{ "types": { "refactor": { "description": "Changes which neither fix a bug nor add a feature", }, "fix": { "description": "Changes which patch a bug" }, "feat": { "description": "Changes which introduce a new feature" }, "build": { "description": "Changes which affect the build system or external dependencies (example scopes: gulp, broccoli, npm)" }, "chore": { "description": "Changes which aren’t user-facing" }, "style": { "description": "Changes which don't affect code logic.\nWhite-spaces, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc" }, "test": { "description": "Changes which add missing tests or correct existing tests" }, "docs": { "description": "Changes which affect documentation", "scopes": { "pterm-sh": {}, "examples": {}, "readme": {}, "contributing": {} } }, "perf": { "description": "Changes which improve performance" }, "ci": { "description": "Changes which affect CI configuration files and scripts (example scopes: travis, circle, browser-stack, sauce-labs)" }, "revert": { "description": "Changes which revert a previous commit" } }, "footerTypes": [ { "name": "BREAKING CHANGE", "description": "The commit introduces breaking API changes" }, { "name": "Closes", "description": "The commit closes issues or pull requests" }, { "name": "Implements", "description": "The commit implements features" }, { "name": "Co-authored-by", "description": "The commit is co-authored by another person (for multiple people use one line each)" } ] }