{% extends "page.html" %}

{% block content %}

<div class="col-lg-12">
    <h1>About This Site</h1>

    <h2>⚠️ Important!</h2>

    <p>This is a third-party site, not affiliated in any way with HN,
    provided for informational purposes only.  <b>Do not</b> contact or
    hassle HN administrators about any information you learn here.
    Their site, their rules.  I repeat: <b>Do not hassle or interrogate
    the HN admins about their front page.</b> <small>(<a
    info</a>)</small> </p>


    <p>I like reading stuff on the internet that is of interest to HN voters,
    even if the HN administrators think it's off topic and don't want it on
    the frontpage, which is a decision I respect.  Again, their site, their


    <p>Go and the
    graciously provided <a href="https://github.com/HackerNews/API">HN

{% endblock %}