# codenamegenerator This is a python module that generates random codenames for projects. A basic command, as well as a simple HTTP API server, are included. I have intentionally excluded words that are long, confusing, hard to spell, as well as occupations, animal names with negative connotations, and some foods and body parts in an attempt to avoid randomly generating negative, threatening, or disgusting code names. This module uses nothing but the python3 standard library. # Rationale * [What M&A code names are and why investment banks use them](https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/knowledge/deals/project-names-in-investment-banking/) * [WSJ: Project Funway: Code Names Help Spice Up the Art of the Deal](https://www.wsj.com/articles/bankers-lament-loss-of-code-names-for-deals-1409279749) # Run Clone the repo, then run `PYTHONPATH=. python3 bin/server` inside it. # Demo An instance of `master` should be running at [https://codename.sneak.run/](https://codename.sneak.run/). # See Also * [docker names-generator](https://github.com/moby/moby/blob/master/pkg/namesgenerator/names-generator.go) * [Generate-Codename (perl, 2011)](https://github.com/sneak/Generate-Codename) # Invitation You are invited to contribute to this repository. Pull requests that introduce additional words for the lists are welcome, but please keep it simple. # Author Jeffrey Paul <sneak@sneak.berlin> https://sneak.berlin [@sneakdotberlin](https://twitter.com/sneakdotberlin) `5539 AD00 DE4C 42F3 AFE1 1575 0524 43F4 DF2A 55C2` # License This code is released into the public domain.