#!/bin/bash export HOME="/var/lib/bitcoin" # gen random pw for rpc server RANDOMPW=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=10 count=1 status=none | shasum | cut -b 1-20) cat < $HOME/bitcoin.conf rpcuser=${BITCOIND_RPCUSER:-rpcuser} rpcpassword=${BITCOIND_RPCPASSWORD:-$RANDOMPW} EOF # SECURITY this puts the rpc password into the container log cat $HOME/bitcoin.conf ARGS="" ARGS+=" -printtoconsole" ARGS+=" -disablewallet" ARGS+=" -datadir=$HOME" ARGS+=" -conf=$HOME/bitcoin.conf" ARGS+=" -rpcallowip=::/0" if [[ ! -d $HOME/blocks ]]; then if [[ -e /var/lib/bootstrap.dat ]]; then ARGS+=" -loadblock=/var/lib/bootstrap.dat" fi fi chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin $HOME exec chpst -ubitcoin \ bitcoind $ARGS \ $BITCOIND_EXTRA_OPTS \ 2>&1