from cmd import Cmd from firmware.img3 import Img3 from hfs.emf import cprotect_xattr, PROTECTION_CLASSES from hfs.hfs import hfs_date from keystore.keybag import Keybag, PROTECTION_CLASSES from nand.carver import NANDCarver from nand.nand import NAND from optparse import OptionParser from util import hexdump, makedirs, write_file, parsePlist, sizeof_fmt,\ readPlist from util.bruteforce import bruteforcePasscode from util.ramdiskclient import RamdiskToolClient import os import plistlib import struct from pprint import pprint from keychain import keychain_load from nand.remote import IOFlashStorageKitClient DEVICES_NAMES = {"m68ap": "iPhone 2G", "n82ap": "iPhone 3G", "n88ap": "iPhone 3GS", "n90ap": "iPhone 4 GSM", "n92ap": "iPhone 4 CDMA", "n72ap": "iPod Touch 2G", "n18ap": "iPod Touch 3G", "n81ap": "iPod Touch 4G", "k48ap": "iPad 1", } def print_device_infos(d): print "Device model:", DEVICES_NAMES.get(d["hwModel"].lower(), d["hwModel"]) print "UDID:", d["udid"] print "ECID:", d.get("ECID") print "Serial number:", d["serialNumber"] for k in ["key835", "key89B"]: if d.has_key(k): print "%s: %s" % (k, d[k]) def grab_system_version(system, device_infos): SystemVersion = system.readFile("/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist", returnString=True) if SystemVersion: SystemVersion = plistlib.readPlistFromString(SystemVersion) print "iOS version: ", SystemVersion.get("ProductVersion") def get_device_name(dataVolume): preferences = dataVolume.readFile("/preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist", returnString=True) if preferences: preferences = parsePlist(preferences) return preferences.get("System", {}).get("System", {}).get("ComputerName", "[device name found]") return "[device name not found]" def jailbreak_check(system): #lazy jailbreak check binsh = system.readFile("/bin/sh",returnString=True) if binsh: print "Device is probably jailbroken" #fstab = system.readFile("/etc/fstab",returnString=True) #XXX follow symlinks #if fstab.count("rw") != 1: # print "Device is probably jailbroken" def check_kernel(system, device_infos): kernel = system.readFile("/System/Library/Caches/",returnString=True) if not kernel: return k3 = Img3("kernel", kernel) if k3.sigcheck(device_infos.get("key89A","").decode("hex")): print "Kernel signature check OK" if kernel[0x40:0x50].startswith("complzss"): print "Kernel is decrypted, probably jailbroken with redsn0w/pwnage tool" class ExaminerShell(Cmd): def __init__(self, image, completekey='tab', stdin=None, stdout=None): Cmd.__init__(self, completekey=completekey, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout) self.curdir = "/" self.rdisk = None if image.filename == "remote": self.rdisk = RamdiskToolClient.get() self.device_infos = image.device_infos self.complete_open = self._complete self.complete_xattr = self._complete self.complete_cprotect = self._complete self.complete_ls = self._complete self.complete_cd = self._complete self.complete_plist = self._complete self.complete_xxd = self._complete self.image = image self.system = image.getPartitionVolume(0) = image.getPartitionVolume(1) self.volume = None self.volname = "" grab_system_version(self.system, self.device_infos) print "Keybag state: %slocked" % (int( * "un") self.deviceName = get_device_name( self.do_data("") self.savepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(image.filename), "%s.plist" % self.device_infos.udid[:10]) #if image.iosVersion > 3 and not image.device_infos.has_key("passcode"): # print "No passcode found in plist file, bruteforce required to access protected data" self.carver = None def set_partition(self, name, vol): self.volume = vol self.do_cd("/") self.volname = name self.prompt = "(%s-%s) %s " % (self.deviceName, self.volname, self.curdir) def do_info(self, p): pprint(self.device_infos) def do_save(self, p): print "Save device information plist to [%s]:" % self.savepath, path2 = raw_input() if path2: self.savepath = path2 if os.path.exists(self.savepath): print "File already exists, overwrite ? [y/n]:", if raw_input() != "y": return plistlib.writePlist(self.device_infos, self.savepath) def do_system(self, p): self.set_partition("system", self.system) def do_data(self, p): self.set_partition("data", def do_pix(self, p): self.do_data("") self.do_cd("/mobile/Media/DCIM/100APPLE") def do_keychain(self, p):"/Keychains/keychain-2.db") keychain = keychain_load("keychain-2.db",, self.image.device_infos["key835"].decode("hex")) keychain.print_all(False) def do_keychain_cert(self, p): t = p.split() id = int(t[0]) if len(t) == 2: filename = t[1] else: filename = "" keychain = keychain_load("keychain-2.db",, self.image.device_infos["key835"].decode("hex")) keychain.cert(id, filename) def do_keychain_key(self, p): t = p.split() id = int(t[0]) if len(t) == 2: filename = t[1] else: filename = "" keychain = keychain_load("keychain-2.db",, self.image.device_infos["key835"].decode("hex")) keychain.key(id, filename) def do_exit(self, p): return True def do_quit(self, p): return self.do_exit(p) def do_reboot(self, p): if not self.rdisk: self.rdisk = RamdiskToolClient.get() self.rdisk.reboot() return self.do_exit(p) def do_pwd(self, p): print self.curdir def do_cd(self, p): if len(p) == 0: p = "/" if not p.startswith("/"): new = self.curdir + p else: new = p if not p.endswith("/"): new = new + "/" d = if d != None: self.curdir = new self.prompt = "(%s-%s) %s " % (self.deviceName, self.volname, new) else: print "%s not found/is not a directory" % new def get_path(self, p): path = p if not path.startswith("/"): path = self.curdir + path return path def _complete(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): filename = text.split("/")[-1] dirname = "/".join(text.split("/")[:-1]) if text.startswith("/"): contents = else: contents = + dirname) if not contents: return [] if dirname != "" and not dirname.endswith("/"): dirname += "/" res = [dirname + x for x in contents.keys() if x.startswith(filename)] return res #TODO if size==0 check if compressed def do_ls(self, p): dirDict = + "/" + p).replace("//","/")) if not dirDict: return for name in sorted(dirDict.keys()): size = "" protection_class = "" record = dirDict[name] if hasattr(record, "fileID"): size = sizeof_fmt(record.dataFork.logicalSize) cprotect = self.volume.getXattr(record.fileID, "") if cprotect: protection_class = PROTECTION_CLASSES[struct.unpack(" %s" % (cp.persistent_class, PROTECTION_CLASSES.get(cp.persistent_class)) if not cp.persistent_key: return fk = self.volume.getFileKeyForCprotect(cprotect) if fk: print "Unwrapped file key : %s" % fk.encode("hex") else: print "Cannot decrypt file key" def do_open(self, p): path = self.get_path(p) if self.volume.readFile(path): os.startfile(os.path.basename(path)) def do_xxd(self, p): t = p.split() path = self.get_path(t[0]) data = self.volume.readFile(path, returnString=True) if not data: return if len(t) > 1: hexdump(data[:int(t[1])]) else: hexdump(data) def do_effaceable(self, p): print "Effaceable Lockers" for k,v in self.image.lockers.lockers.items(): print "%s: %s" % (k, v.encode("hex")) def do_BAG1(self, p): print "BAG1 locker from effaceable storage" bag1 = self.image.lockers.get("BAG1") hexdump(bag1) print "IV:", bag1[4:20].encode("hex") print "Key:", bag1[20:].encode("hex") def do_keybag(self, p): def do_plist(self, p): d = None data = self.volume.readFile(self.get_path(p), returnString=True) if data: d = parsePlist(data) pprint(d) else: try: d = readPlist(p) if d: pprint(d) except: pass if d and d.has_key("_MKBIV"): print "=>System keybag file" print "_MKBPAYLOAD: encrypted" print "_MKBIV: %s" % d["_MKBIV"].data.encode("hex") print "_MKBWIPEID: 0x%x (%s)" % (d["_MKBWIPEID"], ("%x"%(d["_MKBWIPEID"])).decode("hex")) def do_bruteforce(self, p): if bruteforcePasscode(self.image.device_infos, print "Keybag state: %slocked" % (int( * "un") self.do_save("") def do_ptable(self, p): pt = self.image.getPartitionTable() print "Block device partition table" print "".join(map(lambda x:x.ljust(12), ["Index", "Name", "Start LBA", "End LBA", "Size"])) for i in xrange(len(pt)): p = pt[i] print "".join(map(lambda x:str(x).ljust(12), [i,, p.first_lba, p.last_lba, sizeof_fmt((p.last_lba - p.first_lba)*self.image.pageSize)])) def do_nand_dump(self, p): if len(p)==0: print "Usage: nand_dump my_nand.bin" return self.image.dump(p) def do_dd(self, p): if len(p)==0: print "Usage: dd output_file.dmg" return self.volume.bdev.dumpToFile(p.split()[0]) def do_img3(self, p): self.image.extract_img3s() def do_shsh(self, p): self.image.extract_shsh() def do_debug(self,p): from IPython.Shell import IPShellEmbed ipshell = IPShellEmbed() ipshell(local_ns=locals()) def main(): parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] nand_image.bin device_infos.plist") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) >= 2: plistname = args[1] nandimagename = args[0] device_infos = plistlib.readPlist(plistname) print "Loading device information from %s" % plistname else: nandimagename ="remote" client = RamdiskToolClient.get() device_infos = client.device_infos print_device_infos(device_infos) image = NAND(nandimagename, device_infos) ExaminerShell(image).cmdloop("") if __name__ == "__main__": main()