# You need to run the following to let make work: # sudo xcodebuild -license accept # install the following to /Applications before proceeding: # * CreateUserPkg # * AutoDMG.app # * the OSX installer (Install macOS High Sierra.app) # * Xcode.app # to /Applications before proceeding. # Put additional big packages (e.g. printer drivers) # in ~/Documents/packages.10.12/ before running OSX := /Applications/Install macOS High Sierra.app AUTODMG := /Applications/AutoDMG.app/Contents/MacOS/AutoDMG OUTPUT := $(shell date +%Y%m%d).osx.$(shell sw_vers -productVersion).adminadmin.dmg default: $(OUTPUT) prepare: sudo pmset -a sleep 180 sudo pmset -a displaysleep 180 $(AUTODMG) update custompkg/custom.pkg: cd custompkg && make $(OUTPUT): prepare custompkg/custom.pkg -$(AUTODMG) \ --log-level 7 \ --logfile - \ build \ -n "root" \ --filesystem apfs \ -u -U \ -o /tmp/output.dmg \ "$(OSX)" \ /Applications/Xcode.app \ /Applications/AutoDMG.app \ "$(OSX)" \ "$(PWD)"/custompkg/custom.pkg \ "$(PWD)"/pkgs/*.pkg && \ cp /tmp/output.dmg "$(PWD)"/$@ clean: rm -f *.dmg /tmp/output.dmg custompkg/*.pkg