package pterm import ( "strconv" "strings" "" "" ) // BarChartPrinter is used to print bar charts. type BarChartPrinter struct { Bars Bars Horizontal bool ShowValue bool // Height sets the maximum height of a vertical bar chart. // The default is calculated to fit into the terminal. // Ignored if Horizontal is set to true. Height int // Width sets the maximum width of a horizontal bar chart. // The default is calculated to fit into the terminal. // Ignored if Horizontal is set to false. Width int VerticalBarCharacter string HorizontalBarCharacter string } var ( // DefaultBarChart is the default BarChartPrinter. DefaultBarChart = BarChartPrinter{ Horizontal: false, VerticalBarCharacter: "██", HorizontalBarCharacter: "█", // keep in sync with RecalculateTerminalSize() Height: GetTerminalHeight() * 2 / 3, Width: GetTerminalWidth() * 2 / 3, } ) // WithBars returns a new BarChartPrinter with a specific option. func (p BarChartPrinter) WithBars(bars Bars) *BarChartPrinter { p.Bars = bars return &p } // WithVerticalBarCharacter returns a new BarChartPrinter with a specific option. func (p BarChartPrinter) WithVerticalBarCharacter(char string) *BarChartPrinter { p.VerticalBarCharacter = char return &p } // WithHorizontalBarCharacter returns a new BarChartPrinter with a specific option. func (p BarChartPrinter) WithHorizontalBarCharacter(char string) *BarChartPrinter { p.HorizontalBarCharacter = char return &p } // WithHorizontal returns a new BarChartPrinter with a specific option. func (p BarChartPrinter) WithHorizontal(b ...bool) *BarChartPrinter { b2 := internal.WithBoolean(b) p.Horizontal = b2 return &p } // WithHeight returns a new BarChartPrinter with a specific option. func (p BarChartPrinter) WithHeight(value int) *BarChartPrinter { p.Height = value return &p } // WithWidth returns a new BarChartPrinter with a specific option. func (p BarChartPrinter) WithWidth(value int) *BarChartPrinter { p.Width = value return &p } // WithShowValue returns a new BarChartPrinter with a specific option. func (p BarChartPrinter) WithShowValue(b ...bool) *BarChartPrinter { p.ShowValue = internal.WithBoolean(b) return &p } func (p BarChartPrinter) getRawOutput() string { var ret string for _, bar := range p.Bars { ret += Sprintfln("%s: %d", bar.Label, bar.Value) } return ret } // Srender renders the BarChart as a string. func (p BarChartPrinter) Srender() (string, error) { maxAbsValue := func(value1 int, value2 int) int { min := value1 max := value2 if value1 > value2 { min = value2 max = value1 } maxAbs := max if min < 0 && -min > max { // This is to avoid something like "int(math.Abs(float64(minBarValue)))" maxAbs = -min // (--) == (+) } return maxAbs } abs := func(value int) int { if value < 0 { return -value } return value } // =================================== VERTICAL BARS RENDERER ====================================================== type renderParams struct { repeatCount int bar Bar positiveChartPartHeight int negativeChartPartHeight int positiveChartPartWidth int negativeChartPartWidth int indent string showValue bool moveUp bool moveRight bool } renderPositiveVerticalBar := func(renderedBarRef *string, rParams renderParams) { if rParams.showValue { *renderedBarRef += Sprint(rParams.indent + strconv.Itoa( + rParams.indent + "\n") } for i := rParams.positiveChartPartHeight; i > 0; i-- { if i > rParams.repeatCount { *renderedBarRef += rParams.indent + " " + rParams.indent + " \n" } else { *renderedBarRef += rParams.indent + + rParams.indent + " \n" } } // Used when we draw diagram with both POSITIVE and NEGATIVE values. // In such case we separately draw top and bottom half of chart. // And we need MOVE UP positive part to top part of chart, // technically by adding empty pillars with height == height of chart's bottom part. if rParams.moveUp { for i := 0; i <= rParams.negativeChartPartHeight; i++ { *renderedBarRef += rParams.indent + " " + rParams.indent + " \n" } } } renderNegativeVerticalBar := func(renderedBarRef *string, rParams renderParams) { for i := 0; i > -rParams.negativeChartPartHeight; i-- { if i > rParams.repeatCount { *renderedBarRef += rParams.indent + + rParams.indent + " \n" } else { *renderedBarRef += rParams.indent + " " + rParams.indent + " \n" } } if rParams.showValue { *renderedBarRef += Sprint(rParams.indent + strconv.Itoa( + rParams.indent + "\n") } } // =================================== HORIZONTAL BARS RENDERER ==================================================== renderPositiveHorizontalBar := func(renderedBarRef *string, rParams renderParams) { if rParams.moveRight { for i := 0; i < rParams.negativeChartPartWidth; i++ { *renderedBarRef += " " } } for i := 0; i < rParams.positiveChartPartWidth; i++ { if i < rParams.repeatCount { *renderedBarRef += } else { *renderedBarRef += " " } } if rParams.showValue { // For positive horizontal bars we add one more space before adding value, // so they will be well aligned with negative values, which have "-" sign before them *renderedBarRef += " " *renderedBarRef += " " + strconv.Itoa( } } renderNegativeHorizontalBar := func(renderedBarRef *string, rParams renderParams) { for i := -rParams.negativeChartPartWidth; i < 0; i++ { if i < rParams.repeatCount { *renderedBarRef += " " } else { *renderedBarRef += } } // In order to print values well-aligned (in case when we have both - positive and negative part of chart), // we should insert an indent with width == width of positive chart part if rParams.positiveChartPartWidth > 0 { for i := 0; i < rParams.positiveChartPartWidth; i++ { *renderedBarRef += " " } } if rParams.showValue { /* This is in order to achieve this effect: 0 -15 0 -19 INSTEAD OF THIS: 0 -15 0 -19 */ if rParams.repeatCount == 0 { *renderedBarRef += " " } *renderedBarRef += " " + strconv.Itoa( } } // ================================================================================================================= if RawOutput { return p.getRawOutput(), nil } for i, bar := range p.Bars { if bar.Style == nil { p.Bars[i].Style = &ThemeDefault.BarStyle } if bar.LabelStyle == nil { p.Bars[i].LabelStyle = &ThemeDefault.BarLabelStyle } p.Bars[i].Label = p.Bars[i].LabelStyle.Sprint(bar.Label) } var ret string var maxLabelHeight int var maxBarValue int var minBarValue int var maxAbsBarValue int var rParams renderParams for _, bar := range p.Bars { if bar.Value > maxBarValue { maxBarValue = bar.Value } if bar.Value < minBarValue { minBarValue = bar.Value } labelHeight := len(strings.Split(bar.Label, "\n")) if labelHeight > maxLabelHeight { maxLabelHeight = labelHeight } } maxAbsBarValue = maxAbsValue(maxBarValue, minBarValue) if p.Horizontal { panels := Panels{[]Panel{{}, {}}} rParams.showValue = p.ShowValue rParams.positiveChartPartWidth = p.Width rParams.negativeChartPartWidth = p.Width // If chart will consist of two parts - positive and negative - we should recalculate max bars WIDTH in LEFT and RIGHT parts if minBarValue < 0 && maxBarValue > 0 { rParams.positiveChartPartWidth = abs(internal.MapRangeToRange(-float32(maxAbsBarValue), float32(maxAbsBarValue), -float32(p.Width)/2, float32(p.Width)/2, float32(maxBarValue))) rParams.negativeChartPartWidth = abs(internal.MapRangeToRange(-float32(maxAbsBarValue), float32(maxAbsBarValue), -float32(p.Width)/2, float32(p.Width)/2, float32(minBarValue))) } for _, bar := range p.Bars { = bar panels[0][0].Data += "\n" + bar.Label panels[0][1].Data += "\n" if minBarValue >= 0 { // As we don't have negative values, draw only positive (right) part of the chart: rParams.repeatCount = internal.MapRangeToRange(0, float32(maxAbsBarValue), 0, float32(p.Width), float32(bar.Value)) rParams.moveRight = false renderPositiveHorizontalBar(&panels[0][1].Data, rParams) } else if maxBarValue <= 0 { // As we have only negative values, draw only negative (left) part of the chart: rParams.repeatCount = internal.MapRangeToRange(-float32(maxAbsBarValue), 0, -float32(p.Width), 0, float32(bar.Value)) rParams.positiveChartPartWidth = 0 renderNegativeHorizontalBar(&panels[0][1].Data, rParams) } else { // We have positive and negative values, so draw both (left+right) parts of the chart: rParams.repeatCount = internal.MapRangeToRange(-float32(maxAbsBarValue), float32(maxAbsBarValue), -float32(p.Width)/2, float32(p.Width)/2, float32(bar.Value)) if bar.Value >= 0 { rParams.moveRight = true renderPositiveHorizontalBar(&panels[0][1].Data, rParams) } if bar.Value < 0 { renderNegativeHorizontalBar(&panels[0][1].Data, rParams) } } } ret, _ = DefaultPanel.WithPanels(panels).Srender() return ret, nil } else { renderedBars := make([]string, len(p.Bars)) rParams.showValue = p.ShowValue rParams.positiveChartPartHeight = p.Height rParams.negativeChartPartHeight = p.Height // If chart will consist of two parts - positive and negative - we should recalculate max bars height in top and bottom parts if minBarValue < 0 && maxBarValue > 0 { rParams.positiveChartPartHeight = abs(internal.MapRangeToRange(-float32(maxAbsBarValue), float32(maxAbsBarValue), -float32(p.Height)/2, float32(p.Height)/2, float32(maxBarValue))) rParams.negativeChartPartHeight = abs(internal.MapRangeToRange(-float32(maxAbsBarValue), float32(maxAbsBarValue), -float32(p.Height)/2, float32(p.Height)/2, float32(minBarValue))) } for i, bar := range p.Bars { var renderedBar string = bar rParams.indent = strings.Repeat(" ", internal.GetStringMaxWidth(RemoveColorFromString(bar.Label))/2) if minBarValue >= 0 { // As we don't have negative values, draw only positive (top) part of the chart: rParams.repeatCount = internal.MapRangeToRange(0, float32(maxAbsBarValue), 0, float32(p.Height), float32(bar.Value)) rParams.moveUp = false // Don't MOVE UP as we have ONLY positive part of chart. renderPositiveVerticalBar(&renderedBar, rParams) } else if maxBarValue <= 0 { // As we have only negative values, draw only negative (bottom) part of the chart: rParams.repeatCount = internal.MapRangeToRange(-float32(maxAbsBarValue), 0, -float32(p.Height), 0, float32(bar.Value)) renderNegativeVerticalBar(&renderedBar, rParams) } else { // We have positive and negative values, so draw both (top+bottom) parts of the chart: rParams.repeatCount = internal.MapRangeToRange(-float32(maxAbsBarValue), float32(maxAbsBarValue), -float32(p.Height)/2, float32(p.Height)/2, float32(bar.Value)) if bar.Value >= 0 { rParams.moveUp = true // MOVE UP positive part, because we have both positive and negative parts of chart. renderPositiveVerticalBar(&renderedBar, rParams) } if bar.Value < 0 { renderNegativeVerticalBar(&renderedBar, rParams) } } labelHeight := len(strings.Split(bar.Label, "\n")) renderedBars[i] = renderedBar + bar.Label + strings.Repeat("\n", maxLabelHeight-labelHeight) + " " } var maxBarHeight int for _, bar := range renderedBars { totalBarHeight := len(strings.Split(bar, "\n")) if totalBarHeight > maxBarHeight { maxBarHeight = totalBarHeight } } for i, bar := range renderedBars { totalBarHeight := len(strings.Split(bar, "\n")) if totalBarHeight < maxBarHeight { renderedBars[i] = strings.Repeat("\n", maxBarHeight-totalBarHeight) + renderedBars[i] } } for i := 0; i <= maxBarHeight; i++ { for _, barString := range renderedBars { var barLine string letterLines := strings.Split(barString, "\n") maxBarWidth := internal.GetStringMaxWidth(RemoveColorFromString(barString)) if len(letterLines) > i { barLine = letterLines[i] } letterLineLength := runewidth.StringWidth(RemoveColorFromString(barLine)) if letterLineLength < maxBarWidth { barLine += strings.Repeat(" ", maxBarWidth-letterLineLength) } ret += barLine } ret += "\n" } } return ret, nil } // Render prints the Template to the terminal. func (p BarChartPrinter) Render() error { s, _ := p.Srender() Println(s) return nil }