from Crypto.Cipher import AES from hashlib import sha1 from struct import unpack import os MBDB_SIGNATURE = 'mbdb\x05\x00' MASK_SYMBOLIC_LINK = 0xa000 MASK_REGULAR_FILE = 0x8000 MASK_DIRECTORY = 0x4000 def warn(msg): print "WARNING: %s" % msg class MBFileRecord(object): def __init__(self, mbdb): self.domain = self._decode_string(mbdb) if self.domain is None: warn("Domain name missing from record") self.path = self._decode_string(mbdb) if self.path is None: warn("Relative path missing from record") self._decode_string(mbdb) # for symbolic links self.digest = self._decode_string(mbdb) self.encryption_key = self._decode_data(mbdb) data = # metadata, fixed size self.mode, = unpack('>H', data[0:2]) if not(self.is_regular_file() or self.is_symbolic_link() or self.is_directory()): print self.mode warn("File type mising from record mode") if self.is_symbolic_link() and is None: warn("Target required for symblolic links") self.inode_number = unpack('>Q', data[2:10]) self.user_id, = unpack('>I', data[10:14]) self.group_id = unpack('>I', data[14:18]) self.last_modification_time, = unpack('>i', data[18:22]) self.last_status_change_time, = unpack('>i', data[22:26]) self.birth_time, = unpack('>i', data[26:30]) self.size, = unpack('>q', data[30:38]) if self.size != 0 and not self.is_regular_file(): warn("Non-zero size for a record which is not a regular file") self.protection_class = ord(data[38]) num_attributes = ord(data[39]) if num_attributes == 0: self.extended_attributes = None else: self.extended_attributes = {} for i in xrange(num_attributes): k = self._decode_string(mbdb) v = self._decode_data(mbdb) self.extended_attributes[k] = v def _decode_string(self, s): s_len, = unpack('>H', if s_len == 0xffff: return None return def _decode_data(self, s): return self._decode_string(s) def type(self): return self.mode & 0xf000 def is_symbolic_link(self): return self.type() == MASK_SYMBOLIC_LINK def is_regular_file(self): return self.type() == MASK_REGULAR_FILE def is_directory(self): return self.type() == MASK_DIRECTORY class MBDB(object): def __init__(self, path): self.files = {} self.backup_path = path self.keybag = None # open the database mbdb = file(path + '/Manifest.mbdb', 'rb') # skip signature signature = if signature != MBDB_SIGNATURE: raise Exception("Bad mbdb signature") try: while True: rec = MBFileRecord(mbdb) fn = rec.domain + "-" + rec.path sb = sha1(fn).digest().encode('hex') if len(sb) % 2 == 1: sb = '0'+sb self.files[sb] = rec except: mbdb.close() def get_file_by_name(self, filename): for (k, v) in self.files.iteritems(): if v.path == filename: return (k, v) return None def extract_backup(self, output_path): for record in self.files.values(): # create directories if they do not exist # makedirs throw an exception, my code is ugly =) if record.is_directory(): try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_path, record.domain, record.path)) except: pass for (filename, record) in self.files.items(): # skip directories if record.is_directory(): continue self.extract_file(filename, record, output_path) def extract_file(self, filename, record, output_path): # adjust output file name if record.is_symbolic_link(): out_file = else: out_file = record.path # read backup file try: f1 = file(os.path.join(self.backup_path, filename), 'rb') except(IOError): warn("File %s (%s) has not been found" % (filename, record.path)) return # write output file output_path = os.path.join(output_path, record.domain, out_file) print("Writing %s" % output_path) f2 = file(output_path, 'wb') aes = None if record.encryption_key is not None and self.keybag: # file is encrypted! key = self.keybag.unwrapKeyForClass(record.protection_class, record.encryption_key[4:]) if not key: warn("Cannot unwrap key") return aes =, AES.MODE_CBC, "\x00"*16) while True: data = if not data: break if aes: data2 = data = aes.decrypt(data) f2.write(data) f1.close() if aes: c = data2[-1] i = ord(c) if i < 17 and data2.endswith(c*i): f2.truncate(f2.tell() - i) else: warn("Bad padding, last byte = 0x%x !" % i) f2.close()