package main import ( "fmt" "os" "time" "" ) // just like on tv var delayTime = 2 * time.Second var playerCount = 8 type Player struct { Hand pokercore.Cards ScoredHand *pokercore.PokerHand Position int } type Game struct { Deck *pokercore.Deck Players []*Player Community pokercore.Cards Street int } func suspense() { fmt.Printf("########################################\n") if os.Getenv("NO_LAG") == "" { time.Sleep(delayTime) } } func NewGame() *Game { // this "randomly chosen" seed somehow deals pocket queens, pocket kings, and pocket aces to three players. // what are the odds? lol //g := NewGame(1337)) // nothing up my sleeve: seed := 3141592653 g := &Game{} g.Street = 0 g.Deck = pokercore.NewDeck() g.SpreadCards() fmt.Printf("Shuffle up and deal!\n") suspense() fmt.Printf("Shuffling...\n") if os.Getenv("RANDOM_SHUFFLE") != "" { g.Deck.ShuffleRandomly() } else { fmt.Printf("Using deterministic shuffle seed: %d\n", seed) g.Deck.ShuffleDeterministically(int64(seed)) } return g } func (g *Game) StreetAsString() string { switch g.Street { case 0: return "pre-flop" case 1: return "flop" case 2: return "turn" case 3: return "river" } return "unknown" } func (g *Game) SpreadCards() { fmt.Printf("deck before shuffling: %s\n", g.Deck.FormatForTerminal()) } func (g *Game) DealPlayersIn() { for i := 0; i < playerCount; i++ { p := Player{Hand: g.Deck.Deal(2), Position: i + 1} g.Players = append(g.Players, &p) } } func (g *Game) ShowGameStatus() { fmt.Printf("Street: %s\n", g.StreetAsString()) fmt.Printf("Community cards: %s\n", g.Community.FormatForTerminal()) for _, p := range g.Players { if p != nil { fmt.Printf("Player %d: %s\n", p.Position, p.Hand.FormatForTerminal()) if g.Street > 0 { ac := append(p.Hand, g.Community...) ph, err := ac.PokerHand() if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Printf("Player %d has %s\n", p.Position, ph.Description()) fmt.Printf("Player %d Score: %d\n", p.Position, ph.Score) } } } } func (g *Game) DealFlop() { g.Community = g.Deck.Deal(3) g.Street = 1 } func (g *Game) DealTurn() { g.Community = append(g.Community, g.Deck.Deal(1)...) g.Street = 2 } func (g *Game) DealRiver() { g.Community = append(g.Community, g.Deck.Deal(1)...) g.Street = 3 } func (g *Game) ShowWinner() { var winner *Player var winningHand *pokercore.PokerHand for _, p := range g.Players { if p != nil { ac := append(p.Hand, g.Community...) ph, err := ac.PokerHand() if err != nil { panic(err) } if winner == nil { winner = p winningHand = ph } else { if ph.Score > winningHand.Score { winner = p winningHand = ph } } } } fmt.Printf("Winner: Player %d with %s.\n", winner.Position, winningHand.Description()) } func main() { g := NewGame() g.ShowGameStatus() g.DealPlayersIn() suspense() g.ShowGameStatus() g.DealFlop() suspense() g.ShowGameStatus() g.DealTurn() suspense() g.ShowGameStatus() g.DealRiver() suspense() g.ShowGameStatus() g.ShowWinner() fmt.Printf("What a strange game. The only winning move is to bet really big.\n") fmt.Printf("Insert coin to play again.\n") }