# sneak/ubuntumirror Docker container for syncing trusty and xenial ubuntu LTS mirrors to reduce network traffic and speed up build times. I recommend deploying this with a `--dns` in your `/etc/default/docker` and dnsmasq bound to to rewrite `archive.ubuntu.com` to `` (which this image will be listening and serving on). Then even your builds (where you can't specify links) will go fast. # Levers * `MIRROR_ARCHITECTURES` * default `amd64`. * You may want `i386,amd64`. * `MIRROR_CATEGORIES` * default `main,universe`. * You may want `main,universe,restricted,multiverse`. Will use lots of disk. * `UBUNTU_MIRROR_PROJECTS` * default `xenial,xenial-updates,xenial-security,xenial-backports,bionic,bionic-updates,bionic-security,bionic-backports`. * `UBUNTU_MIRROR_SOURCE` * default `archive.ubuntu.com`. * You may want `xx.archive.ubuntu.com` (where `xx` is your country code). * `MIRROR_INTERVAL_SECONDS` - mirror sync interval * default `43200` (12h) * You may want `10800` (3h) # Example dnsmasq setup ``` apt-get update && apt-get -y install dnsmasq cat > /etc/dnsmasq.d/docker <> /etc/hosts service dnsmasq restart ``` Then, just add `--dns` to your /etc/default/docker opts and bounce the docker daemon. Future containers will talk to your local mirror.