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2022-01-11 10:08:04 +00:00
ESP8266 BlinkWithoutDelay by Simon Peter
Blink the blue LED on the ESP-01 module
Based on the Arduino Blink without Delay example
This example code is in the public domain
The blue LED on the ESP-01 module is connected to GPIO1
(which is also the TXD pin; so we cannot use Serial.print() at the same time)
Note that this sketch uses LED_BUILTIN to find the pin with the internal LED
#define IR_RX_PIN 14
#define IR_TX_PIN 12
#define SERIAL_BPS 115200
#define EDIT_BUTTON 0xFF7887
#define EXIT_BUTTON 0xFF38C7
#define ONE_BUTTON 0xFF08F7
#define TWO_BUTTON 0xFF8877
#define THREE_BUTTON 0xFF48B7
#define FOUR_BUTTON 0xFFC837
#define FIVE_BUTTON 0xFF28D7
#define SIX_BUTTON 0xFFA857
#define SEVEN_BUTTON 0xFFE817
#define EIGHT_BUTTON 0xFF18E7
#define NINE_BUTTON 0xFF9867
#define ZERO_BUTTON 0xFFB847
#include <IRremote.h>
IRrecv irrecv(IR_RX_PIN);
decode_results results;
int ledState = LOW;
volatile byte IRInputState;
void setup() {
IrReceiver.begin(IR_RX_PIN, ENABLE_LED_FEEDBACK); // Start the receiver
Serial.print("herro booted\n");
void loop() {
if (IrReceiver.decode()) {
Serial.println(IrReceiver.decodedIRData.decodedRawData, HEX);
IrReceiver.printIRResultShort(&Serial); // optional use new print version
IrReceiver.resume(); // Enable receiving of the next value