, hand.containsTwoPair(), "Expected hand to not be two pair")
assert.False(t, hand.containsPair(), "Expected hand to not be a pair")
assert.True(t, hand.HighestRank() == ACE, "Expected highest rank to be an ace")
assert.False(t, hand.HighestRank() == TEN, "Expected highest rank to not be an ace")
func TestUnmadeHand(t *testing.T) {
hand := Cards{
assert.False(t, hand.containsStraight(), "Expected hand to not be a straight")
assert.False(t, hand.containsFlush(), "Expected hand to not be a flush")
assert.False(t, hand.containsStraightFlush(), "Expected hand to not be a straight flush")
assert.False(t, hand.containsRoyalFlush(), "Expected hand to not be a royal flush")
assert.False(t, hand.containsFourOfAKind(), "Expected hand to not be four of a kind")
assert.False(t, hand.containsFullHouse(), "Expected hand to not be a full house")
assert.False(t, hand.containsThreeOfAKind(), "Expected hand to not be three of a kind")
assert.False(t, hand.containsTwoPair(), "Expected hand to not be two pair")
assert.False(t, hand.containsPair(), "Expected hand to not be a pair")
assert.True(t, hand.HighestRank() == KING, "Expected highest rank to be a king")
assert.True(t, hand.isUnmadeHand(), "Expected hand to be unmade")
func TestTwoPair(t *testing.T) {
hand := Cards{
assert.False(t, hand.containsStraight(), "Expected hand to not be a straight")
assert.False(t, hand.containsFlush(), "Expected hand to not be a flush")
assert.False(t, hand.containsStraightFlush(), "Expected hand to not be a straight flush")
assert.False(t, hand.containsRoyalFlush(), "Expected hand to not be a royal flush")
assert.False(t, hand.containsFourOfAKind(), "Expected hand to not be four of a kind")
assert.False(t, hand.containsFullHouse(), "Expected hand to not be a full house")
assert.False(t, hand.containsThreeOfAKind(), "Expected hand to not be three of a kind")
assert.True(t, hand.containsTwoPair(), "Expected hand to be two pair")
assert.True(t, hand.containsPair(), "Expected hand to also be a pair")
assert.True(t, hand.HighestRank() == KING, "Expected highest rank to be a king")
assert.False(t, hand.isUnmadeHand(), "Expected hand to not be unmade")
func TestHandScore(t *testing.T) {
hand := Cards{
ph, error := hand.PokerHand()
assert.Nil(t, error, "Expected no error")
assert.True(t, ph.Score > 0, "Expected score to be nonzero 0")
assert.True(t, ph.Score < 100000000000000000, "Expected score to be less than 100000000000000000")
//fmt.Printf("PokerHand: %v+\n", ph)
//fmt.Printf("PH score: %d\n", ph.Score)
func TestTwoPairBug(t *testing.T) {
// this is an actual bug in the first implementation
c, err := NewCardsFromString("9♠,9♣,Q♥,Q♦,K♣")
assert.Nil(t, err, "Expected no error")
//fmt.Printf("Cards: %v+\n", c)
ph, err := c.PokerHand()
assert.Nil(t, err, "Expected no error")
assert.Greater(t, ph.Score, 0, "Expected score to be nonzero 0")
desc := ph.Description()
assert.Equal(t, desc, "two pair, queens and nines with a king")
//fmt.Printf("PokerHand: %v+\n", ph)
//fmt.Printf("PH score: %d\n", ph.Score)