package pokercore import ( "context" "testing" "time" "" "" ) func TestShuffleSpeed(t *testing.T) { iterations := 1000 t.Logf("Running %d iterations of shuffle speed test", iterations) // Create a context with a timeout for cancellation. ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 20*time.Second) defer cancel() // Measure the execution times of the sample function. d := NewDeck() result, err := timingbench.TimeFunction(ctx, func() { d.ShuffleRandomly() }, iterations) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error measuring function: %v", err) } // Print the timing results. t.Logf(result.String()) } func TestHandFindingSpeedFiveCard(t *testing.T) { iterations := 1000 t.Logf("Running %d iterations of hand finding speed test for 5 card hand", iterations) measureHandFinding(t, iterations, 5) } func TestHandFindingSpeedSevenCard(t *testing.T) { iterations := 1000 t.Logf("Running %d iterations of hand finding speed test for 7 card hand", iterations) measureHandFinding(t, iterations, 7) } func TestHandFindingSpeedNineCard(t *testing.T) { iterations := 100 t.Logf("Running %d iterations of hand finding speed test for 9 card hand", iterations) measureHandFinding(t, iterations, 9) } func measureHandFinding(t *testing.T, iterations int, cardCount int) { // Create a context with a timeout for cancellation. ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 20*time.Second) defer cancel() // Measure the execution times of the sample function. result, err := timingbench.TimeFunction(ctx, func() { findHandInRandomCards(t, int(123456789), cardCount) // check for hand in 10 cards }, iterations) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error measuring function: %v", err) } // Print the timing results. t.Logf(result.String()) } func findHandInRandomCards(t *testing.T, shuffleSeed int, cardCount int) { d := NewDeck() d.ShuffleDeterministically(int64(shuffleSeed)) cards := d.Deal(cardCount) hand, err := cards.IdentifyBestFiveCardPokerHand() assert.Nil(t, err, "Expected no error") ph, err := hand.PokerHand() assert.Nil(t, err, "Expected no error") //assert.Greater(t, ph.Score, 0, "Expected score to be nonzero 0") desc := ph.Description() assert.NotEmpty(t, desc, "Expected description to not be empty") }