#!/bin/bash # reminder: homebrew is *spyware*. if you don't do this, it won't # set HOMEBREW_NO_ANALYTICS and it will silently spy on you when you use it. # this should happen in the .profile but let's do it again here to be certain: source $HOME/.bashrc export HOMEBREW_NO_ANALYTICS=1 # this shouldn't be needed but it is export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/Library/Homebrew/bin" # Homebrew's package database is on GitHub. The hashes to verify the # authenticity of the source archive downloads are in the package database. # Microsoft, a large US military contractor with long ties to illegal NSA spying # programs, bought GitHub and can exercise control over them. # What this means is that a large US military contractor has control over the # precise software that gets installed on your computer when you # type "brew install x". Cool, huh? HOMEBREW_PKGS=" asciinema autoconf automake bonnie++ bwm-ng byobu cksfv cmake coreutils curl daemontools docker docker-compose docker-machine duplicity ffmpeg fish flac geoip gist git gnupg gnupg2 go homebrew/dupes/rsync httpie httrack irssi jq kubernetes-cli lame mosh mtr mutt neovim nmap offlineimap p7zip par2 pbzip2 pgpdump pinentry-mac protobuf pv pwgen python3 rename socat sox speedtest_cli tcptraceroute tor torsocks trash unrar unzip vimpager watch wget whatmask " for PKG in $HOMEBREW_PKGS ; do brew install --build-from-source $PKG done